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Putting some metal nights together in Quincy, MA: Club 58

[Dec 21,2010 11:06am - RichHorror ""]
Keep the scene alive, buy tickets.
[Dec 21,2010 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 21,2010 11:09am - pam ""]
ITT: RTTP pisses in your cheerios.
[Dec 21,2010 11:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
Boarcorpse would be interested, but we're from Boston, and i don't think we'd draw enough for you to be happy in Quincy.
[Dec 21,2010 11:13am - DreadKill ""]

xmikex said:ATTN Everyone

This upcoming Thursday's blockbuster show of 13 Winters, The Shadows Smile, and Goatwhore has been moved to Waterworks. KEEP THE SCENE ALIVE! FUCK THE HEALTH INSPECTOR!!

i'd only go to this if saint to sinner got added and i had to sell 487534098674 tickets in order to attend.
[Dec 21,2010 11:20am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good luck with that! they have a $10,000.00 guarantee for local shows.
[Dec 21,2010 2:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 21,2010 3:14pm - hands 2 yourself  ""]
[Dec 21,2010 3:22pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

DreadKill said:
xmikex said:ATTN Everyone

This upcoming Thursday's blockbuster show of 13 Winters, The Shadows Smile, and Goatwhore has been moved to Waterworks. KEEP THE SCENE ALIVE! FUCK THE HEALTH INSPECTOR!!

i'd only go to this if saint to sinner got added and i had to sell 487534098674 tickets in order to attend.

Steal signals from the Palladium and book Arch Enemy for a residency, then we'll talk.
[Dec 21,2010 3:25pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'd like to see this moron compete with the South Shore's greatest source of Thursday evening entertainment: Capone's Pizzeria and Morgan White

[Dec 21,2010 3:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 15,2011 11:06pm - BOF logged Out  ""]

AndrewBastard said:if you book bands people want to see and it happens to be a thursday, people will go.

I think these 'metal' nights are stupid. they just get watered down with the same bands and/or lame bands over and over again because it occurs so frequently.

Some bands suck, perhaps mine included. face it.

I'd say go for it on Thursday if thats the only night you get...if you book them (them being bands that will draw)....they (they being fans of said bands) will come.

Why do you think these nights are "stupid"? 2 times a month is really too many nights in your opinion? Every thursday people who like metal have a place to go and hang out. It's not just about the bands playing that particular show..at least at my night it isn't...movies, DJ, $5...somewhere to go...if you don't like what I am DJing tell me what you want to hear...I'll play it...if I don't have it I'll get it for the next one. I'm doing these nights for you guys...don't then complain when these things go away cause nobody comes. I'll do this as long as people want it. evs.
[Mar 20,2011 3:46pm - Scott Brown  ""]
[Mar 20,2011 3:46pm - Scott Brown  ""]


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