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does anyone believe in this shit?

[Jan 1,2007 8:20pm - Troll ""]
do 2 year olds use Nukes?:nuke:
[Jan 1,2007 8:22pm - retzam ""]
Troll said:do 2 year olds use Nukes?:nuke:

I'm sure 2 year olds wouldn't think twice about using nukes if that were an option to them.
[Jan 1,2007 8:24pm - retzam ""]
Afterall, infants seem to have little to no grasp on the effects of their actions, which is apparentally the current state of mind of the general population.

What? Consequences? For us? Nahhhh...
[Jan 1,2007 8:24pm - Troll ""]
I know, isn't it great!
[Jan 1,2007 8:25pm - retzam ""]
I don't even know what it is.
[Jan 1,2007 8:26pm - retzam ""]
It certainly doesn't quell my misanthropic tendencies.
[Jan 1,2007 8:53pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 2,2007 8:22am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

there's the image I wanted.

I can honestly say that in the history of both of the "religions" I have studied, Celtic and Germanic pre-christian heathenism, there have been no wars over their gods or their religions because the heathens were smart enough to realize that they were all the same, which is why you see many religions trading gods, for example; the greeks imported many, many foreign deities.

hell you want to go into how litte the heathens fought wars over their faith, in Iceland when they voted on converting to christianity, it was a pagan who decided that it would be best if Iceland embraced christianity, as long as they let the heathens practice in secrecy without fear.

Infact the only time I can remember nations fighting over gods or god, is when it involved monotheisim, not just judiasm, islam, and christinaity, but other monotheistic cults as well, look at egypt with Atenism and Amenism.

So it seems that the only time wars are fought in the name of god is when it involves a monotheistic religion trying to opress an indigenous religion that involves communal practices and female worship

You can even look at it in a modern light, which religions are at war? only the three big "my version of the same god is better".

do you see hindus or buddhists, or taoists, or shinto, or native american religions waging war?
[Jan 2,2007 9:25am - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
someone on this board used to sign "wotun mit uns" for a while right?
[Jan 2,2007 10:38am - Samantha ""]
Some stupid chick at the New Year's Eve party I went to said that "Nazi-ism" was her "religion". Then, she proceeded to tell my boyfriend (who has Polish, Jewish, and German ancestry, among other things) that she thought it was good that Hitler killed all of those people. I tried to antagonize her all night, but she was too much of a wimp to even look up at me, let alone get the crap kicked out of her by me.
[Jan 2,2007 11:53am - ctborderpatrol  ""]
i believe that most so-called christians are really pagan in practice. the christ thumpers had to plagurise the indiginous faith of the european people in order to covert them. i also believe that we all have our own ancestral gods, whether they be the dead ancestors from the old world or something like odin. maybe both
[Jan 2,2007 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
bah. the only gods i belive in are the gods of cheese, porn and Nintendo.
[Jan 3,2007 12:30am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Yeti said:bah. the only gods i belive in are the gods of cheese, porn and Nintendo.

Isn't there a porn star who dressed up as mario?

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