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BOYCOTT the MELVINS on Oct. 13.

[Oct 13,2006 1:15pm - anonymous  ""]
HOW MUCH IS THE SHOW.... curious to see what they are getting at the door
[Oct 13,2006 2:45pm - xmikex ""]
instant larry said:i'm certain they'll miss having the no neck, hockey pucks in ears, hatebreed shirt wearing demographic at their shows. you heartless bastard.

well that certainly describes me perfectly.

give it a rest.
[Oct 13,2006 2:46pm - Troll ""]
Boycott Life!!!!
Abort The Human Race!!!!
[Oct 13,2006 3:22pm - joe/notcommon ""]
I boycott the boycott on the Melvins.
[Oct 13,2006 3:22pm - joe/notcommon ""]
wait, boycott this show and come to the middle east tonight.
[Oct 13,2006 3:32pm - MadOakDevin ""]
anyone who can even compare the melvins to bane should sit back and realize that hardcore isn't music. it's just an attitude... a shitty one at that. :-)
[Oct 13,2006 3:47pm - joe/notcommon ""]
The Melvins to Bane? WTF OMG! Thank god I didn't read anything in this thread.
[Oct 13,2006 5:28pm - XmikeX @ work  ""]
MadOakDevin said:anyone who can even compare the melvins to bane should sit back and realize that hardcore isn't music. it's just an attitude... a shitty one at that. :-)

fantastic. CC me an Outlook calendar item so I can know what I should be sitting back and realizing.
[Oct 13,2006 10:33pm - all ah that  ""]
I'm in houston,it's to far to drive.
[Oct 14,2006 4:33am - MadOakDevin ""]
XmikeX @ work said:MadOakDevin said:anyone who can even compare the melvins to bane should sit back and realize that hardcore isn't music. it's just an attitude... a shitty one at that. :-)

fantastic. CC me an Outlook calendar item so I can know what I should be sitting back and realizing.

I don't know what that means, so I'm going to drink me a budweiser beer and sit back and realize you have no say in Melvins thread.

Why? The Melvins say they aren't rock stars because THEY AREN'T. They even talk shit about rock star bands because the Melvins are so far from that.

The tour before the Jello Biafra tour, they toured in a Lincoln Continetal? (I could be wrong about the car and model, but it was a boat). With A U-Haul trailer attached because they didn't have enough money to rent a van for the tour.

The one time toured in just a van because they couldn't get a trailer, too. They spent the whole tour borrowing gear from local openers.

Every band who's been on tour has had to be a pain in some promoters ass at some point. Get over it, quit crying. Maybe you should go write in your blog.
[Oct 16,2006 4:20pm - xmikex ""]
What the hell do I care if the Melvins toured in a Lincoln Continental, a ford Escort, the Oscar Meyer weiner car, or a blimp? They couldn't get a trailer. Boo hoo. They've toured internationally, played Ozzfest, and probably get paid more per show then any of my shitty bands have ever made total. If they fuck that up that's their problem. If I don't like some pube from the internet's favorite band that's their problem. If they screwed over Arab on Radar that's Arab On Radar's problem. And if I want to compare one bullshit band to another than that's Bane's problem. Wahh.
[Oct 16,2006 5:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
xmikex said:What the hell do I care if the Melvins toured in a Lincoln Continental, a ford Escort, the Oscar Meyer weiner car, or a blimp? They couldn't get a trailer. Boo hoo. They've toured internationally, played Ozzfest, and probably get paid more per show then any of my shitty bands have ever made total. If they fuck that up that's their problem. If I don't like some pube from the internet's favorite band that's their problem. If they screwed over Arab on Radar that's Arab On Radar's problem. And if I want to compare one bullshit band to another than that's Bane's problem. Wahh.

mike, you know that's not true at all.

you'd TOTALLY care if they toured in the oscar meyer weiner car.

can we start again?
[Oct 19,2006 10:34am - anonymous  ""]
The Melvins FUCKING KILLED IT on Friday with Big Business; Ghost Digital was a totally sick performance as well... anyone who boycotted this the show is a total douchebag on several levels.
Lastly, Bane truly sucks. as if...

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