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So we're playing Jarrod's Place

[Nov 22,2004 4:30am - sacreligion ""]
And we sure could use all the metalhead support we could get. we can show everyones favorite buddy jarrod that metal is far superior to his usual shenanigan acts

Saturday, November 27 @ Jarrod's Place(31 Bank St.) Attleboro, MA

Rolling Rock Battle of the Bands

Market St.
The Fallen Heroes

18+ : $7 : 8PM
[Nov 22,2004 5:13am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ha Ha ! so gay, fuck that place
[Nov 22,2004 6:15am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
eat a dick
[Nov 22,2004 7:04am - subjugate ""]
why would you play there and secondly why would you post it in a place where people despise that horrid club
[Nov 22,2004 7:24am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
eat a dick

oooh that'll get me to go, that club is so fucking lame, i understand bands wanna play out but a club that forces you to sell tickets and oh yeah you gotta sell so many before you see any money is fucking gay, homosexuality. case closed, that place should had burnt to the ground instead of the Station and further more entering a Battle of the Band there i saw you guys at the Choppin' Block..i figured you guys better then a BotB type. but whatever floats your boat.
[Nov 22,2004 8:27am - subjugate ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:eat a dick

i am pretty sure he was refering to the begining post, cause no one likes jarrods not even M.S.D.
[Nov 22,2004 9:21am - dreadkill ""]
i hate battles, but good luck with it.
[Nov 22,2004 9:30am - RustedAngel ""]
sacreligion is the only band on that bill I've heard... please don't tell me those other 3 bands are WAAF bands? ugh.

and a battle of the bands too, jesus. good luck with that.
[Nov 22,2004 10:38am - Hooker ""]
You lost me at "jarrod's".

While you're there, burn it to the ground for us. Thanks.
[Nov 22,2004 12:46pm - Justin ACR  ""]
[Nov 22,2004 4:37pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
we don't specifically care about where we play...everyone seems to get real anal about that

to be honest with you a friend of mine did the online booking thing for us...and then it ended up being a BOTB...i mean what's the worst that could happen free beer?

we sound mint there too

everyone here has real issues with resolving problems
[Nov 22,2004 4:45pm - nate ""]
sacreligionNLI said:i mean what's the worst that could happen free beer?

good luck on that, Jarrod and the pricks over there have never given anything free that I know of. They'll surely charge you for it though.
[Nov 22,2004 4:58pm - Bradness ""]
der. just...DER!
[Nov 22,2004 5:04pm - Hooker ""]
nothing like playing to the bartender and eating ticket prices. in attleboro.
[Nov 22,2004 5:08pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i use to practice in easton across from market st. they will win because they bring 100 of their friends to the show then go back to their space and get trashed.... they are nu-skametal theres horns and shit in their songs...kind weird. but bad
[Nov 22,2004 5:13pm - eddie ""]
there should be a metal battle of the bands. or better yet just a show where metal bands play....
[Nov 22,2004 5:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
or better yet... just a battle... bring your own weapons and kill eachother, the winner burns down the establishment.... i want in
[Nov 22,2004 6:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
make sure you use fireworks, and oh yeah gasoline throw it all over the place, then make sure not to have your shit inside then run man run. place is in the middle of nowhere and yeah you are gonna literally be playing in front of the bartender and other bands, i've seen that place packed once....and that show was for BIohazard, Clutch, Candiria, and Scissorfight. god i hate that place
[Nov 23,2004 2:29pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
haha we sound mint there though. i said this over on BSR to one of the BOE guys too, we've never had ticket issues with jarrod. i didnt even pick any up for this show...we're just gonna bring tons of people at the door. sounds to me like some of you guys weren't handling your shit properly. greedy people need to be handled with a certain sense of not giving a fuck
[Nov 23,2004 2:55pm - subjugate ""]
sacreligionNLI said:we don't specifically care about where we play...everyone seems to get real anal about that

to be honest with you a friend of mine did the online booking thing for us...and then it ended up being a BOTB...i mean what's the worst that could happen free beer?

we sound mint there too

everyone here has real issues with resolving problems

your degrading your band buy supporting a club that doesnt support the little bands if bands started to stop playing there he would be forced to re think his policy in so many ways

you have to sell 25 tix to get the ber tickets thats part of his written policy unles it has changed in the last year

i have no problem with resolving the problem the problem is jarrod and his club if bands stop playing there he will be forced to close problem solved

the end

[Nov 23,2004 3:30pm - PaganMegan ""]
I tend to agree more clubs need to rethink their policies towards metal and just bands in general
less shit more music
[Nov 23,2004 5:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
and no, i've known people to handle the club that way and to show at the show with Jarrod telling them, "oh you didn't pick up tickets, so we cancelled your spot on the show."
[Nov 23,2004 6:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
ahh his ole' pick up the tickets nonsense. I remember after dealing with that guys bullshit for awhile we had a show there again and decided to play strictly by his rules and see what happens. Me and Joe called the club twice to pick up tickets but the guy handling the phone kept saying Jarrod was busy playing pool and couldn't be disturbed.
[Nov 25,2004 4:23pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
[Nov 25,2004 4:39pm - jarrod my club my rules  ""]

Please keep in mind while reading this that this is a general message sent out to everyone listed on Jarrod's e-mail list. When and if you reply to this e-mail, please list all details of the show you are interested in booking.


This Saturday Nov.27th, 2004 - "ROUND #3 of the Rolling Rock Battle Of The Bands" I have 2 spots open 8:45 & 11:00pm. I need to fill these spots ASAP. You could win $5,000 READ BELOW !!
Thank you,

Jarrod Ilkowitz / Jarrod's Live Rock Venue
508-222-8878 Monday-Thursday 2pm-6pm

RULES BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rolling Rock Battle Of The Bands

1st place - $5,000.00 CASH
2nd place - $1,000.00 CASH
3rd place - $500.00 CASH

Plus added $$$ for the winner at the Finals and Rolling Rock gear give away's for you and your fans.

Dates : Round 1 (Nov. 6th, 2004) Round 2 (Nov.20th, 2004) Round 3 (Nov.27th, 2004) Round 4 (Dec.11th, 2004) Finals (Dec 18th, 2004)

Rules & Judging- Each band will have 100 tickets of which (75) will have to be sold to quailfiy for the finals. Ticket holders will have to attend to vote. The Tickets will be sold for $10.00 each. Every (25) ticket holders/fans will qualify as 1 vote. Judging is based on fan votes and a judge. The judge is allowed 2 votes on the opening rounds. The judge is also there to protect against fraudulent votes on the opening rounds. The judge will be allowed 1 vote on the finals December 18th, 2004. If a band is found guilty of voting fraud they will be disqualified from the contest. A minimum of 3 votes will have to be cast to qualify for the finals. There will be a voting sheet which will be filled out by the voter and then signed by a Jarrod's LRV staff member, this is to ensure there are no mistakes or fraudulent votes. 3 bands will qualify from each round. A total of 12 bands will compete on December 18th, 2004. The finals will be starting at 1:00 pm on December 18th, 2004 and will continue through the night. Bands will have set times picked out of a hat to ensure that the set times are fair, this will be done on a date agreed apon by all involved. There should be 1 representative from each band available to meet at a time agreed apon to draw the set times for the finals. A date that will be available is Wednesday December 9th at 6:00pm. The Rules for finals are the same as above except the judge is only allowed 1 vote. You must have at least 3 votes to win. The Minimum payout for 1st place is $5,000.00 cash. There will be added money for the winner which will be announced sometime prior to the finals. Good luck and enjoy the 1st annual Jarrod's Live Rock Venue & Rolling Rock Battle Of The Bands.

Jarrod Ilkowitz: Jarrod's Live Rock Venue
& Rolling Rock Massachusetts Area Representative's
Rolling Rock Battle Of The Bands – VOTE MODIFICATION

The original rules state that each band must sell 75 tickets or have 3 votes to advance to the finals. The rules have been modified to protect contestants from being passed on or not advancing. If you have less than 3 votes you will be held on stand by. In the original rules it was explained that there would be 3 bands from each round that would move on to the finals but, it also stated that you must have 3 votes to advance. The original rules do not protect bands that have more votes. The modified version of this is listed below.


Band #1 – Has 75 votes (which will count as 3 total votes)

Band #2 – Has 50 votes and 1 vote by the judge (this is counted as 3 total votes)

Band #3 – Has 10 votes with no judge vote (this band still has a chance to advance but, is not guaranteed a spot on the finals) EXPLANATION BELOW !

There is a possibility that this could happen in each round. In which case the band who has the most amount of votes/ballots will advance. This vote count will include all rounds of the contest. Each band from each round will be on stand by till they are either notified that they are advanced or notified that they are not qualified. The results will be sent to each band participating 1 day after the final round. The bands that are qualified will be posted on the website. The bands that are in stand by will be notified of the stand by.

Thank you,

Jarrod Ilkowitz/ Jarrod’s Live Rock Venue "Rolling Rock Battle Of The Bands"

[Nov 25,2004 5:24pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
why aren't you playing pool?
[Nov 25,2004 5:32pm - jarrod my club my rules  ""]
because sergio is sticking the pool stick in my ass while i suck him off
[Nov 25,2004 5:39pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
you guys are so retarded.
[Nov 25,2004 6:32pm - nutsacreligion  ""]
we're retarded, yet you are playing that show with those rules he has set up, you may want to re-think that.
[Nov 25,2004 7:34pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I for one, have not heard your band or having anything against you guys. I don't think anyone here is ragging on your band at all. It just seems that they all have a strong disliking for jarrod.
[Nov 25,2004 9:47pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
sacreligionNLI said:to be honest with you a friend of mine did the online booking thing for us...and then it ended up being a BOTB...i mean what's the worst that could happen free beer?

everyone here has real issues with resolving problems

you have real issues with reality if you think you're going to get ANYTHING free there

except the reaming
[Nov 26,2004 2:24am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
I know a lot of you don't like JARROD's..... We've always been treated well there. We've had to sell tickets in the past. It was a little bit of a struggle... But, we did it..... If you work with him he'll work with you....

[Nov 26,2004 6:22am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
no he won't
[Nov 26,2004 6:34am - th3rdknuckle ""]
a band i played in was booked there along with another band; package deal, $500. the other band cancelled on the day of the show. Jarrod called us and told us they cancelled and asked if we could do two sets. we said yes. we came down, played two sets, and got paid NOTHING. Jarrod told us AFTER WE PLAYED BOTH SETS that the original deal was for the package, when the other band cancelled the deal was off.

This is the scumbag you are working with. good luck.
[Nov 26,2004 6:37am - th3rdknuckle ""]
both bands' crowds were there, paying at the door, and drinking all night, making Jarrod money. he didn't tell us on the phone when he asked us to 'do him a favor' and play two sets that we were now not going to get paid AT ALL. we came all the way there, played for almost 3 hours...

[Nov 26,2004 3:35pm - cocksuckdickorgy  ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:I know a lot of you don't like JARROD's..... We've always been treated well there. We've had to sell tickets in the past. It was a little bit of a struggle... But, we did it..... If you work with him he'll work with you....

you just like they way jarrod's cock tastes

[Nov 26,2004 3:45pm - Robdeadskin ""]
he told us there was no cover charge at the door when we played then banned us for no returning the tickets we didnt sell back to the club?????
[Nov 27,2004 3:49am - sacreligionNLI  ""]
hmm...i say that i still don't care...because we're just going there to play and winning said battle is not of that much importance. we just want to go there, sound mint, and have a good time
[Nov 27,2004 4:02am - sacreligionNLI  ""]
seriously though...we really could use the support. we never disappoint
[Nov 27,2004 6:11am - th3rdknuckle ""]
a bunch of your fellow musicians were ripped off by his clown, and you say you 'don't care'... then you say you could 'really use the support'.

um, sorry!
[Nov 27,2004 11:21am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
agreed... i'd never set foot in that club again !
[Nov 28,2004 2:53am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
A couple of years ago we played a sold out show with OVER KILL at Jarrod's. OVER KILL was like $5000.00 and the advertising on WAAF was over $3000.00. We at least got $150.00. But, we made a bunch of money on merch.... $750.00
[Nov 28,2004 8:08am - BestialOnslaught ""]
th3rdknuckle said:both bands' crowds were there, paying at the door, and drinking all night, making Jarrod money. he didn't tell us on the phone when he asked us to 'do him a favor' and play two sets that we were now not going to get paid AT ALL. we came all the way there, played for almost 3 hours...

Any particular reason you didn't kick his ass right then and there?
[Nov 28,2004 7:36pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Any particular reason you didn't kick his ass right then and there?

yes: he wasn't there; he left before the end of our 2nd set. we were left to deal with the club staff for an explanation. all we got was "duh..."
[Nov 29,2004 4:35am - sacreligionNLI  ""]
im playing the worlds smallest violin for you
[Nov 29,2004 7:06am - th3rdknuckle ""]
no, you're playing the world's shittiest craphole

and putting money in someone's pocket who has had a negative impact on the scene

'battle of the bands' at Jarrod's
did you win? huh?
great career move
good luck with your band...
maybe after jr high you guys will play a real show at a real club
[Nov 29,2004 12:53pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
didn't care about winning. didn't pick up tickets. didn't even talk to jarrod.

you guys amaze me with your childish nonsense. i really do feel like im in jr high with people treating the new kid like a piece of shit just because they hope that doing so will make everyone like them more.

grow a sac and use your views to do some good as opposed to sitting on a computer bitching in your lonesome existence
[Nov 29,2004 1:57pm - subjugate ""]
dude if it were at anyother club i'd probly come support ya but jarrod has a reputation of screwing band and the the scen and fans and you trying to get support froma message board where 98.9% of the people had the club and the owner son your beating a dead horse.

call it childish whatwere thing is no one from here wants anything to do with jarrod ,his club and his obviously riDICKulous rules good luch with the show regaurdless but you should rethink playing there in the future or at the most promoting it where peopel hate that club

[Nov 29,2004 2:00pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i know...figured it might get a couple more people to come check us out though. like i said earlier we'll play anywhere just for the sake of playing. granted it was at a place everyone hates but it's my duty to find shows for the band and then promote them.

consider yourselves lucky though...cuz if you did go...you would've waited til like 1215 to see us play after 4 AWFUL bands...we would've made it worthwhile...but those other bands were just...awful
[Nov 29,2004 6:23pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
sacreligionNLI said: i really do feel like im in jr high with people treating the new kid like a piece of shit just because they hope that doing so will make everyone like them more.

grow a sac and use your views to do some good as opposed to sitting on a computer bitching in your lonesome existence

no one's treating you like shit so anyone will like them more. it's simply because sometimes you have to put what's good for the scene before what immediately appears to be good for your band. but appaently you don't give a shit about what's good (or bad) for the scene.

your response to your brothers telling you stories of how they were ripped off by this club was 'i really don't care'... then you said you 'could really use the support'-- that was mighty stupid. who wants to support someone who could care less about other bands getting screwed? support an organizaton that screws your fellow bands (and you eventually); then ask your fellow bands for support. it's laughable!

and don't be telling me to 'get a sac and do some good'... i've worked in the N.E. metal scene for almost 20 years and done more gigs here than you have hairs on your head. you have a lot to learn.
[Nov 30,2004 12:17am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the "i dont care" was more related to the fact that we were still going to play the show. even before our first time playing there almost a year ago i heard all this stuff but decided to see what would happen anyway. believe me the last thing i wanna do is throw another wrench in the gears around here but boycotting jarrod's place isn't going to stop it so i figure i'll make good use of their sound system for the time being

no offense was intended towards anyone...it just came off as everyone backing me into a corner when all i wanted to do was rock out
[Nov 30,2004 10:38am - suckreligion ""]
i say fuck the "scene". its a buncha bullshit. i want to create my own scene with bands that we can relate to. usually when you go out on a limb for the others... they screw you over anyways.
[Nov 30,2004 12:19pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i still say the "scene" sucks because everyone keeps referring to it as the "scene"...with quotation marks...bahaha
[Nov 30,2004 2:40pm - the great litacore  ""]
this presents a dilemma for me because yeah I want to see Sacreligion

but Jarrod's sucks such an INFINITIZED ABUNDANCE of frog balls, I so can't support that club. Even with the venue shortage.
[Nov 30,2004 2:54pm - Abbath ""]
shows a show, good luck guys
[Nov 30,2004 3:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
all the kids over at AAF board think your band sucks if you have played a basement show. Yet have no problem with playing jarrod's.
[Dec 1,2004 2:19am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
haha i don't think they made that connection...

this is no longer of any importance now that the show has passed...let us move on to a new topic that is not so aggravating
[Dec 1,2004 2:30am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hey litacore, in what area of NE do you currently reside?
[Dec 1,2004 2:42am - BestialOnslaught ""]
suckreligion said:i say fuck the "scene". its a buncha bullshit. i want to create my own scene with bands that we can relate to. usually when you go out on a limb for the others... they screw you over anyways.

I agree to an extent... First of all, yes, I'd rather focus my support discriminately on bands I enjoy and that I relate to. And secondly, the problem with boycotting venues, labels, zines, whatever, based on reputation is that in the underground, sooner or later everyone gets some negative feedback... Are we just supposed to boycott everyone?
[Dec 1,2004 9:53am - blue ""]
where were we.......ah yes, JARRODS BLOWS.
[Dec 1,2004 9:58am - litacore ""]
SacreligionNLI said:hey litacore, in what area of NE do you currently reside?

Somerville, Boston slum. A member of your band (Emporor shirt) met my guitarist in Jillians a few months back.
[Dec 3,2004 5:09pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's probably tony...i'll ask him if he remembers
[Dec 3,2004 5:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Blue you're the man !

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