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seeking experimental/grind guitarist

[Jan 18,2006 2:18pm - skab2  ""]
our influences include American Nightmare, The number 12 looks like you, see you next tuesday, Isis, Old underoath (VERY OLD), converge, circle takes the square, etc. Must have equipment and excellent stage presence, practice in worcester area but will be moving to boston next september call me bobby if interested 508 963 9721, I used to sing in never surrender, to hear that go to www.myspace.com/neversurrendermass
[Jan 18,2006 2:19pm - skab2  ""]
o yea my email is twinparadoxbass@yahoo.com
[Jan 18,2006 5:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I like a lot of those bands, but where the fuck is the "grind" in that?
[Jan 18,2006 5:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think he just means that you have to have over 6000 friends on your myspace and have a closet full of white grind belts.
[Jan 18,2006 6:32pm - nick ""]
the 'experiment' is to make a grind band out of members influenced by non grind bands.
[Jan 18,2006 9:19pm - cav  ""]
grindcore is everything and everything is grindcore.
[Jan 18,2006 9:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Grind has become the new generic default for music that is fast, loud, and agressive... the number twelve looks like aids is too grind as blink 182 is to punkrock. Thats why you have too be like us and mix 4 genres together (crust, sludge, doom, grind).

but honestly, i dont see the grind. Im not giving you shit, but i agree with nic.
[Jan 19,2006 8:46am - skab2  ""]
well bands we are influenced also by are, see you next tuesday, tony danza tapdance extravaganza, Bring me the horizon, the red chord, glass casket, etc
[Jan 19,2006 9:35am - niccolai ""]
still not seeing it.
[Jan 19,2006 9:47am - soloman ""]
Grind arguments are boring. Clearly this dude is talking about the whole noisey, loud, spastic, heavy music that's come out of metalcore scenes.

i love isis.
[Jan 19,2006 11:32am - anonymous  ""]
whats your defination of grind, cause there are many different types of grind, see you next tuesday is certainly grind your fucking stupid
[Jan 19,2006 11:42am - skab2  ""]
the whole point here is not to start a grind band but to start a band that is grind based, EXPERIMENTAL o wait, im sorry, most fags on this site doesnt know what that is cause none of you are origanal in any way, i cant compare us to any particular band cause WE DONT SOUND LIKE ANY PARTICULAR BAND. its call trying something new, not playing the same shit that we already have provided to us by big bands, will a real musician please respond
[Jan 19,2006 11:45am - slowlypeelingtheflesh nli  ""]
skab2 said:the whole point here is not to start a grind band but to start a band that is grind based, EXPERIMENTAL o wait, im sorry, most fags on this site doesnt know what that is cause none of you are origanal in any way, i cant compare us to any particular band cause WE DONT SOUND LIKE ANY PARTICULAR BAND. its call trying something new, not playing the same shit that we already have provided to us by big bands, will a real musician please respond

None of those bands you listed are grind at all.

Discordance Axis is grind, be influenced by them homo.


[Jan 19,2006 12:05pm - anonymous  ""]
Im starting a serious grind band, our influences include kelly clarkson, avril lavigne, hilary duff, and fall out boy. If you are interested please contact me at my myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...ion=user.viewprofile&friendid=77294
[Jan 19,2006 12:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Avril Lavigne has been the subject of conversation at my work lately.

[Jan 19,2006 12:09pm - watchmaker666 ""]
shes hot
[Jan 19,2006 12:10pm - soloman ""]
meh. i'd hit it.
[Jan 19,2006 12:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't even know who she is but her song we play is the fucking balls. It reminds me of what Watchmaker's next album should sound like.
[Jan 19,2006 12:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
how awesome would a Avril Lavigne/Larry Lifeless duet be?
[Jan 19,2006 12:19pm - soloman ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:how awesome would a Avril Lavigne/Larry Lifeless duet be?

ha ha. i cracked smile.
[Jan 19,2006 12:50pm - this is grind  ""]
For an extra long list of ACTUAL grind bands check out this thread:

[Jan 19,2006 12:59pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm with soloman...grind arguments are boring
[Jan 19,2006 1:55pm - skab2  ""]
ok i was raised listening to bands like napalm death and pig destroyer, im 19, kids in my age group who want to start the same type of band as me have a different meaning of grind, if you think dilenger is grind, than yes, old dilenger is also a part influence here, yea i would love to post that iam forming a band that is something along the lines of an experimental band mixed with napalm death (diatribes cd era) BUT most people are stupid. LISTEN TO THE FUCKING BAND I WAS SINGING IN www.myspace.com/neversurrendermass its not grind but that singing could be incorperated into grind just listen to it and shut up
[Jan 19,2006 2:02pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
skab2 said:ok i was raised listening to bands like napalm death and pig destroyer, im 19, kids in my age group who want to start the same type of band as me have a different meaning of grind, if you think dilenger is grind, than yes, old dilenger is also a part influence here, yea i would love to post that iam forming a band that is something along the lines of an experimental band mixed with napalm death (diatribes cd era) BUT most people are stupid. LISTEN TO THE FUCKING BAND I WAS SINGING IN www.myspace.com/neversurrendermass its not grind but that singing could be incorperated into grind just listen to it and shut up

Noone is going to listen to you now that you called all our bands generic, even those of us who said nothing bad to you.

[Jan 19,2006 2:04pm - brian_dc ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:skab2 said:ok i was raised listening to bands like napalm death and pig destroyer, im 19, kids in my age group who want to start the same type of band as me have a different meaning of grind, if you think dilenger is grind, than yes, old dilenger is also a part influence here, yea i would love to post that iam forming a band that is something along the lines of an experimental band mixed with napalm death (diatribes cd era) BUT most people are stupid. LISTEN TO THE FUCKING BAND I WAS SINGING IN www.myspace.com/neversurrendermass its not grind but that singing could be incorperated into grind just listen to it and shut up

Noone is going to listen to you now that you called all our bands generic, even those of us who said nothing bad to you.


yep, he's right

[Jan 19,2006 2:06pm - the gone  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:skab2 said:ok i was raised listening to bands like napalm death and pig destroyer, im 19, kids in my age group who want to start the same type of band as me have a different meaning of grind, if you think dilenger is grind, than yes, old dilenger is also a part influence here, yea i would love to post that iam forming a band that is something along the lines of an experimental band mixed with napalm death (diatribes cd era) BUT most people are stupid. LISTEN TO THE FUCKING BAND I WAS SINGING IN www.myspace.com/neversurrendermass its not grind but that singing could be incorperated into grind just listen to it and shut up

Noone is going to listen to you now that you called all our bands generic, even those of us who said nothing bad to you.


idk, most young people dont know about good napalm death and such, its an aquired taste, its just a fact
[Jan 19,2006 2:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the gone said:

idk, most young people dont know about good napalm death and such, its an aquired taste, its just a fact

Many of the people on this board do, a good share of us are over 30 years old. Napalm Death didn't even start off grind, they were punk as I can recall from the first demo.

Maybe you should go educate MySpace or something
[Jan 19,2006 2:16pm - skab2  ""]
yea when ever fags dont here good things about their bands they block everything out, i guess the only opinions about your bands that you take in are the good ones, Someone telling you your music is amazing isnt gonna teach you anything, when someone is honest and says what im saying, which is THAT BANDS IN GENERAL today are not being origanal, then you will never change for the better, but hey what do i know im just a fan whos opinion means nothing to these selective hearing bands who post in my posts nothing to do with what im looking for, which helps only to ruin the service which this forum helps provide, bash away im sure everyone who viewed this post did it because they are a guitar player looking for a band, not because they were hoping someones influences didnt match their subject making them a target to be criticized. O yea and lets not acknowledge the EXPERIMENTAL part, because none of my influences were experimental at all right....right, genious work guys,, your lack of inteligence makes me feel better at night
[Jan 19,2006 2:17pm - the gone  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:the gone said:

idk, most young people dont know about good napalm death and such, its an aquired taste, its just a fact

Many of the people on this board do, a good share of us are over 30 years old. Napalm Death didn't even start off grind, they were punk as I can recall from the first demo.

Maybe you should go educate MySpace or something

well were talking about the younger audience here, not the common return to the pit user
[Jan 19,2006 2:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
skab2 said:yea when ever fags dont here good things about their bands they block everything out, i guess the only opinions about your bands that you take in are the good ones, Someone telling you your music is amazing isnt gonna teach you anything, when someone is honest and says what im saying, which is THAT BANDS IN GENERAL today are not being origanal, then you will never change for the better, but hey what do i know im just a fan whos opinion means nothing to these selective hearing bands who post in my posts nothing to do with what im looking for, which helps only to ruin the service which this forum helps provide, bash away im sure everyone who viewed this post did it because they are a guitar player looking for a band, not because they were hoping someones influences didnt match their subject making them a target to be criticized. O yea and lets not acknowledge the EXPERIMENTAL part, because none of my influences were experimental at all right....right, genious work guys,, your lack of inteligence makes me feel better at night

Hey, tiger, I never bashed your band.

But now I must thank you for revealing my 'lack of intelligence' as well as being in a generic band.

By the way, by spelling 'genious' incorrectly, were you trying to be ironic?
[Jan 19,2006 2:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the gone said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:the gone said:

idk, most young people dont know about good napalm death and such, its an aquired taste, its just a fact

Many of the people on this board do, a good share of us are over 30 years old. Napalm Death didn't even start off grind, they were punk as I can recall from the first demo.

Maybe you should go educate MySpace or something

well were talking about the younger audience here, not the common return to the pit user

Log in.
[Jan 19,2006 2:24pm - skab2  ""]
first off this whole time i have been talking about the way that EVERYONE responds to posts, not one particular person, o sorry for the typo not really worrying about perfection here. and its not that people are bashing my band, cause i dont care if they do because for one we broke up, hence me starting a new one, and two i like when people bash my band, its honesty at its best and knowing how people feel about my bands help us improve. Im talking about how noone ever responds to the actual point of a post, its always bashing on the post itself
[Jan 19,2006 2:27pm - the gone  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:the gone said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:the gone said:

idk, most young people dont know about good napalm death and such, its an aquired taste, its just a fact

Many of the people on this board do, a good share of us are over 30 years old. Napalm Death didn't even start off grind, they were punk as I can recall from the first demo.

Maybe you should go educate MySpace or something

well were talking about the younger audience here, not the common return to the pit user

i cant login my password is incorect for some reason, i remember it but this site isnt accepting it, my origanal name was xxsatansfallxx
Log in.

[Jan 19,2006 2:27pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
skab2 said:first off this whole time i have been talking about the way that EVERYONE responds to posts, not one particular person, o sorry for the typo not really worrying about perfection here. and its not that people are bashing my band, cause i dont care if they do because for one we broke up, hence me starting a new one, and two i like when people bash my band, its honesty at its best and knowing how people feel about my bands help us improve. Im talking about how noone ever responds to the actual point of a post, its always bashing on the post itself

Just stop hurting my feelings, okay? :(

And: log in.
[Jan 19,2006 2:43pm - soloman ""]
skab2 said:first off this whole time i have been talking about the way that EVERYONE responds to posts, not one particular person, o sorry for the typo not really worrying about perfection here. and its not that people are bashing my band, cause i dont care if they do because for one we broke up, hence me starting a new one, and two i like when people bash my band, its honesty at its best and knowing how people feel about my bands help us improve. Im talking about how noone ever responds to the actual point of a post, its always bashing on the post itself

the thing is the Rev (guy who runs this site) has created a filter bot using php that fact checks the first post of every new thread that gets created. If there is a credibility issue, those of us that are signed in get this satan star icon pop up on our desktops, which when clicked links us right to the thread thats the problem. Thats I found this thread anyway.

i personally find the grind credibility issue a boring topic. but so it goes.

good luck with your band! :NEWHORNS:
[Jan 19,2006 2:46pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
skab2 said:first off this whole time i have been talking about the way that EVERYONE responds to posts, not one particular person, o sorry for the typo not really worrying about perfection here. and its not that people are bashing my band, cause i dont care if they do because for one we broke up, hence me starting a new one, and two i like when people bash my band, its honesty at its best and knowing how people feel about my bands help us improve. Im talking about how noone ever responds to the actual point of a post, its always bashing on the post itself

by responding to the posts that you're criticizing, you're only making matters worse for yourself, and your intentions are lost. i almost forgot what the original point was to this thread because of how big you're making this argument. if you don't like the way people respond to your thread, suck it up cupcake.

"its honesty at its best and knowing how people feel about my bands help us improve"

apply that sentence that you typed to the matter at hand now. since people are telling you things you don't want to hear, improve this thread...preferably by ending it, or by starting a new one with a revised explanation after everyone's forgotten about this. sentence structure and a somewhat coherent use of grammar would help too, so we actually understand what you're trying to say.
[Jan 19,2006 2:55pm - niccolai ""]
To keep the grind arguement alive...

[Jan 19,2006 2:57pm - Dissector ""]
skab2 said:the whole point here is not to start a grind band but to start a band that is grind based, EXPERIMENTAL o wait, im sorry, most fags on this site doesnt know what that is cause none of you are origanal in any way, i cant compare us to any particular band cause WE DONT SOUND LIKE ANY PARTICULAR BAND. its call trying something new, not playing the same shit that we already have provided to us by big bands, will a real musician please respond

I'm sick of people combining genres and calling it original. Nothing is truly original anymore.

Without hearing you I can guarentee you sound like another band. Micing hardcore, grind, metalcore, sludge, doom, etc. it's all been done before. SO as mixing those above genres with rap, jazz, polka, surf music. People need to give up on trying to clai originality. Because all these "origianl" bands just sound generic to me.
[Jan 19,2006 2:59pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i've found that anyone that says something like "we have our own sound," or "we try not to sound like any other bands," anything to that effect, is usually in a band that sounds exactly like a handful of other bands.
[Jan 19,2006 3:00pm - Dissector ""]
mark fucking richards said:i've found that anyone that says something like "we have our own sound," or "we try not to sound like any other bands," anything to that effect, is usually in a band that sounds exactly like a handful of other bands.

Exactly. That was more or less my point.
[Jan 19,2006 3:03pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
werd. i say we start deliberately ripping off bands and saying we sound exactly like them, then we'll actually be original.
[Jan 19,2006 3:04pm - Dissector ""]
mark fucking richards said:werd. i say we start deliberately ripping off bands and saying we sound exactly like them, then we'll actually be original.

Dissector already does that. We rip of bands all the time.
[Jan 19,2006 3:07pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
damn. you guys are way more original than i am, haha
[Jan 19,2006 3:10pm - INFECT ""]
its gotten to the point where the only thing that would be "original" in this scene is if someone started a clone band of repulsion or terrorizer, or like, you know, A REAL GRIND BAND
seems like lousy noise/ unecessary technicality is just an excuse for not being able to write good solid riffs
[Jan 19,2006 3:18pm - Dissector ""]
INFECT said:its gotten to the point where the only thing that would be "original" in this scene is if someone started a clone band of repulsion or terrorizer, or like, you know, A REAL GRIND BAND

That's really what we need more of.

My band rips off Repulsion a lot.
[Jan 19,2006 3:25pm - eddie ""]
influence = rip off

there was never a musical act that hasn't ripped someone off, i don't care what genera.
[Jan 19,2006 3:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
INFECT said:its gotten to the point where the only thing that would be "original" in this scene is if someone started a clone band of repulsion or terrorizer, or like, you know, A REAL GRIND BAND
seems like lousy noise/ unecessary technicality is just an excuse for not being able to write good solid riffs

i guess you haven't heard HBBSI, Abhorred, CWAF, theNightmareContinues, or hey how about Throwing Shrapnel either.
[Jan 19,2006 3:30pm - useless thread  ""]
seems like lousy noise/ unecessary technicality is just an excuse for not being able to write good solid riffs

:bow: :bow: :bow:

I couldnt have said it better myself.

[Jan 19,2006 3:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dood, its a message board there are nothing but useless threads here.
[Jan 19,2006 3:51pm - brian_dc ""]
there's nothing that we do in life that is anything but useless...get over yourselves.

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