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[Oct 6,2010 8:22am - BLACK PYRAMID IS FAG  ""]
Okay, so I thought about driving an hour to check this show out. Then I saw that the POWER HIPSTER STUPID FUCKS CALLED BLACK PYRAMID were added and I instantly said nah. I am sick of these venues catering to the hipster lifestyle. I even saw that they were shitbag paintings of garbage and other horrible attempts at art on the wall for 1000+ dollars across from the upstairs bar. ...AND they have the balls to post a sign next to it saying that it is affordable art. 1 it is only affordable to hipsters, 2 its not art... I met the guys in Black Pyramid once, they are posers and hipsters. Even the fat guy in the band was telling me he just recently got into metal. He said he was into hardcore like hatebreed. So to see them open for 1349 because the middle east wants to draw hipsters that love high on fire and let the night roar, they can go fuck themselves...
[Oct 6,2010 8:27am - BLACK PYRAMID IS FAG  ""]
Black Pyramid = Hipster Fag meets high on fire
[Oct 6,2010 8:28am - BLACK PYRAMID IS FAG  ""]
= apparently record deal...
[Oct 6,2010 8:34am - Slag NLI  ""]
I have to shit. Please open your mouth? It's obviously accustomed to fecal matter entering and leaving often.
[Oct 6,2010 8:35am - the_reverend ""]
you mad
[Oct 6,2010 8:37am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Oct 6,2010 8:40am - bornofosichris ""]

the_reverend said:you mad

[Oct 6,2010 8:40am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Oct 6,2010 8:43am - timma ""]
False troll is false.
[Oct 6,2010 8:43am - arktouros ""]
lol...hipster lyfe
[Oct 6,2010 8:52am - Lich_King ""]
Pyramids are so stupid. If a shape is the strongest and simplest to build, isn't that the lazy thing to build? Knowledge.
[Oct 6,2010 9:07am - josh_hates_you ""]
i didn't know hipsters like let the night roar. sweet.
[Oct 6,2010 9:10am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

BLACK%20PYRAMID%20IS%20FAG said:Okay, so I thought about driving an hour to check this show out. Then I saw that the POWER HIPSTER STUPID FUCKS CALLED BLACK PYRAMID were added and I instantly said nah. I am sick of these venues catering to the hipster lifestyle. I even saw that they were shitbag paintings of garbage and other horrible attempts at art on the wall for 1000+ dollars across from the upstairs bar. ...AND they have the balls to post a sign next to it saying that it is affordable art. 1 it is only affordable to hipsters, 2 its not art... I met the guys in Black Pyramid once, they are posers and hipsters. Even the fat guy in the band was telling me he just recently got into metal. He said he was into hardcore like hatebreed. So to see them open for 1349 because the middle east wants to draw hipsters that love high on fire and let the night roar, they can go fuck themselves...

I enjoyed this rant.
[Oct 6,2010 9:13am - largefreakatzero ""]
I like High on Fire. Does this mean I am a hipster? Oh the agony...
[Oct 6,2010 9:13am - Alx_Casket ""]
They should have had these guys open:

[Oct 6,2010 9:22am - timma ""]

largefreakatzero said:I like High on Fire. Does this mean I am a hipster? Oh the agony...

You're either a hipster, or you can go fuck yourself. Or maybe both.

I think I need to go read the guidelines again.
[Oct 6,2010 9:22am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

largefreakatzero said:I like High on Fire. Does this mean I am a hipster? Oh the agony...

Only if you like anything after The Art of Self Defense
[Oct 6,2010 9:36am - largefreakatzero ""]

timma said:
largefreakatzero said:I like High on Fire. Does this mean I am a hipster? Oh the agony...

You're either a hipster, or you can go fuck yourself. Or maybe both.

I think I need to go read the guidelines again.

I'm going to try fucking myself -- I'm rather good at that.
[Oct 6,2010 9:38am - largefreakatzero ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
largefreakatzero said:I like High on Fire. Does this mean I am a hipster? Oh the agony...

Only if you like anything after The Art of Self Defense

I'll have to check -- hold on, my ironic trucker hat is obscuring my view of my CD collection.
[Oct 6,2010 9:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Oct 6,2010 9:48am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Oct 6,2010 9:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck that shit! Mr. Rogers was a cold blooded killer.
[Oct 6,2010 10:32am - boxxy ""]
wow, why do you care so much? Yeah 1000 is NOT affordable art, and yeah, BP isn't really my style, but why get angry about it? Did your ex leave you for someone in the band?
[Oct 6,2010 10:55am - arktouros ""]
minding my own business, prostrate, smoking serious occult reefer and letting loud fuzzy music wash my ears - if this is a hipster thing now, then i'm hanging up my vaporizer tube and calling it a day.
[Oct 6,2010 10:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol even hipsters dont want to be refered to as hipsters anymore.
[Oct 6,2010 11:07am - goatcatabisk  ""]
[Oct 6,2010 11:41am - eyehatehippies ""]
lol u mad

Just for reference though, which one of us is "the fat one?"
[Oct 6,2010 11:44am - timma ""]
I'm going with whichever one is not "hipster thin"
[Oct 6,2010 11:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha right? the only fat member of your band is the bass drum. that fucker is FAT. or should i say ...phat?
[Oct 6,2010 12:15pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
i liked them when i saw them...didn't sound hipster but then again to a hipster black pyramid would probably be the best band ever. i got a BP on my car, u mad?
[Oct 6,2010 1:10pm - the_reverend ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:haha right? the only fat member of your band is the bass drum. that fucker is FAT. or should i say ...phat?
I thought the same thing.. also, hipsters aren't fat. just ask pam.
[Oct 6,2010 1:25pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Oct 6,2010 1:28pm - Asmodee  ""]
this thread is probably a joke but one can't fail to mention that American style doom is a fucking hipster magnet genre. more skepticism and ahab please and thank you.
[Oct 6,2010 1:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
this man speaks the truth ..^
[Oct 6,2010 2:05pm - arktouros ""]

Asmodee said:this thread is probably a joke but one can't fail to mention that American style doom is a fucking hipster magnet genre. more skepticism and ahab please and thank you.

who cares. totally different genres.

black pyramid = heavy sabbath rock&roll
skepticism and ahab = bleak/introspective/atmospheric etc.

psych pop is also hipster magnetic. who cares, who cares.
[Oct 6,2010 2:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
genres are for faggits
[Oct 6,2010 2:10pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
brown pants, beards and glasses or GTFO
[Oct 6,2010 2:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dont forget brown notes
[Oct 6,2010 2:19pm - eyehatehippies ""]

Asmodee said:this thread is probably a joke but one can't fail to mention that American style doom is a fucking hipster magnet genre. more skepticism and ahab please and thank you.

Yeah, "doom" had its little moment in the spotlight, but I feel like the trend has shifted more towards USBM. You want a "hipster magnet" genre, look no further. Not to take anything away from the bands, because there are obviously a lot of great ones playing that style, especially in the Northeast.

Mark my words, the next trend that people gravitate towards in heavy music is going to be that old school grind/crust/thrash/hardcore thing that bands like Nails, Trap Them, and Black Breath pull off so well. Next band to get a huge push in that "genre" = The Secret. Mark my words...
[Oct 6,2010 2:42pm - bornoffire ""]
[Oct 6,2010 2:51pm - Maxwell Smart‘s shoe phone  ""]
Any sort of metal these days seems to be a hipster magnet. Black Metal seems to be the worst offender in though...maybe it is all about the ill-fitting stretch pants?
[Oct 6,2010 3:07pm - C.DEAd  ""]
[Oct 6,2010 3:08pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I like cats
[Oct 6,2010 3:21pm - Maxwell Smart‘s shoe phone  ""]
Shouldn't the glasses on that cat be...uglier, more annoying?
[Oct 6,2010 3:33pm - hauptpflucker ""]
yeah and what's even holding them up? I mean the impossibility of this scenario is really disturbing...
[Oct 6,2010 3:45pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Worn like so^
[Oct 6,2010 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]

C.DEAd said:[img]
this made me lol
[Oct 6,2010 3:49pm - Maxwell Smart‘s shoe phone  ""]

More like this except that cat looks a wee bit too portly to be a hipster.
[Oct 6,2010 4:00pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:PYRAMIDS


[Oct 6,2010 4:03pm - slymoe nli  ""]
porkers can be hipsters too....
[Oct 6,2010 4:05pm - bornoffire ""]
[Oct 6,2010 4:06pm - bornoffire ""]
[Oct 6,2010 4:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm mesmerized by her fatness. car crash in slow motion.
[Oct 6,2010 4:21pm - nekronautnli  ""]
[Oct 6,2010 4:45pm - Maxwell Smart‘s shoe phone  ""]
OK fine...fat people can be hipsters. So then fat cat pictured above will totally be at the Middle East for Black Pyramid, regardless of whether he/she knows how Pyramids black...
[Oct 6,2010 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
one of my dogs
that's the hipster dog. this is the slacker dog
[Oct 6,2010 4:50pm - nekronaut ""]
It's no wonder your dog tried to run away the other week you dressed him up like a Black Pyramid fan.. sickening
[Oct 6,2010 4:53pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Next thing, he's going to force them to drink pbr.
[Oct 6,2010 5:56pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
i may or may not be a hipster.
But black pyramid is an awesome band. They're doom. I enjoy doom. Not becuase its hipster, but becuase I love weed and zoning out.
[Oct 6,2010 6:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we are all hipsters... in the game ... of life.

fuck i need to get high.
[Oct 6,2010 6:44pm - Cult  ""]
I heart wieners
[Oct 6,2010 7:16pm - Sixstringcarnage ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:

fuck i need to get high.

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