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TERATISM - Service For The Damned now available!!!

[CD Review:view review]  _____________________________________
[Nov 17,2004 3:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yes, the wait is finally over, the brutality has arrived.

Be prepared to be obliterated, the best Brutal technical Death Metal to come out of Massachusetts in a very long time... maybe ever!


TERATISM - Service For The Damned CD

Only $10.00 U.S. / $12.00 Worldwide.

Pathos Productions
P.O. Box 4198
Metaltown, RI. 02842 - U.S.A.

PayPal payments to: PathosProd@hotmail.com

[Nov 17,2004 3:30pm - handinjury ""]
[Nov 17,2004 3:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
right on guys.
[Nov 17,2004 3:31pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
shit now i gotta bring even more money to the show friday
[Nov 17,2004 3:35pm - blue ""]
10 bucks for a 6 song ep? cmon, john.

ill still be buying it, regardless.
[Nov 17,2004 3:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's not an EP, it's 28:18 - all new songs, that's a full length, sucka!
[Nov 17,2004 3:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Also available:

ANOXIA - Intense Killings CD

DEHUMANIZED - Prophecies Foretold CD

TON - Blind Follower / Point of View CD
[Nov 17,2004 3:54pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Also available:

ANOXIA - Intense Killings CD

DEHUMANIZED - Prophecies Foretold CD

TON - Blind Follower / Point of View CD

All awesome discs!!
[Nov 17,2004 4:22pm - congoogetalzobotomy ""]
i need this cd, do the guys have any copys yet?
[Nov 17,2004 4:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 17,2004 4:46pm - congoogetalzobotomy ""]
[Nov 17,2004 5:39pm - Robteratism  ""]
Fuckin about time..im surprised anyone wants it still its taken so long...thanx guys..mass death!!
[Nov 17,2004 6:04pm - handinjury ""]
[Nov 17,2004 6:18pm - Robteratism  ""]
haha...mass death..we need that cd release now bro, nels back...our next show dec.3rd at club 125 in bradford with candy striper death orgy
[Nov 17,2004 6:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You wanna come and get them?

I might be at the Palladium on Friday, I am going to Long Island tomorrow to set up my distro at the NAPALM / CANNIBAL show.
[Nov 17,2004 8:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robteratism said:Fuckin about time..im surprised anyone wants it still its taken so long...

Geez, you have to build up the anticipation!

It was worth the wait.

[Nov 18,2004 8:57am - Robteratism  ""]
John, did scott come get em last nite?
[Nov 18,2004 9:24am - the_reverend ""]
someone should add the cd here
[Nov 18,2004 9:39am - Robdeadskin ""]
thanx rev. i added it but i dont know how to put the album cover image on right!! can you help..... big hugs!
[Nov 18,2004 9:42am - Robdeadskin ""]
Add why does it go to the other teratism site??? how do i get it to go to the right one!
[Nov 18,2004 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
I'll fix that tonight
[Nov 18,2004 10:04am - Robdeadskin ""]
I got the imagery up for both our cds... thanx for fixin the site addresses rev...!
[Nov 18,2004 11:44am - whoremastery ""]
[Nov 18,2004 12:30pm - armageddonday ""]
John, I just got a phone call at the store about the new Teratism CD, so please bring it here as soon as you can.
[Nov 18,2004 1:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am driving to NY today, but I plan on going to the Palladium tomorrow, so I will bring them by tomorrow.
[Nov 18,2004 1:43pm - armageddonday ""]
ok, I'll get 5 for now, buy them up front. If I need more later next week I'll let you know.
[Nov 18,2004 1:51pm - Robteratism  ""]
still have copies of our first album if you want for your store, i'll just give'm to ya somtime.
[Nov 18,2004 1:52pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah, 3 for now...I'll take more but we don't do consignment so I buy little at a time.
[Nov 18,2004 1:54pm - Robteratism  ""]
Ill try and bring 3 tommorow,thanx
[Nov 18,2004 2:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rob, I need more of the 1st CD too!
[Nov 18,2004 3:14pm - Robteratism  ""]
ill bring some, i thought we where almost out but realized we still have alot. We have some with no jewel cases also.
[Nov 18,2004 4:42pm - Robteratism  ""]
[Nov 18,2004 5:17pm - dread_104 ""]
10 bucks!!
[Nov 19,2004 5:15am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That $10.00 is just to cover postage if you buy through the mail.

I sell them for $8.00 each in person and I have been selling all Pathos releases for $8.00 each, 2 for $15.00 or 3 for $20.00... the sale went very well in NY, people were snatching them up!
[Nov 19,2004 5:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robteratism said:We have some with no jewel cases

I will take all of those, Rob.

I have jewel cases.

[Nov 19,2004 5:17pm - Robteratism  ""]
Cool ill bring em!!
[Nov 20,2004 3:41pm - Robteratism  ""]
any one who picked one of our disks up last nite...THANK you!! feel free to review it here....muck appreciated...horn to ya!!!
[Nov 20,2004 3:42pm - Robteratism  ""]
haha i wrote muck instead of much!!
[Nov 20,2004 3:44pm - dread_104 ""]
you're fired
[Nov 20,2004 3:45pm - dread_104 ""]
i've got ALL THESE CD'S!!! who needs 'em?
[Nov 20,2004 3:50pm - dread_104 ""]
someone said Anne was trying to book Teratism, Anoxia, & Dehumanized in January. Any word on that? That would be the greatest show i've ever played!
[Nov 20,2004 4:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am trying to get GORATORY on the show too, Al said that they would play for cheap.
[Nov 20,2004 4:11pm - handinjury ""]
dread_104 said:someone said Anne was trying to book Teratism, Anoxia, & Dehumanized in January. Any word on that? That would be the greatest show i've ever played!

W/Goratory and Porphyia..That would be the sickist shit :doublehorns:
[Nov 20,2004 4:42pm - Robdeadskin ""]
I hope this really is happening!!!
[Nov 21,2004 7:05pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 21,2004 7:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
I thought it was funny Anne believed Goratory costs 300 clams to play.
[Nov 22,2004 8:42am - Robteratism  ""]
how much do they want a show?
[Nov 22,2004 9:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This album is awesome.
[Nov 22,2004 1:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Al from GORATORY said that they would play for like $50.00, that is very reasonable.

[Nov 22,2004 2:16pm - greed killer  ""]
a local band and they want $50 to play in their own state? however it is a better price than those greedy fucks in TYAG!

i remember a time when playing music was about having fun and playing music.

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