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Stop saying "only such&fuck is real"

[Aug 20,2010 11:40am - mutis  ""]
Brain in vat, cogito ergo sum, allegory of the cave, the muthafuckin matrix. NOTHING IS REAL. YOU ARE NOTHING. ONLY I AM REAL.

[Aug 20,2010 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Tell this to FMP, they started it many years ago. Only FMP is real.
[Aug 20,2010 11:42am - faggot patrol  ""]
only a dick in your mouth is real, faggot.
[Aug 20,2010 11:47am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 20,2010 11:50am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
only bitching about inconsequential shit is real
[Aug 20,2010 11:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
only meme is meme
[Aug 20,2010 11:52am - arilliusbm ""]
only Clay Buchholz is fake
[Aug 20,2010 11:52am - RichHorror ""]
Only such & fuck is real.
[Aug 20,2010 11:53am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:only Clay Buchholz is fake
[Aug 20,2010 11:54am - mutis  ""]
only trolls are troo
[Aug 20,2010 11:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Technically, one could trace this back to Hellhammer/Celtic Frost. ONLY DEATH IS REAL
[Aug 20,2010 11:56am - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 20,2010 11:58am - reimroc ""]
only complaining is real
[Aug 20,2010 11:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Only the old school photo of a young rich horror standing at the stairs behind Umass Dartmouth's library is real.
[Aug 20,2010 12:00pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Rich? at a library? POPPYCOCK
[Aug 20,2010 12:03pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't remember such a photo.
[Aug 20,2010 12:03pm - RichHorror ""]
I mean, I definitely was there many times.
[Aug 20,2010 12:04pm - faggot patrol  ""]
Shut the fuck up and do a ritual about meese, faggot.

Only m2m casual encounters are real.
[Aug 20,2010 12:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Could have sworn I saw it in one of those post old pics threads. Oh well. I only remembered it cause that's where we all did drugs
[Aug 20,2010 12:05pm - RichHorror ""]

faggot%20patrol said:Shut the fuck up and do a ritual about meese, faggot.

[Aug 20,2010 12:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
meese, haha
[Aug 20,2010 12:07pm - mutis  ""]
[Aug 20,2010 12:07pm - RichHorror ""]

Only me as a gargantuan Brad Taylor from Home Improvement is real.
[Aug 20,2010 12:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hahahah awesome
[Aug 20,2010 12:09pm - SkinSandwich ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

Only me as a gargantuan Brad Taylor from Home Improvement is real.

Did you have a neighbor who hide his face behind his fence, but instead of giving good advice he touched the neighborhood kids?
[Aug 20,2010 12:10pm - The_Rooster ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

Only me as a gargantuan Brad Taylor from Home Improvement is real.

Only this making me LOL is real.
[Aug 20,2010 12:12pm - faggot patrol  ""]
ITT: 16 year old Rich hot glues his balls to my tongue.

Only faggots are gay.
[Aug 20,2010 12:14pm - sxealex ""]
stop dry humping that kids leg. is real

i think i did it wrong
[Aug 20,2010 12:16pm - RichHorror ""]
My underpants are federally protected wetlands.
[Aug 20,2010 12:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Only stamp collecting Jap-ery is real
[Aug 20,2010 12:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only playing Oblivion on Steam is FAKE
[Aug 20,2010 12:32pm - mutis  ""]
Only real really real real is really real.

fo real.
[Aug 20,2010 12:32pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 20,2010 12:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha I thought those were gone
[Aug 20,2010 12:35pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
only gone is still here

*head explodes*
[Aug 20,2010 12:37pm - RichHorror ""]

[Aug 20,2010 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
only Israel Isreal.
[Aug 20,2010 1:32pm - slag nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:Only playing Oblivion on Steam because it made damn good economic jew sense to buy it, is real
[Aug 20,2010 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm just bitter because I bought the game of the year edition with the 2 addons at walmart for 20 bucks. 2 weeks ago.
[Aug 20,2010 2:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Only Glarthir is real.
[Aug 20,2010 2:21pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Only "Only Such & Fuck Is Real" is real.
[Aug 20,2010 2:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only the Dark Suckers are real.
[Aug 20,2010 2:54pm - Snli  ""]
That is just one of the many annoying "Catch Phrases" people use on this board.
[Aug 20,2010 3:08pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Only doing a status update about it is real.
[Aug 20,2010 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
only a thread with Snli bitching is real.
[Aug 20,2010 4:29pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Only reel to reel is real reel.
[Aug 20,2010 4:29pm - Alexecutioner ""]
only Brain in vat, cogito ergo sum, allegory of the cave, the muthafuckin matrix. NOTHING IS REAL. YOU ARE NOTHING. ONLY I AM REAL.
is real
[Aug 20,2010 4:51pm - mutis  ""]
only only Brain in vat, cogito ergo sum, allegory of the cave, the muthafuckin matrix. NOTHING IS REAL. YOU ARE NOTHING. ONLY I AM REAL.
is real
is real
[Aug 20,2010 4:57pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

Only acoustic based NSBM is real.
[Aug 20,2010 5:25pm - bobnomaamrooney nli  ""]
Only Milhouse is not a meme

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