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Morbid Angel vs. Suffocation

[Feb 15,2004 1:56pm - Assuck ""]
If you're going to see the Morbid Angel Suffocation show in April at the Palladium, which would you be going for? I'm for Morbid Angel.
[Feb 15,2004 2:00pm - the_reverend ""]
if morbid angel plays chapel of ghouls, then MA
if suffocation plays pierced from within, then Suffocation.
if they both play both, then both
[Feb 15,2004 2:27pm - Assuck ""]
i'm pretty sure they played chapel of ghouls when i saw them with Superjoint Ritual a few months ago.
[Feb 15,2004 2:27pm - Assuck ""]
what agreat show that was
[Feb 15,2004 2:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm for both. \m/
[Feb 15,2004 3:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
Superjoint and Devildriver ruined that show for me. I'd like to see Morbid Angel do Hellspawn off of Formulas.
[Feb 15,2004 3:06pm - PilloryDan ""]
Suffocation all the way
Morbid Angel hasn't put out a really good album since Domination or Covenant
[Feb 15,2004 3:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
BornSoVile said:Superjoint and Devildriver ruined that show for me. I'd like to see Morbid Angel do Hellspawn off of Formulas.
I had to deal with superjoint twice and I'm gonna have to deal with devildriver a second time... That SUCKS!!!

[Feb 15,2004 3:23pm - dicky kai  ""]
The new morbid angel sucks...
[Feb 15,2004 3:33pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm going in May... for both
[Feb 15,2004 3:40pm - succubus ""]
[Feb 15,2004 3:42pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Feb 15,2004 3:44pm - eddie ""]
Assuck said:i'm pretty sure they played chapel of ghouls when i saw them with Superjoint Ritual a few months ago.

They didn't play anything from altars of madness at that show. It was disappointing.
[Feb 15,2004 4:21pm - Assuck ""]
thats right...

and what do people have against superjoint? i love that band
[Feb 15,2004 4:22pm - Assuck ""]
devildriver definitley sucks nut though
[Feb 15,2004 7:31pm - Terence ""]
Im not going.
[Feb 15,2004 9:46pm - Dissector ""]
I'm for Satyricon
[Feb 15,2004 11:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 15,2004 11:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
i'm going to the NY show, seeing as how that's closer than the palladium. i'm going for Suffocation, mainly because i just enojy them live more than morbid angel, even though MA is one of my all time favorite bands
[Feb 15,2004 11:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
Assuck said:thats right...

and what do people have against superjoint? i love that band

superjoint is so fucking gay. how can you have that handle 'assuck' and mention MA in the same sentence as that shitty band?
[Feb 15,2004 11:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
Tom, I want to watch you hump online, wtf.
[Feb 16,2004 2:01am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 16,2004 4:23am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Feb 16,2004 9:30am - Assuck ""]
Dissector said:I'm for Satyricon

I heard Satyricon wasnt playing the Worcester date for some reason.
[Feb 16,2004 9:33am - pessimist ""]
no i think they're back on, stop spending so much time on the computer asshole...
[Feb 17,2004 9:15pm - retzam ""]
I am going for Satyricon, so if they don't show I will be super pissed. Morbid Angel is also a plus though. I am so pissed that Suffocation is on the higher up on the bill than Satyricon.
[Feb 17,2004 9:21pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm getting my tickets next week. i'm excited
[Feb 21,2004 6:22pm - Assuck ""]
[Feb 21,2004 6:30pm - JellyFish ""]
I cant decide. I love Morbid and Suffocation almost equally. However, if Morbid plays anything from Altars, they take the show, no question. Also, Fall From Grace would make me happy.
[Feb 21,2004 6:40pm - Assuck ""]
[Feb 21,2004 7:37pm - Dissector ""]
I like Morbid Angel but I thought they kinda sucked when they opened for Superjoint, who also sucked. I'm still gonna go though, because when you make a record like Altars of Madness, you deserve a second chance. I hope Satyricon is there because I really want to see them the most.
[Feb 21,2004 11:48pm - Terence ""]
Satyricon back in 2000 with Immortal/Angelcorpse/Krisuin was awful. That was the only time I have ever seen people leave the Palladium so quickly while a band was playing. Probably one of the worst live performances Ive ever seen. Maybe this time around they will be more entertaining.
[Feb 21,2004 11:59pm - HiImPaul ""]
Suffocation KILLS morbid angel thats all i have to say.
[Feb 22,2004 12:05am - RustedAngel ""]
HiImPaul said:Suffocation KILLS morbid angel thats all i have to say.

no way.. especially when rutan was in.

no way suffocation stands against morbid angel solo's...

and no way suffocation drummer stands against sandovals drumming.
[Feb 22,2004 12:31am - porphyria603 ""]
I don't know tom.the drummer on pierced from within was pretty damn good!
[Feb 22,2004 1:59am - ninkaszi  ""]
overall this is just a good show. i am there to see everyone except the opener. i never got to see suffocation so that should be cool. satyricon rules live/they were great last time in 2000, and morbid angel is always good. should be awesome.
[Feb 22,2004 9:12pm - retzam ""]
Terence said:Satyricon back in 2000 with Immortal/Angelcorpse/Krisuin was awful. That was the only time I have ever seen people leave the Palladium so quickly while a band was playing. Probably one of the worst live performances Ive ever seen. Maybe this time around they will be more entertaining.

What was so bad about them? Was the setlist bad or did they just play bad?
[Feb 22,2004 9:32pm - HiImPaul ""]
yeah tom i agree there, but suffocation paved the way for so many more DM bands. I just think there is much more to suffocation I mean call me wrong but some morbid angel kinda bores me. Suffocation in 1991 recording effigy of the forgotten?? Who else at that time would even think of recording something that devestating . Liege of inveracity??? crushing opening song. Pierced from within? album crushes most DM now a days. Morbid angel and suffocation are two totally definatly bands. Suffocation in my mind was death metal and the way it should have been played. I like morbid angel, alters of madness is insane. Blessed are the sick is sick too, but in my mind suffocation influenced more and caused a bigger uproar in death metal.
[Feb 22,2004 10:06pm - JellyFish ""]
Trey is a better guitarist than Doug and Terrance. Pete is a better drummer than Doug. For this, I give more props to Morbid Angel. As far as vocals, Frank has the upper hand. I dont know, I like them both the same. Just have more respect for Morbid Angel, being older. Im looking forward to both.
[Feb 22,2004 10:51pm - George ""]
i'm going for morbid angel. I love MA, and honestly i never got into suffocation. not that i dislike them, i just dont own any yet, im probably going to pick up pierced from within this week.
anyway, MA better play fall from grace or i will be very upset.
[Feb 22,2004 10:51pm - George ""]
oh....and assuck fucking rules.
[Feb 22,2004 10:54pm - JellyFish ""]
George said: MA better play fall from grace or i will be very upset.

Dude, no shit!! I want to hear that so bad.
[Feb 23,2004 2:08am - HiImPaul ""]
Suffocation :satancross: lol not owning suffocation discs = :middlefinger:
[Feb 23,2004 2:15am - Terence ""]
retzam said:Terence said:Satyricon back in 2000 with Immortal/Angelcorpse/Krisuin was awful. That was the only time I have ever seen people leave the Palladium so quickly while a band was playing. Probably one of the worst live performances Ive ever seen. Maybe this time around they will be more entertaining.

What was so bad about them? Was the setlist bad or did they just play bad?

The set was marred with technical difficulties, the guitar kept cutting out, so did the vocals...it was just boring, they didnt move around or anything, the selection of songs was pretty bad too.
[Feb 23,2004 2:20am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Everything they played was off Rebel Extravaganza, and two from Nemesis Divina. I remember the guitars cutting out, but that was my only complaint. If you like Rebel Extravaganza, you would have enjoyed it. I have no idea what the setlist will be like this time. Hopefully they mix it up a little more, but I doubt it.
[Feb 23,2004 2:21am - George ""]
jesus paul im sorry, you're so much cooler than me, i completely forgot. guess what! i dont own any devourment either!!
you might have to kick my ass for being such a fag.
[Feb 23,2004 2:31am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I like old Suffocation, but they are one of the most overrated death metal bands ever. Effigy really isn't as extreme as people make it out to be for the time. I don't like the stuff they have influenced either. Some bands just took what Suffocation did good, and turned it to shit.
[Feb 23,2004 2:52am - HiImPaul ""]
lol devourment, did I once mention devourment? dude go litsen to new napalm death.
[Feb 23,2004 2:53am - swamplorddvm ""]
Like metallica.
Slayer spawned the first Death bands.... I say. metallica....god smack and shit.
[Feb 23,2004 3:02am - George ""]
you're a dick for no good reason.
[Feb 23,2004 3:14am - swamplorddvm ""]
Dude, I like metallica. But Slayer influenced better bands.
[Feb 23,2004 3:42am - jay-ganihm ""]
[Feb 23,2004 3:14pm - Assuck ""]
HiImPaul said:lol devourment, did I once mention devourment? dude go litsen to new napalm death.

Have you heard Enemy of the Music Business or Order of the Leech?
That shit fuckin destroys...
[Feb 23,2004 3:24pm - retzam ""]
Satyricon fucking rule!
Songs that I really want to hear them play:

Dawn Of A New Age
Mother North
Nemesis Divina
A Moment Of Clarity

The rest is up to them.
[Feb 23,2004 3:49pm - morkul ""]
morbid angel all the way. suffocation is awesome but hands down morbid angel are directly responsible for 80% of what we have today. i mean pete sets the standard for all drummers to adhere to everytime they release a new album. i hope he does a drum solo.
[Feb 23,2004 7:43pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
if pete gives you a boner at the show, you're so walking home
[Feb 26,2004 5:58pm - assuck ""]
bump because versus threads are gay
[Feb 26,2004 6:13pm - Devin ""]
What kinda competition is this?! Morbid Angel is good. Suffocation is not.
[Feb 26,2004 6:18pm - Abbath ""]
assuck said:bump because versus threads are gay

ya! didn't you get the meno from Spaldin?
vs. threads are sooooooooooooo hella lame
[Feb 26,2004 6:19pm - morkul ""]
depends on what suffocation you are listening to also.
[Feb 26,2004 6:55pm - Devin ""]
I heard a bit offa Pierced from Within, fuckin lame. same riff, same tempo for far too long. I bought Death's HUMAN because it's supposedly their best, but I fall asleep listening to it.
[Feb 26,2004 6:57pm - morkul ""]
your nuts. it may not be there best but it is a great album. the jazz influences are excellent. it opened alot of doors for death metal back then. take a break from it and listen to it again in a month, you might change your mind.
[Feb 26,2004 7:58pm - JellyFish ""]
Ummm, Pierced From Within is awesome, and HUMAN is a good album. Opinions are opinions, I guess.
[Feb 27,2004 12:28am - XeatadickX ""]
ok, ok, lets clear all this up:

suffocation = boner
morbid angel = boner
death = priapism for life

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