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GG Allin was a fucking asshole.

[Apr 7,2011 5:26pm - Lamp ""]
Is this OP for real?
[Apr 7,2011 7:43pm - GGFUCKINGALLIN  ""]
I cum back from my grave to tell all you faggots that YOUR ALL PUSSIES!!! Now be a man, fuck my corpse and stop yer bitching.
[Apr 7,2011 7:45pm - GGFUCKINGALLIN  ""]
Now listen to my message of peace:

[Apr 7,2011 7:53pm - LucidCurse ""]
[Apr 7,2011 8:24pm - xmikex ""]

pryoryofsyn said:Pires - I didn't change it dumbass. Someone else did.

[Apr 7,2011 8:37pm - brian_dc ""]
The kind of guy who gets pumped for a KC's Tap show.
[Apr 7,2011 9:35pm - Doomkid ""]

nekronaut said:
pryoryofsyn said:

By the way I was gonna delete the address but now that you dropped the f-bomb, forget it!

I live in Jamaica Plain (gay/queer/transgender capitol of NE), faggot.

I have lots of gay friends and I would never call them or any other gay male a faggot. I will, however, call a faggot a faggot. Faggot.

[Apr 7,2011 9:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Heard this thread was cancelled, can anyone confirm?!?
[Apr 7,2011 10:11pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
Nope it's alive and kickin!

to nekronaut who calls a faggot a faggot:

That's nice. I suppose it would make you happy if this faggot got AIDS or jumped off a bridge...
[Apr 7,2011 10:14pm - pryoryofsyn ""]

pryoryofsyn said:Pires - I didn't change it dumbass. Someone else did.

I did really try to change it once I figured out they don't want the address known.
But if I can find it, anyone can!

After all this trouble I think I should get in for free!
[Apr 7,2011 10:19pm - W3 nli  ""]

pryoryofsyn said:Nope it's alive and kickin!

to nekronaut who calls a faggot a faggot:

That's nice. I suppose it would make you happy if this faggot got AIDS or jumped off a bridge...

Id only be happy if you did all that while setting yourself on fire and jump screaming my life is raviolis
[Apr 7,2011 10:22pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 7,2011 10:32pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
[Apr 7,2011 10:46pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
[img] is that the same girl in the video?

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