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does anyone believe in this shit?

[Dec 28,2006 7:58pm - eddie murphy, whered he go?  ""]
wotanism - discuss :moe:
[Dec 28,2006 8:01pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I thought this was going to be Santa Claus.

[Dec 28,2006 8:08pm - Lamp ""]
Great, infoterror is making fun of black people now.

[Dec 28,2006 8:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to carve out your unheathen eyes.
[Dec 28,2006 10:25pm - powerkok ""]
eddie murphy, whered he go? said:wotanism - discuss :moe:

[Dec 28,2006 10:31pm - xanonymousx ""]
i have no idea what that is.
[Dec 28,2006 10:49pm - yummy ""]
I believe it exists, but no, I don't believe IN it.
[Dec 28,2006 10:52pm - Lamp ""]
I had to look it up on Google, something to do with a group that believes in white supremacy.
[Dec 28,2006 11:00pm - CNV  ""]
Wotanism is german for Odinism

Norse paganism

the original faith of northern europeans
[Dec 28,2006 11:07pm - yummy ""]
at least they big on dualism.
[Dec 29,2006 10:31am - Yeti ""]
der tod wotans
[Dec 29,2006 10:33am - Samantha ""]
Odin likes it when you drink beer in his honor.
[Dec 29,2006 10:55am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
CNV said:
the original faith of northern europeans

...well, it came before christianity, but it wasn't the first faith of northern europe. goddess and fertility worship was the dominant faith before it was supplanted by more militant sky god worship.

historically, wotanism and genocide in general is something that the normans, angles, and saxons practiced as a policy but not as a religion.

however in the context of modern conditions, i think that this kind of stuff only makes the participants look foolish.

[Dec 29,2006 10:56am - davefromthegrave ""]
no dude, my religion is like, totally more obscure than yours.
[Dec 29,2006 10:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i believe in Wutangism
[Dec 29,2006 11:07am - Samantha ""]
DrewBlood@Work said:however in the context of modern conditions, i think that this kind of stuff only makes the participants look foolish.

I know a few people who practice Odinism, but it's not in the sense that they're going to run outside with an axe ready to fight to the death in order to get into Valhalla or anything. It's just a form of Paganism that is modern-day reconstruction of what the Norse people believed (as far as we know). Some people may just use it as a paradigm, while others may actually believe that Norse dieties exist. Personally, I don't think it's any more foolish than worshipping a dead guy on a stick every Sunday.
[Dec 29,2006 11:10am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

I was commenting about Wotanism, which is the belief of "racial purity" hiding in a shroud of Norse mythology.

Odinism is fine with me as far as I'm concerned.
[Dec 29,2006 11:16am - davefromthegrave ""]
wutangism ain't nothin ta fuck wit
[Dec 29,2006 11:25am - Samantha ""]
DrewBlood@Work said:Samantha,

I was commenting about Wotanism, which is the belief of "racial purity" hiding in a shroud of Norse mythology.

Odinism is fine with me as far as I'm concerned.

Ahhhh... Thanks for the clarification. There are various names for that type of thing. Wotanism isn't always the term that is used, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who aren't racist who use it to describe what they do.

I think that "racial purity hiding in a shroud of Norse mythology" is total bullshit. There is absolutely no evidence that the Norse people were racist in any way. The fact that they traveled so much and traded with so many cultures is pretty good evidence to the contrary.

A guy I know once wrote a blog about some crazy nazi Wotanist guy who was sending him hate mail. I wrote a comment to the blog entry about why I think that kind of thing is idiotic. Then, all of a sudden, there was a myspace page that this racist guy had made, posing as the guy I know, with a picture of me in it and some comment about me being a Jew and liking to "suck big jew cock". LOL! It was deleted pretty quickly. The funny part is that I'm not Jewish at all. I'm about 50% German.
[Dec 29,2006 11:30am - GoatCatalyst ""]

ps - burn all houses of worship
[Dec 29,2006 11:36am - Samantha ""]
Oh yeah... This page is a good resource. Heathens Against Hate
[Dec 29,2006 1:15pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i believe in Wutangism

hahahah all hail the mighty rza,gza,old dirty bastard,inspekta deck, method man, rakwon the chef, u-god,ghost face killa and of course masta killa
[Dec 29,2006 1:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
amen nigga
[Dec 29,2006 5:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
<img src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/CosmicGenesis/gods.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Don't know if I can call myself wotanist, but I do pay homage to the gods of the north, it is not so much religion, I don't perform rites or blots or anything, just burn some incense to the lords of the north. and I study northern literature with madness, I just bought a brand new translation of the poetica edda to add to my collection of Norse books.

the whole rascist thing is silly, it's just used because Hitler was nationalist and glorified the old ways of his country and bam, everyone thinks norse gods are nazis because nazi's liked them...then that in turn means that Christ is evil because the conquistadors worshipped him and killed millions of injuns..

[Dec 29,2006 10:28pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
religion is stupid. period.
[Dec 30,2006 12:51pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account said:religion is stupid. period.

[Dec 30,2006 12:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
my god is better than your god, so now im gonna kill you all...

make sence.... right?
[Dec 30,2006 12:59pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
KeithMutiny said:my god is better than your god, so now im gonna kill you all...

make sence.... right?

thats the christian ethic, and basically every other religion.

fuck that.
[Dec 31,2006 10:04am - Troll ""]
I look to Norse Mythology not with faith but to some knowledgeable and positive principals to live your life by.
It's interesting to the right pair of eyes.
Read the poetic eddas.

(to the last few posters^)
Not all religious doctrine tell people to harm or kill others.
Most of Mankind doesn't need religious fanaticism as an excuse to kill these days so, don't be so shallow on the subject. Look a little deeper.... Because you sound like a couple of immature reactionary highschool kids.
[Dec 31,2006 10:13am - Greenburgstein  ""]
I believe in JEWISH world supremacy, as well as a good ham sandwich from time to time... oh yeah and the killing of gentiles...
[Dec 31,2006 10:31am - Troll ""]
Well, If you have a calling...
..Follow it to the bloody end.
[Dec 31,2006 12:22pm - retzam ""]
Troll, I think they're just referring to the countless wars that have been fought over religion.
[Dec 31,2006 12:37pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
retzam said:Troll, I think they're just referring to the countless wars that have been fought over religion.

Yeah, thats it...
[Dec 31,2006 12:55pm - DwellingSickness ""]
Religion is fucking stupid, and having a discussion about it is even dumber,cause everyone has a different opinion. Why would people that are so anti-religion, discuss it at all?
[Dec 31,2006 12:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Troll said:(to the last few posters^)
Not all religious doctrine tell people to harm or kill others.
Most of Mankind doesn't need religious fanaticism as an excuse to kill these days so, don't be so shallow on the subject. Look a little deeper.... Because you sound like a couple of immature reactionary highschool kids.

you find me one example of a religion that has never been in some type of fight because of it, then that statement will hold truth.
[Dec 31,2006 1:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Greenburgstein said:I believe in JEWISH world supremacy, as well as a good ham sandwich from time to time...

ill give them the sandwich part at least

[Dec 31,2006 1:18pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
KeithMutiny said:Greenburgstein said:I believe in JEWISH world supremacy, as well as a good ham sandwich from time to time...

ill give them the sandwich part at least

What do you mean "them"? I thought you were a jew too... c'mon comrade, be honest with your inner hebe.
[Dec 31,2006 1:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha, i think if i were jewish i might at least have some money on hand.

50/50 German/Irish
unfortunatly born and raised in a strict irish catholic household which taught me not to belive in this horeshit.
[Dec 31,2006 1:22pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
yeah I'm not really a jew either, but I did stay in a holiay inn last night...
[Dec 31,2006 1:28pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Dec 31,2006 2:30pm - Troll ""]
KeithMutiny said:

you find me one example of a religion that has never been in some type of fight because of it, then that statement will hold truth.

Religions don't fight. People do.
Seriously Yoko, If there was no religion, humanity would find some other excuse to annihilate eachother. Your using "religion" as a scapegoat for the actions of the diseased and imperfect soul of man. Our souls.
You ever been jacked up for money or maybe a pair of sneakers?(lame example I know) What are you gonna do, blame money, your shoes or the fact that that person is a criminal minded son of a bitch.
I just think you should look a little deeper before you say, "fuck religion". Maybe you should just get down to the core and say,"Fuck Humanity".
Or, just accept that this is the way things are and always have been before you were even conceived and try to make the best of it.
Accept the duality of man. People come together during times of war and become more cooperative right? So, I guess that means war is good.

[Dec 31,2006 2:40pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im not denying you, you make good points, but i would also like to point ou that i have never said "fuck religion", nor blasted anyone for thier religious belives, you can feel free to go through this entire webiste to check.

the number 1 reason for war, wether it be just an excuse or not, is religious difference.

hell, im dating one of the most devout christians that i have ever met.
[Dec 31,2006 2:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yo momma wears combat boots!
[Dec 31,2006 6:45pm - Troll ""]
my mom is dead
[Jan 1,2007 11:05am - Troll ""]
[Jan 1,2007 7:58pm - retzam ""]
People come together during times of war because of an inherent desire to end the war because war is bad. The sad part is people are too stupid to not get involved in war in the first place.
[Jan 1,2007 8:01pm - john_boozer ""]

I await the republican backlash
[Jan 1,2007 8:11pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 1,2007 8:12pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 1,2007 8:14pm - retzam ""]
Oh yeah, the idea of peace is gay, fighting like 2 year olds is so much better. My cunt-ry is bigger and stronger than urZ.
[Jan 1,2007 8:20pm - Troll ""]
do 2 year olds use Nukes?:nuke:
[Jan 1,2007 8:22pm - retzam ""]
Troll said:do 2 year olds use Nukes?:nuke:

I'm sure 2 year olds wouldn't think twice about using nukes if that were an option to them.
[Jan 1,2007 8:24pm - retzam ""]
Afterall, infants seem to have little to no grasp on the effects of their actions, which is apparentally the current state of mind of the general population.

What? Consequences? For us? Nahhhh...
[Jan 1,2007 8:24pm - Troll ""]
I know, isn't it great!
[Jan 1,2007 8:25pm - retzam ""]
I don't even know what it is.
[Jan 1,2007 8:26pm - retzam ""]
It certainly doesn't quell my misanthropic tendencies.
[Jan 1,2007 8:53pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 2,2007 8:22am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

there's the image I wanted.

I can honestly say that in the history of both of the "religions" I have studied, Celtic and Germanic pre-christian heathenism, there have been no wars over their gods or their religions because the heathens were smart enough to realize that they were all the same, which is why you see many religions trading gods, for example; the greeks imported many, many foreign deities.

hell you want to go into how litte the heathens fought wars over their faith, in Iceland when they voted on converting to christianity, it was a pagan who decided that it would be best if Iceland embraced christianity, as long as they let the heathens practice in secrecy without fear.

Infact the only time I can remember nations fighting over gods or god, is when it involved monotheisim, not just judiasm, islam, and christinaity, but other monotheistic cults as well, look at egypt with Atenism and Amenism.

So it seems that the only time wars are fought in the name of god is when it involves a monotheistic religion trying to opress an indigenous religion that involves communal practices and female worship

You can even look at it in a modern light, which religions are at war? only the three big "my version of the same god is better".

do you see hindus or buddhists, or taoists, or shinto, or native american religions waging war?
[Jan 2,2007 9:25am - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
someone on this board used to sign "wotun mit uns" for a while right?
[Jan 2,2007 10:38am - Samantha ""]
Some stupid chick at the New Year's Eve party I went to said that "Nazi-ism" was her "religion". Then, she proceeded to tell my boyfriend (who has Polish, Jewish, and German ancestry, among other things) that she thought it was good that Hitler killed all of those people. I tried to antagonize her all night, but she was too much of a wimp to even look up at me, let alone get the crap kicked out of her by me.
[Jan 2,2007 11:53am - ctborderpatrol  ""]
i believe that most so-called christians are really pagan in practice. the christ thumpers had to plagurise the indiginous faith of the european people in order to covert them. i also believe that we all have our own ancestral gods, whether they be the dead ancestors from the old world or something like odin. maybe both
[Jan 2,2007 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
bah. the only gods i belive in are the gods of cheese, porn and Nintendo.
[Jan 3,2007 12:30am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Yeti said:bah. the only gods i belive in are the gods of cheese, porn and Nintendo.

Isn't there a porn star who dressed up as mario?

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