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would you see the Hidden Hand and YOB in Boston?

[Feb 11,2005 12:18pm - SuperFly ""]
[Feb 11,2005 5:01pm - pessimist ""]
joe is on fiyah
[Feb 11,2005 7:00pm - skullet ""]
This will be the best show ever. Wino rules. And I have heard great things about YOB.
[Feb 11,2005 7:05pm - PhilE  ""]
I saw the hidden hand in Attleboro, they put on a great set...both of thier albums (esp the new one] are great (yes the obsessed is classc but whatever). Yob are pretty good. To bad this show isnt in northern VT/NY or in Canada
[Feb 11,2005 9:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
why is it everyone has heard great things about YOB yet half of the people haven't gone to check them out !

lame !

go get their albums, it's great stuff and yes Wino infact does rule !
[Feb 13,2005 9:33am - i_am_not_me ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:5/21 The Hidden Hand, YOB, Noosebomb, and Adolf Satan @ DeeDees Lounge in Quincy

9pm 21+ $12

Bring your depends.

[Feb 13,2005 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I made it 21+ so that Joe Christianni couldn't get in.
[Feb 13,2005 9:39am - i_am_not_me ""]
How 'bout we all form a lynch mob and hang him, then? Then could you make it 18+? :ralphie:
[Feb 13,2005 9:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
remember:Vacant Golgothan Slut

Sorry, even if and when Joe Christianni dies, I am going to have to keep this show as 21+

however, if it's doom you want:
3/17 conifer @ great scotts
4/19 asva @ the middle east

those are both 18+
[Feb 13,2005 3:11pm - i_am_not_me ""]
But I want YOB and Wino, dammit.

Funny. Before I turned 18, all the good shows were 18+. Now, they're all 21+. With my luck, once I turn 21 the drinking age will be raised to 25 or something like that, and there'll be shitloads of 25+ shows.
[Feb 13,2005 3:14pm - i_am_not_me ""]
remember:Unknown Psychopathic Reality
[Feb 13,2005 5:28pm - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
YEAH MUTHA FUCKER..cant friggin wait..great fuckin bill..that will be the best show in all of may..no fuckin doubt..WINO is the GOD of DOOM guitar..best news i got all fuckin week..christ all month..how sad..oh well..i'm cant wait none the less
[Feb 15,2005 6:41am - doctorFranc ""]
Adolf Satan are the best fucking band out there,and they should be given 2 hours instead of 30 minutes...
[Feb 15,2005 9:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
my friends, Devil to Pay, are going to be on this bill now as well.

The Hidden Hand 11:45-12:30
YOB 10:45-11:30
Noosebomb 10-10:30
Devil to Pay 9:15-9:45
Adolf Satan 8:30-9

Doors are at 8pm, Adolf Satan and Devil to Pay are both great bands so don't come late.
I wish I could give them longer, but thats not how it worked out this time, check them out with Nightstick at the Middle East too on March 28th.

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