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Friday March 26, Pawtucket RI

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Mar 16,2004 1:56pm - Anthony ""]
Dreaded Silence
Shroud of Bereavement
Cryptic Warning
Spider Gates

8:30 pm
KC's Tap, Pawtucket RI
[Mar 16,2004 2:21pm - davyp ""]
Ill be there w/ a hard on!!!!!! Spider Gates Rules.......... Shroud rocks my cock also, im sorry I cant say anything about the other bands, but i bet there good......
[Mar 16,2004 2:23pm - blue ""]
dave, youll like cryptic warning. awesome old school thrash.
[Mar 16,2004 2:29pm - BornSoVile ""]
this place is pretty cool. the best stage I've ever played on. another rhode island club that has alot of potential...
[Mar 16,2004 2:32pm - davyp ""]
sweet, blue you obviosly are going to be there! is the whole crew going, Meg was told me a while ago that iwas her birthday that weekend and said that she would be there, are the rest of them going.......
[Mar 16,2004 2:55pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 16,2004 3:11pm - Dissector ""]
21+ right?
[Mar 16,2004 3:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah 21 + stinks for me too!
[Mar 16,2004 4:11pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 16,2004 4:20pm - dreadkill ""]
i just emailed dan clarke about this show for the time, and now here it is. any idea what order the bands are going on? this is going to be fun. we have a new song for this show, which reminds me, i need to finish lyrics and get back to practicing.
[Mar 16,2004 7:32pm - darkone535 ""]
go go go
[Mar 16,2004 10:53pm - darkone535 ""]
YESfucking hell yeah :doublehorns:
[Mar 17,2004 6:11am - Sinistas ""]
I can't wait. Had a blast the last time we played KC's.
[Mar 17,2004 8:34am - davyp ""]
go go go
[Mar 17,2004 10:02am - davyp ""]
[Mar 17,2004 10:29am - dreadkill ""]
kc's rules. looks like a nice diverse lineup of bands. go to this show. hail saydin.
[Mar 17,2004 10:47am - davyp ""]

Ralphie wants all you Mutha F'ers to be there or the Wookie gets it... He told me that, he also told me that his cat's breath smells like cat food.... but what are ya gonna do right....
[Mar 17,2004 11:10am - davyp ""]
[Mar 17,2004 12:26pm - davyp ""]
bump, bump,bump,bump
[Mar 17,2004 12:46pm - dyingmuse ""]
\m/ i guess i'll be there
[Mar 18,2004 10:41pm - darkone535 ""]
bump bump
[Mar 19,2004 8:51am - davyp ""]
[Mar 22,2004 2:15pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
does anyone know the official set times yet? or how much its gonna be?
[Mar 22,2004 4:02pm - dreadkill ""]
i was told the bands start at 8:30 and haven't heard anything about admission price.
[Mar 22,2004 4:59pm - Anthony ""]
When I talked to Dan about this a while ago, he said we'd sort of play the lineup by ear.

Set times should be adequate for everyone , as this thing starts pretty early and there are only 4 bands.
[Mar 22,2004 5:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
this show has a really cool flyer. Peter from the SG made it, I think.
[Mar 22,2004 6:09pm - dreadkill ""]
i made a mini flyer for this show. i'm passing it out at black metal night in boston tonight. i have a few dreaded silence samplers that i'm handing out too.
[Mar 22,2004 9:16pm - nick1762 ""]
i work about 30 seconds from this place, i'll try to get out early to catch the show. if i got there for, like, 10:00, who would i miss?
[Mar 22,2004 9:31pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
nick1762 said:i work about 30 seconds from this place, i'll try to get out early to catch the show. if i got there for, like, 10:00, who would i miss?

the order of bands is still unclear
[Mar 23,2004 10:55am - Anthony ""]
I'll give a call later today and figure out the order and post it tonight.
[Mar 23,2004 10:58am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
The stage at this place is rediculous. Its like something out of a Scorpions video.
[Mar 23,2004 11:01am - dreadkill ""]
yeah, that stage rules. it makes a rock star out of every band.
[Mar 23,2004 6:51pm - Anthony ""]
I talked to Dan and this is what we figured out.
If other people involved in setting up this show have already made different decisions, then let me know.

The bands start at 8:30. The order is, first to last:

Spider Gates
Cryptic Warning
Dreaded Silence
Shroud of Bereavement

All the bands have 40-45 minute sets.
[Mar 24,2004 1:08am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
sounds good...this show is gonna kick ass
a very diverse lineup of bands \m/
[Mar 24,2004 1:19am - dreadkill ""]
yeah, i like how it's all different styles of metal. usually we are the oddballs at every show we play, but this time it's nice and diverse. there's something for everyone. i hope there's a good turnout.
[Mar 24,2004 8:11am - davyp ""]
there will be a big crowd, dont worry
[Mar 24,2004 6:31pm - Anthony ""]
bump, come to this show!
[Mar 24,2004 11:47pm - dyingmuse ""]

this show should be good. what a cool line up indeed! i love this place.
and, its my b-day, we have a new guitarist,its his first show with us and we are playing a new song.
[Mar 25,2004 12:08am - dreadkill ""]
dyingmuse said:\m/

this show should be good. what a cool line up indeed! i love this place.
and, its my b-day, we have a new guitarist,its his first show with us and we are playing a new song.

excellent. this is going to be fun. we debuted our new band members the last time we played kc's with you guys in november. we are going to debut our first new song written with the new guys at this show. we haven't played a show in a month, so i've been looking forward to this one.
[Mar 25,2004 12:24am - dyingmuse ""]
bad assed dude!2 days woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 25,2004 12:37am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
dyingmuse said:
and, its my b-day, we have a new guitarist,its his first show with us and we are playing a new song.

i just consulted my "Just in case you need an excuse to party..." poster and march 26 is also Martin Short's birthday \m/
[Mar 25,2004 6:32am - Sinistas ""]
and they make DAMN good screwdrivers.
[Mar 25,2004 8:39am - dyingmuse ""]
woah, thats fucked up. i obviously hadnt looked in a calender, but was thinking that this weekend was the closest day to my birthday according to my girlfriend. so my birthday is the second and its friday. wow thats awesome. i was just thinking this weekend would be close enough. i am wrong. i posted that my birthday was this weekend. oops sorry guys...talk about out of touch
[Mar 25,2004 11:14am - Dreaded_Silence ""]
haha...oh well, we can still celebrate martin short's birthday
[Mar 25,2004 12:51pm - sinistas ""]
[Mar 25,2004 3:59pm - davyp ""]
Herrmann of spider gates b-day is today we could celebrate it tommorow as well
[Mar 25,2004 4:12pm - dreadkill ""]
our friend nick's birthday was yesterday. we are celebrating at a hotel after the show. he never misses one of our shows.
[Mar 25,2004 7:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohh i forgot i have to lay brick the next day.
[Mar 25,2004 7:56pm - darkone535 ""]
how much is this show
[Mar 25,2004 8:02pm - Sinistas ""]
[Mar 25,2004 8:23pm - darkone535 ""]
yes money, what is the cover
[Mar 26,2004 12:59am - rip  ""]
[Mar 26,2004 8:23am - davyp ""]
[Mar 26,2004 11:14am - davyp ""]
[Mar 26,2004 12:48pm - dreadkill ""]
dammit! it figures i woke up today sicker than i was yesterday. started coming down with something a couple days ago. 2 other guys in the band are sick. this is going to be a rough night, but we'll make the best of it. the only thing that might be subpar in our perfrmance tonight is the vocals. other than that, we should play a killer set for you guys. i hope this place doesn't mind me spitting phlegm on the floor. i've been looking forward to this show too much to let illness ruin it.
[Mar 26,2004 1:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
i love phlegm!
[Mar 26,2004 1:50pm - davyp ""]
Yo Dan how much is the cover tonight...... just need to know im paying for 3 poeople to get in tonight and need to know how much money ill have left over for beer.....
[Mar 26,2004 2:07pm - dreadkill ""]
sweet. i'll phlegm up the floor for you guys tonight.
[Mar 26,2004 3:16pm - blue nli  ""]
nearly a matter of hours away.
[Mar 26,2004 4:44pm - dreadkill ""]
i just practiced like a madman in my room for this show. this is going to rule.
[Mar 26,2004 5:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
i dont even know if there is a cover charge
[Mar 26,2004 5:40pm - Sinistas ""]

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