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Psyopus in RI August 8th

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Jun 21,2006 12:32pm - cav ""]
i changed the subject again....how is that better? you dont know what your talking about brian
[Jun 21,2006 12:33pm - brian_dc ""]
no, you just don't know what I'm talking about. It's very obvious to me.
[Jun 21,2006 12:35pm - cav ""]
YOUR very obvious to me.
[Jun 21,2006 12:35pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jun 21,2006 12:35pm - cav ""]
ok i need to stop wasting my time....but seriously this show needs to draw!!
[Jun 21,2006 1:25pm - thedeparted ""]
cav said:hey rossi what is the order of bands for this one?

shroud of turin
the concubine
dour cursiva
knife the glitter
the departed
[Jun 23,2006 1:00am - thedeparted ""]
so i guess rob doesnt want to play this show, so this is going to be a no go on our part. cav ill talk to you online, and we can see what you guys wanna do.

sorry kids, music is a shit storm.
[Jun 23,2006 1:11am - blue ""]
need an extra band?

[Jun 23,2006 1:13am - thedeparted ""]
i guess man, im going to have to contact the living room and let them know we arent running the show anymore.

im going to talk to dour cursiva and see if they want to take the reigns, then you can talk to them.

[Jun 23,2006 1:27am - blue ""]
so does this means you guys are going to reschedule your last show?
[Jun 23,2006 11:04am - thedeparted ""]
nah, we arent doing a last show.
[Jun 23,2006 11:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Any chance Kevorkian's Angels can get on this show? They will get really drunk, do alot of drugs and make the show that much better.
[Jun 23,2006 6:55pm - thedeparted ""]
joe ill let you know, but blue had asked and pat anomalous did as well. ill pass the word along .

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