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Reccomend summa dem sweet a$$ AMBIENTS

[Mar 9,2010 12:14pm - xmikex ""]
This week for me is all about Aghast, and Halo Manash. Ambient stuff is a very very new genre to me. So do what we do best here and force some opinions on me.

[Mar 9,2010 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:18pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
You're already off to a good start there.
[Mar 9,2010 12:18pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
If you're digging Halo Manash, I can't recommend Arktau Eos enough.
[Mar 9,2010 12:19pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:20pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:20pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:21pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 12:22pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Aside from Aural Hypnox, the other sites also cater to PE, Dark Wave, Noise, Industrial and so forth. Skim through and go nuts.
[Mar 9,2010 12:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
What about stuff like dark sancuary?
[Mar 9,2010 12:25pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

For those feel good moments in your life.
[Mar 9,2010 12:38pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Start with Aphex Twin "Selected Ambient Works Volume 2".
If you like that, I can give you a direction to go from there.

[Mar 9,2010 12:40pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Meh, you should have just recommended him Brian Eno instead of S.A.W. II.
[Mar 9,2010 12:46pm - Slag NLI  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Meh, you should have just recommended him Brian Eno instead of S.A.W. II.

Nope. SAW II still the ambient bible in my book... the whole album is a fucking mood swing. very effective.
[Mar 9,2010 12:51pm - xmikex ""]
Someday I'll look back at this thread and pinpoint it as the moment that ushered in my transfixed mess period. Thanks dudes.

I looked up the Nevelhexe stuff last night because I thought it'd be a sure thing if I'm obsessed over Aghast. 2 words: wah and wahhhhh.
[Mar 9,2010 12:52pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
There's far better ambient out there than S.A.W. II. I think James even admitted that most of the material was influenced by his appreciation for Eno. I always prefered Volume 1, which has more of a house feel to it.
[Mar 9,2010 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Discreet Music or GTFO.
Tangerine Dream or GTFO.
[Mar 9,2010 12:53pm - c.DeaD  ""]


[Mar 9,2010 12:54pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I'm also INB4 Aril could mention early Tangerine Dream or Kluster.
[Mar 9,2010 12:54pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I now take that back.
[Mar 9,2010 12:54pm - c.DeaD  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said: I always prefered Volume 1, which has more of a house feel to it.

[Mar 9,2010 12:55pm - xmikex ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:I'm also INB4 Aril could mention early Tangerine Dream or Kluster.

post by arilliusbm at Mar 9,2010 12:53pm
Discreet Music or GTFO.
Tangerine Dream or GTFO.

[Mar 9,2010 12:55pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Buy, steal, download, or do whatever you have to, in order to obtain this recording.

Keiji Haino - Tenshi no Gijinka
[Mar 9,2010 12:56pm - xmikex ""]
Can't read the title of it.
[Mar 9,2010 12:57pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:I now take that back.

Beat you to it, Mike!
[Mar 9,2010 12:57pm - c.DeaD  ""]
xmikex, you have always seem to have great tastes, but how on earth can you listen to ambient without being a helpless drug addict?
[Mar 9,2010 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Azusa Plane

except the "strings" stuff
[Mar 9,2010 1:00pm - SkinSandwich ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:[img]

FUCK. No refills. I hate that shit.
[Mar 9,2010 1:01pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

Possible thread end'r
[Mar 9,2010 1:02pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 1:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Steve roach ftw
[Mar 9,2010 1:12pm - How's your edge?  ""]

c.DeaD said:xmikex, you have always seem to have great tastes, but how on earth can you listen to ambient without being a helpless drug addict?

lies. This dude broke edge in 2004. I have proof...
[Mar 9,2010 1:13pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
sperm is not an edge breaker.
[Mar 9,2010 1:13pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Mar 9,2010 1:21pm - Slag NLI  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:There's far better ambient out there than S.A.W. II. I think James even admitted that most of the material was influenced by his appreciation for Eno. I always prefered Volume 1, which has more of a house feel to it.
There may be, but it is all a matter of taste. Been listening to saw II for 10 years at least.

All other albums posted in thread so far are A+
[Mar 9,2010 1:25pm - Beleth ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:http://www.coldmeat.se/home.html
[Mar 9,2010 1:45pm - |an ""]
ain soph
[Mar 9,2010 4:01pm - applejam prod  ""]
Biosphere "substrata", global communication "76.14", The KLF "chill out", The Orb "the orb's adventures beyond the ultraworld" Pulusha "isolation", Steve Hillage "rainbow dome musick", Reload "a collection of short stories" Alio Die & Mathias Grassow "expanding horizon"
[Mar 9,2010 4:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Protman, lol?
[Mar 9,2010 4:11pm - xmikex ""]
...Leigh Bodden resigned with the Patriots.
[Mar 9,2010 4:18pm - Slag NLI  ""]
gold star for Biosphere, global communication and Reload.
[Mar 9,2010 4:21pm - xmikex ""]

c.DeaD said:xmikex, you have always seem to have great tastes, but how on earth can you listen to ambient without being a helpless drug addict?

I saw Baraka on DVD for the first time a while back, and like immediately afterwards I picked up on Halo Manash from some random RTTP discussions purely coincidentally. The next day I was listening to it on the way home from work and everyone just looked like stoic weather torn wild animals to me, like I was this disembodied entity floating around a scene out of Baraka. I'm walking home from the bus stop and I'm noticing all these weird things about my neighborhood, and the architecture and the way that light is is hitting this American flag outside the bike store coating it like rust and how still the trees are, and how impossibly far away space is.

And then I'm alls like, yo fuck drugs, this b my new shit.
[Mar 9,2010 4:38pm - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:Discreet Music or GTFO.

I don't get why you seem to pick Discreet Music over other Eno material. I like Music for Airports more.
[Mar 9,2010 4:44pm - c.dEaD  ""]
I guess I did listen to Controlled Bleeding and old Aphex before I got near pot. Then I started smoking and was all like "Now I don't have to lie about actually liking it!"

J/k, I never liked that shit.
[Mar 9,2010 4:52pm - arilliusbm ""]

Martins said:
arilliusbm said:Discreet Music or GTFO.

I don't get why you seem to pick Discreet Music over other Eno material. I like Music for Airports more.

I like all of Enos stuff I've heard. I prefer Discreet Music because I really like Pachelbel's Canon and Enos first rendition is moving, inspiring, and depressing all at once.
[Mar 9,2010 7:08pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Discreet Music > Music for Airports but both are great (especially in the proper state of mind)

[Mar 13,2010 9:49pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Blood of the Black Owl- "A Banishing Ritual"

VERY killer stuff!!!
[Mar 13,2010 10:32pm - blessed offal  ""]
lussuria - profumo della signora in nero is a good tape, so is silk and honey, although the former is much more ambient
[Mar 13,2010 11:49pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
check out ColdWinter I just discovered them through...last.fm so many awesome bands on there. very ambient, and sounds like the band name...cold winter scapes with harsh but not intrusive vocals
[Mar 14,2010 6:01am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I mean coldworld
[Mar 14,2010 6:14am - slar-broiled  ""]

Martins said:
arilliusbm said:Discreet Music or GTFO.

I don't get why you seem to pick Discreet Music over other Eno material. I like Music for Airports more.

ok guise, theyre both awesome, cant we all get along?
i'd add another green world into that to make it a trifecta, or whatever, fuck it eno rules, dudes responsible for getting me through so many "6am still way too high on coke and have to be up for work in an hour crisises"
[Mar 14,2010 6:40am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Mar 14,2010 7:28am - slar you morbid?  ""]
Now my superego
Is sayin' no, no, no
I think I'll listen to some early Brian Eno

I try to keep a lid
On my crazy id
I don't know what I did
Let go my ego!
[Mar 22,2010 11:19am - xmikex ""]
Highly recommend:

Nightbringer / Temple of Not split

Freida Abtan
[Mar 22,2010 11:24am - Hungtableed  ""]
I can't believe you people listen to this shit. It's only worth an honest spin if you were on a head full lsd or some shroomies.
[Mar 22,2010 11:29am - C.DEAd  ""]
Temple of Not is amazing. If you like that, check out Exsanguinate.....

[Mar 22,2010 12:08pm - xmikex ""]
Imma do that.
[Mar 23,2010 11:44am - xmikex ""]

C.DEAd said:Exsanguinate.....

Officially backed.
[Mar 23,2010 11:45am - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 23,2010 2:36pm - c.DeaD  ""]

xmikex said:
C.DEAd said:Exsanguinate.....

Officially backed.

Awesome. Check out their split cd with L.I.T.D.N.A. The shit on that is the soundtrack to a coffin.
[Mar 23,2010 2:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: someone who'd enjoy it tenfold if they broke edge.

just syn

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