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NOCTURNAL - Unholy Thrash Metal

[Jan 24,2011 8:10pm - nekronaut ""]
Three steps to a good night:
1. Consume giant cheeseburger sub topped with fried egg and bacon
2. Take dump
3. Read that Nocturnal is indeed coming to N.E.

[Jan 24,2011 8:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
4. Proceed to fap to the script of the speech you did at Rich's wedding.
[Jan 24,2011 9:13pm - nekronaut ""]
If you had it I bet you would fap to it.. Only wedding speech to include Dr. Who, Toxic Avenger and GWAR references and the only to refer to Rich as a "celebrity"
[Jan 24,2011 9:56pm - barbelo  ""]
Nocturnal is a great live band. Saw 'em in Rotterdam with Gospel of the Horns a year and a half ago or so...

They have a girl on vokills now who slays..
[Jan 24,2011 10:44pm - nekronaut ""]
Only Kam Lee and Wayne Knupp are to be referred to as vokills. Everybody else is false and/or smart enough not to refer to themselves with such a stupid title.
[Jan 24,2011 10:45pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

nekronaut said:Three steps to a good night:
1. Consume giant cheeseburger sub topped with fried egg and bacon

:point: slamburger!
[Jan 25,2011 1:05am - BSV  ""]

nekronaut said:Only Kam Lee and Wayne Knupp are to be referred to as vokills.

that's a pretty sweet comment...Wayne introduced me to Kam at CIM 07...true life.
[Jan 25,2011 1:08am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 25,2011 1:24am - nekronaut ""]
EKnupp is EKnupp.
[Jan 25,2011 1:36am - amorok666 ""]

nekronaut said:EKnupp is EKnupp.

Haha how much knupp could a Wayne knupp knupp if a Wayne knupp could knupp knupp.

The answer is 17
[Jan 25,2011 2:31am - nekronaut ""]
Carry on my wayward, Knupp.
[Jan 30,2011 5:44pm - BSV  ""]
oh man, wayne fucking loved that song by kansas!

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