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[show listing]  _____________________________
[Mar 5,2011 1:25am - blue ""]

Saturday March 26 2011
@ Henniker Junction
Route 114 - Henniker, NH
8 PM $5 21+

The Holwell Account
Dead Wind Prophecies
Send Forth the Swarm

Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=192844777416338
[Mar 5,2011 1:37am - blue ""]
and may i add that i pray that more than 80 people show up

[Mar 5,2011 9:02am - RustyPS ""]
[Mar 5,2011 9:23am - aaron_michael ""]
Things are gonna get RUFF
[Mar 5,2011 9:36am - Fuck_logging_in  ""]
All of New England College will be there, bro
[Mar 5,2011 11:19am - Pires ""]
Damn hobby rockers. Book real bands like CSDO or Chinatown.
[Mar 5,2011 11:21am - reimroc ""]

Pires said:Damn hobby rockers. Book real bands like CSDO or Chinatown.

i c wat u did thur
[Mar 5,2011 8:42pm - immortal13 ""]
This is the first metal show at the Junction in quite a while. Needless to say, party.
[Mar 5,2011 9:22pm - blue ""]
Looking forward to finally play this place. I'm betting the drive to Henniker will be all FPC nostalic.
[Mar 5,2011 9:36pm - immortal13 ""]
Don't drink and drive, but make sure you stop at the liquor stores on the side of 93!
[Mar 6,2011 6:01pm - immortal13 ""]
Bump bump it up
[Mar 7,2011 2:40pm - brodown ""]

immortal13 said:drink and drive into a school bus on the side of 93!
[Mar 7,2011 3:13pm - aaron_michael ""]

brodown said:
immortal13 said:drink and drive into a school bus filled with retarded children on the side of 93!

[Mar 7,2011 4:36pm - immortal13 ""]
Short bus pileup.
[Mar 7,2011 4:41pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 8,2011 10:22am - immortal13 ""]
[Mar 8,2011 11:24am - MillenialKingdom ""]
After seeing all my old friends last night, being all nostalgic and enjoying the shittiness/awesomeness of many PBR's, I cannot afford to miss this show.

I will fuckin' be thar, dudeguymanbro.
[Mar 8,2011 11:48am - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 8,2011 5:46pm - immortal13 ""]
[Mar 10,2011 11:23am - immortal13 ""]
[Mar 12,2011 10:23pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
People are probably gonna die at this show.
[Mar 16,2011 1:26pm - immortal13 ""]
[Mar 16,2011 5:57pm - aaron_michael ""]
up for yeti rape
[Mar 21,2011 12:42pm - blue ""]
assfuck new hampshire rectal metal meltdown
[Mar 21,2011 12:59pm - aaron_michael ""]
Blue, is there an actual address to this place?
[Mar 21,2011 1:10pm - aaron_michael ""]
316 Weare Rd.
Rt. 114
Henniker, NH 03242

[Mar 21,2011 7:12pm - blue ""]
ive yet to find an exact address. but henniker aint that big, and theres only one route 114 so im not too worried.
[Mar 22,2011 4:37pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 22,2011 6:05pm - immortal13 ""]
114 is pretty much right off 101, which is pretty much right off 93. Once you're on 114, keep going until you're in Henniker. If you pass Pats Peak (and it's on your right) you've gone too far. Turn around and go back about a mile. The Junction is connected to a gas station.
[Mar 22,2011 6:08pm - immortal13 ""]
If it takes you all the way up to 89, get off at exit 5 (it's on the left, can't remember what the route is). Keep going until you see the exit for 114 in Henniker and take that exit. Go left. Keep straight for a few miles. Same rules apply if you pass Pats Peak.
[Mar 22,2011 9:28pm - t2daeeknli  ""]
Greg, is there a place we could crash after the show?
[Mar 22,2011 9:33pm - blue ""]
[Mar 23,2011 12:00am - immortal13 ""]
Tyler I'll talk to some people and see what the deal is about who can crash where.
[Mar 23,2011 1:51pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 24,2011 3:31pm - immortal13 ""]
[Mar 24,2011 6:12pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Damn, I hope I can still make this. I'm poor and need to put gas in the car.
[Mar 24,2011 6:49pm - cute dad  ""]
why are they sending the swarm forth?
[Mar 24,2011 9:58pm - immortal13 ""]
To get to the other side.
[Mar 25,2011 8:28am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]

[Mar 26,2011 9:32am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
[Mar 26,2011 10:55am - immortal13 ""]
So stoked for this. Dysentery and Hivesmasher, Desmond (Conforza) said you're all welcome to stay at his place, just remember it's an apartment building and there are neighbors that will bitch about absolutely anything. With that said, let's fucking rage tonight!
[Mar 26,2011 11:07am - aaron_michael ""]
I'm praying I get out of work early today so I can catch the entire line-up
[Mar 26,2011 1:01pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I am so pumped. Going grocery shopping then probably heading down.
[Mar 26,2011 3:55pm - aaron_michael ""]
Greg, do you know who's playing when and in what order?
[Mar 26,2011 4:35pm - blue ""]
im drunk on hash already
[Mar 26,2011 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I get pumped when I go to the grocery store too. Unless it is marketbasket. Fuck marketbasket.
[Mar 26,2011 4:42pm - aaron_michael ""]
Market Basket is the Walmart of grocery stores. You see the worst parts of a community dishing out their nickles and dimes to gorge on ramen and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Yuck.
[Mar 26,2011 5:18pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I go to Market Basket but I try to keep my hateful demeanor to myself when I'm in there. We all hate lines.
[Mar 26,2011 5:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I went to MB in salem the day before some holiday at noon to get some peanuts. I posted something on fb like "looking at all these people in masket basket missing chromosomes, makes me wonder what is wrong with me."

Market basket, WORST APPLES EVER. Also whenever I go shopping there, I have to leave and buy all the things I needed that they don't have at hannford.
[Mar 26,2011 5:36pm - aaron_michael ""]
If I ever have to cook for a large group of people, MB is the place to go.
Hannafords and Whole Foods is my jam for personal ingredients and groceries.
Grocery elitist, no care, go fuck goats.
[Mar 26,2011 5:40pm - the_reverend ""]
Shows is my fav
[Mar 26,2011 5:51pm - aaron_michael ""]

the_reverend said:Shows is my fav

[Mar 26,2011 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
Shaws. Thank you word correction on the iPad.
[Mar 27,2011 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
How was?
[Mar 27,2011 10:01am - severnli  ""]

aaron_michael said:If I ever have to cook for a large group of people, MB is the place to go.
Hannafords and Whole Foods is my jam for personal ingredients and groceries.
Grocery elitist, no care, go fuck goats.

[Mar 27,2011 11:47am - immortal13 ""]
I once got some mac n cheese boxes from a Market Basket, and I opened up the box and larvae fell out into the boiling water. I'd rather shop at a goddamn Wal Mart.

Awesome show was awesome. Seriously had a great time, and a perfect first show with this new band. All the other bands fucking killed it too.
[Mar 27,2011 11:50am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Since when did The Holwell Account turn into a Boston hahdcoah band?
[Mar 27,2011 8:52pm - CatBurner  ""]
Who was taking pictures at the dhow last night? Where can I find them?
[Mar 28,2011 11:46am - aaron_michael ""]
My friend Jamie was. I'll post the link once we get it.
This place was pretty rad! Aside from missing Greg/Immortal13's new project and apparently breaking some guy's knee who wanted to see us, the whole night was a blast!

Deadwind Prophecies - Slammy slammy slammy deathmetal, borderline deathcore. I told Blue that he had competition in the ham department.

The Holwell Account - They seemed to have changed up their sound a tad. They had a new singer who was once in From Here It's War from the south shore. Definitely one of the best bands I've heard out of Maine in a while.

Conforza - Their new material is great! Legitimate songs that stray away from the breakdowns to draw in fans. If they happen, it feels more natural, not like they have to be there. Now, let's talk about the drunk oompa loompa who stole the show...

Dysentery - With a wall of sound to back them up, they sounded great. I've been seeing Dysentery for 8 years now and they're always a good time. From Jake, to Tom, to Nick, to Blue, they always manage to find guitarists who write a good slam that's worthy of your attention.

Our set was synonymous with the sound of breaking glass. Something ALWAYS breaks during our set.
[Mar 28,2011 1:03pm - aaron_michael ""]
Send Forth The Swarm http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=1298...album.php?aid=2076264&id=1298800713
[Mar 28,2011 4:29pm - aaron_michael ""]
Hivesmasher - http://www.facebook.com/HIVESMASHER?sk=wal...album.php?aid=2076298&id=1298800713

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