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FU congress and president i want my $175-$340 back

[Jul 27,2011 5:46pm - the_reverend ""]
Because of the deb crisis, I have to pay something like $175 to $340 extra for my refinance on my mortgage. Thanks for nothing assholes.
[Jul 27,2011 5:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
more government ass-raping to come.
[Jul 27,2011 5:50pm - thesac ""]
if you want change, people have to die

*becomes person of interest in one internet post*
[Jul 27,2011 5:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 27,2011 6:04pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

the_reverend said:Because of the deb crisis, I have to pay something like $175 to $340 extra for my refinance on my mortgage. Thanks for nothing assholes.

Yeah. I got fed up too. I refinanced in something like 2000. Very specific terms. I dropped ten years from 30 to 20, FIXED rate, dropped several points to 4.2

A couple months ago they tell me "oh noooo, you signed on for variable rate. You're at 7.2". They FUCKED ME.

So last month I paid it off.


Fuck mortgages, I will never have one again. I will buy cash from here out. Fuck these banks.

[Jul 27,2011 6:15pm - ShadowSD ""]
Congress really messed things up with this. Every idiot politician who said raising the debt limit isn't necessary or wouldn't have consequences if we waited looks like a complete tool, as the consequences begin to trickle though in various ways like this.

I honestly can't believe anyone in this country fell for the line that raising the debt limit to cover money already spent is the problem - because in real life, if I go to a business and use a service, I can't tell them that despite the fact that I owe them the money, I've decided I don't feel comfortable being in any more debt right now than I already am so it doesn't count. That's insanity, and it's what a lot of Congress thinks we can do as a country: tell our creditors hey we spent your money but we don't owe you because we don't want to be in that much debt. Nobody trusts a deadbeat with good interest rates, and that includes a deadbeat country if that's what we become.
[Jul 27,2011 6:16pm - the_reverend ""]
Idk where you had a mone pil sitting around to pay it off. I'm about 15 years from bing able to do that. I'm going from 5.5% @ 30years (22 years left) to 3.75% for 15 years. I'll be paying $100 more a month, but save $75K+ in the long run.
[Jul 27,2011 6:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
There are no rational solutions being presented to resolve the debt crises. We are fucked either way. One way will just push back our imminent financial collapse a bit longer.
[Jul 27,2011 7:28pm - narkybark ""]
rev, who did you refi with?
[Jul 27,2011 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
citizens bank. They gave me -1/4 point to refi, but because of my timing for the appraisal, I need to extend a locked quote which is between 1/8 and 1/4 point. I'm hoping that everything goes well and the rate is 3.75% again so I don't have to pay that cost.
[Jul 27,2011 7:57pm - SacInDartmouth  ""]
Only SuperCongress is real.

[Jul 27,2011 8:30pm - the_reverend ""]
wil they accept my ameros?
[Jul 27,2011 8:45pm - SacInDartmouth  ""]
Pesos, maybe.

[Jul 28,2011 8:22am - largefreakatzero ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
the_reverend said:Because of the deb crisis, I have to pay something like $175 to $340 extra for my refinance on my mortgage. Thanks for nothing assholes.

Yeah. I got fed up too. I refinanced in something like 2000. Very specific terms. I dropped ten years from 30 to 20, FIXED rate, dropped several points to 4.2

A couple months ago they tell me "oh noooo, you signed on for variable rate. You're at 7.2". They FUCKED ME.

So last month I paid it off.


Fuck mortgages, I will never have one again. I will buy cash from here out. Fuck these banks.

Smart man. We have about 2-3 years to go and we'll have no mortgage. Only Yankee frugality is real.
[Jul 28,2011 10:16am - Mutis ""]
credit unions > banks
[Jul 28,2011 10:58am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
Stop paying all bills, everyone

they can't jail us all...
[Jul 28,2011 12:29pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Many benefits come from hemp, besides smoking... which in turn can be taxd'& create jobs... maybe if ya also factored in some new ways of creating power through greener procedures I don't know about you, but sounds like there are two very positive ways of bringing us to salvation.

Also minor note. Invent an idea. And make it work, cause you would capitolize big time on that fuhkin cashola
[Jul 28,2011 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:Stop paying all bills, everyone

they can't jail us all...

true but they can confescate all of your shit instead.
[Jul 28,2011 1:11pm - pam ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Many benefits come from hemp, besides smoking... which in turn can be taxd'& create jobs... maybe if ya also factored in some new ways of creating power through greener procedures I don't know about you, but sounds like there are two very positive ways of bringing us to salvation.

Also minor note. Invent an idea. And make it work, cause you would capitolize big time on that fuhkin cashola

That would be great if congress had any intention on solving this crisis, but they don't. They're just fighting for their respective lobbyists (most of whom will lose money in new technology/green energy) and only want to win the fight. Fuck this country.
[Jul 28,2011 1:15pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
don't forget re-elections! getting those votes for doing nothing, FIRMLY.
[Jul 28,2011 1:21pm - pam ""]
[Jul 28,2011 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
Ok, I'm filing for a 1 day extention on my refi and closing in one day to get around this fee.
[Jul 28,2011 1:38pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I find screaming "fuck this country" at the current dramatization of the debt crisis the equivalent of getting the grocery cart with the retarded stuck wheel and screaming "fuck this grocery trip". What you gonna do, go hungry?

A new approach is in order. Get a new cart. Fatalism is useless. Any debt is unmanageable debt. Start dumping it as fast as you can. I currently have ZERO debt. And I will never allow myself to finance anything again.

Now if those damned taxes would just go away, I could retire and work at mcdonalds on the weekends.
[Jul 28,2011 1:39pm - pam ""]
no care. :-*
[Jul 28,2011 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
and pam finances things through babies that come out of her uterus. uter-us not uter-you.
[Jul 28,2011 1:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its more like a grocery cart that has no wheels, and is being pushed through an empty grocery store that is about to be demolished with explosives because it is falling apart. then the manager tells people the solution to avoid starvation is to make a donation to the grocery store so they can keep selling you food. but the money you donate just gets used to buy more explosives.
[Jul 28,2011 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 28,2011 1:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is making me hungry
[Jul 28,2011 2:03pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:its more like a grocery cart that has no wheels, and is being pushed through an empty grocery store that is about to be demolished with explosives because it is falling apart. then the manager tells people the solution to avoid starvation is to make a donation to the grocery store so they can keep selling you food. but the money you donate just gets used to buy more explosives.

That's the cnn drama version.

Your grandpappies version is: don't buy shit on credit, and get a basket instead of a cart.
[Jul 28,2011 2:22pm - narkybark ""]
It's also easy to say "just get rid of your debt". As someone who doesnt use credit, prefers to pay cash for cars, lives rather frugally, etc.- my mortgage is killing me and I can't do much about it.
[Jul 28,2011 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
maybe you should get arrowhead's pile of cash? Also, if you were nicer to 50yo ladies...
[Jul 28,2011 2:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
FuckIsMySignature said:its more like a grocery cart that has no wheels, and is being pushed through an empty grocery store that is about to be demolished with explosives because it is falling apart. then the manager tells people the solution to avoid starvation is to make a donation to the grocery store so they can keep selling you food. but the money you donate just gets used to buy more explosives.

That's the cnn drama version.

Your grandpappies version is: don't buy shit on credit, and get a basket instead of a cart.

no that's my version. i deplore CNN and most mainstreem media outlets.
[Jul 28,2011 2:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
and my grandpappy had a dollar that was worth a fucking dollar.
[Jul 28,2011 2:55pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

the_reverend said:maybe you should get arrowhead's pile of cash? Also, if you were nicer to 50yo ladies...

I was over 10 years into a 50,000 mortgage. Wasn't exactly a huge pile of cash.

While people ran themselves into debt and took on massive mortgages, I was making a point to live within my means. I'm actually unemployed right now, but used some of a very small inheritance to pay the mortgage off.

The point wasn't "pay off your mortgage", it was "get rid of debt". In your case refinancing is of course the smart option. Welcome to where I was 10 years ago, as I already said.
[Jul 28,2011 2:55pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:and my grandpappy had a dollar that was worth a fucking dollar.

Because there was no credit.

You see the metaphor yet, or what?
[Jul 28,2011 2:59pm - Sacreligion ""]
I would just like to add that immediately after reading this, a girl on my FB posted "If yo credit score high, feet and nails stay flyyy*u a five star chick* MANI/PEDI!!!"

[Jul 28,2011 3:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I understand your point, but a large majority of people are forced into living off of credit now to feed their families and pay their bills due to a lack of jobs. I had to a couple years ago and I'm still paying it off. The credit system is at fault for alot of this problem, yes, but not everyone has the ability to get out of it. The house of cards built by the banks who run this country and its govenment is collapsing. Some are to blame for ignorance but many more are to blame for predatory lending practices and financial corruption (quantitive easing etc.)
[Jul 28,2011 3:27pm - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:its more like a grocery cart that has no wheels, and is being pushed through an empty grocery store that is about to be demolished with explosives because it is falling apart. then the manager tells people the solution to avoid starvation is to make a donation to the grocery store so they can keep selling you food. but the money you donate just gets used to buy more explosives.

This is a good analogy - and the people who sell the explosives contribute kickbacks to the manager.
[Jul 28,2011 3:40pm - Yeti ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I'm actually unemployed right now, but used some of a very small inheritance to pay the mortgage off.

i have no debt either.

only pointing the finger at other people for having debt while yours was paid off by an inheritance is real.
[Jul 28,2011 3:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Here's another good analogy demonstrates the position we are in with our government and the debt ceiling from Dr. Ron Paul -

"Imagine you had a pesky neighbor who somehow took out a mortgage on his house in your name and by some legal trickery you were obligated to pay for it. Imagine watching this neighbor throw drunken parties, buy expensive cars, add more rooms to the house, and hire dozens of people to wait on him hand and foot. Imagine that he also managed to take out several credit cards in your name. One by one, he would max them out and then use your good name and credit to obtain another credit card, then another and then another. Each time, this neighbor would claim that he needed the new credit card to pay interest on the other maxed out credit cards. If he defaulted on those cards, your credit score would be hurt and when you wanted to buy something for yourself, it would be more difficult to get a loan and the interest you paid would be higher. Imagine that you mulled this over, and time after time, said nothing as he filled out more credit applications so he would not have to default on the other debt taken out in your name. Meanwhile, another shiny new Mercedes appears in his driveway. At what point do you think you might get tired of this game? And, even though you are left with no really good options, do you think you might eventually tell him to go ahead and default, just stop spending your money!"

[Jul 28,2011 3:49pm - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:I understand your point, but a large majority of people are forced into living off of credit now

Yup. People (and governments for that matter, too) always need to have the ABILITY to go into debt if things get really rough; while it's absolutely correct to say we should be very sparing as individuals when there's choice of whether to go into debt, that rule is only because we need to preserve that safety net for those moments when we don't have any choice but to use it - something that DOES often happen in economic downturns. It's good general advice for anyone to try to avoid buying things without credit whenever possible (something most people failed at before the downturn a few years back and which contributed to the bubble that fucked all of us), but at the same time avoiding the use of credit is impossible when things are REALLY tight. In other words, you shouldn't borrow until you have to, but then you have to.
[Jul 28,2011 3:59pm - ShadowSD ""]
I agree with Ron Paul on some things but he's wrong about default being better than not, it's already started to hurt our economy as Rev's thread proves.

The correct analogy for raising the debt ceiling is the one I posted: in real life, if I go to a business and use a service, I can't tell them that despite the fact that I owe them the money, I've decided I don't feel comfortable being in any more debt right now than I already am so it doesn't count. If we can't do that as individuals, why should the government be able to?
[Jul 28,2011 4:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, it's all about living within your means. Of course having a managable debt, whether it be mortgage or a conservative credit card debt is indeed acceptable, and many people need to do that to live and feed their families. But this country is FAR too comfortable with living on credit and continuing to buy bullshit that they can't afford. The financial sector was largely responsible for this before the crash, since institutions were lending money that they did not have (based on derivatives, loans against loans, and other related horseshit) to people who never should have qualified for anything close to what they were approved for. The boil finally burst and now many of us are covered in pus.
[Jul 28,2011 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
the problem is that the country (and states) live like the best of times is the norm. What we need to do is plan to like in the middle ground and then in boom times, save (ie: no tax rebates on surpluses. invest or save that $$$) and spend in bust times. Unfortunately, when there is extra cash around politicians want to political favors and make tax credits/rebates/etc... to get them and then there goes our surpluses. and there goes any safety net.
[Jul 28,2011 4:08pm - ShadowSD ""]
That said about Paul, if I lived in NH like some of you guys do I would vote for him in the primaries even though I don't agree with him on some stuff, just because an Obama vs. Paul match would be a great debate without bullshit and all about substance, policy, and the Constitution. Plus it would be the first time there were both Presidential candidates against launching new wars, both against heavy Pentagon spending, and both pro-pot (Obama who had always been for full decrim but hasn't said anything publically either way since being elected would have nothing blocking him from advocating this view publically as President if the Repub nominee was for legalization).
[Jul 28,2011 5:17pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:Yeah, it's all about living within your means. Of course having a managable debt, whether it be mortgage or a conservative credit card debt is indeed acceptable, and many people need to do that to live and feed their families. But this country is FAR too comfortable with living on credit and continuing to buy bullshit that they can't afford. The financial sector was largely responsible for this before the crash, since institutions were lending money that they did not have (based on derivatives, loans against loans, and other related horseshit) to people who never should have qualified for anything close to what they were approved for. The boil finally burst and now many of us are covered in pus.

but i work at Dunkin Donuts and want a 650K house, an Escalade with rims, 2 boats, a jet-ski, snowmobile, an iPOD, iPAD, and a 70 inch LCD tv with all inclusive cable to show how my balls are the size of grapefruits and as smooth as eggs. oh and little Johnny needs a 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and every new game so he'll stop screaming and fit in. i can't cook at home either, i need to eat at Olive Garden every night. i also need to smoke 2 packs a day, drink 17 Starbucks coffees, and only eat organic.
[Jul 28,2011 5:25pm - arilliusbm ""]

let's all commit suicide. problem solved.
[Jul 28,2011 5:31pm - ShadowSD ""]

the_reverend said:the problem is that the country (and states) live like the best of times is the norm. What we need to do is plan to like in the middle ground and then in boom times, save (ie: no tax rebates on surpluses. invest or save that $$$) and spend in bust times. Unfortunately, when there is extra cash around politicians want to political favors and make tax credits/rebates/etc... to get them and then there goes our surpluses. and there goes any safety net.

Bingo. True for government and true for individuals.
[Jul 28,2011 5:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
When will you guys realize that everything is driven by money and those who are responsible for this mess are those who create the money?
[Jul 28,2011 5:34pm - Ancient Master  ""]
Im outta this shit hole in less than a week....so long suckers
[Jul 28,2011 5:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Where you going, Tibet?
[Jul 28,2011 5:47pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
wealth flows towards more wealth. always will.
[Jul 28,2011 6:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Solution - everyone get wealthy!
[Jul 28,2011 6:12pm - narkybark ""]
the cunts get cuntier
[Jul 28,2011 6:33pm - Ancient Master  ""]
I am going to Norway for my MS in Agroecology
[Jul 28,2011 6:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Yeti said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:I'm actually unemployed right now, but used some of a very small inheritance to pay the mortgage off.

i have no debt either.

only pointing the finger at other people for having debt while yours was paid off by an inheritance is real.


Point was, I am doing everything I can to pay down debt and get away from credit.

I only had a $50,000 mortgage to start with. When other people making the same money I was were taking out loans for $200,000 or more for homes, I bought within my means. Which is why when things got hard, it took VERY short money to settle up.

I'm not pointing fingers at all. Just sharing my own situation. If you're debt free stay that way, that's my only point. This entire debt crisis is about CREDIT, and the irresponsible use of it.
[Jul 28,2011 6:56pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

largefreakatzero said:Yeah, it's all about living within your means. Of course having a managable debt, whether it be mortgage or a conservative credit card debt is indeed acceptable, and many people need to do that to live and feed their families. But this country is FAR too comfortable with living on credit and continuing to buy bullshit that they can't afford. The financial sector was largely responsible for this before the crash, since institutions were lending money that they did not have (based on derivatives, loans against loans, and other related horseshit) to people who never should have qualified for anything close to what they were approved for. The boil finally burst and now many of us are covered in pus.

[Jul 29,2011 1:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said: This entire debt crisis is about CREDIT, and the irresponsible use of it.

i agree with this. but in order to expect people to spend their money responsibly and live with in their means, they have to educated about how to do so. the major failure by our country is in that department. and i feel that a good majority of the rest of the people suffering out there were either Uneducated about the poor lending decisions they were making or outright Mislead by irresponsible financial institutions (Ie. sub-prime lending.) Mislead about their abilities to repay the outstanding loans offered at the time just so big banks could make a larger profit. this cannot be ignored.
[Jul 29,2011 8:55am - largefreakatzero ""]

Yeti said:
largefreakatzero said:Yeah, it's all about living within your means. Of course having a managable debt, whether it be mortgage or a conservative credit card debt is indeed acceptable, and many people need to do that to live and feed their families. But this country is FAR too comfortable with living on credit and continuing to buy bullshit that they can't afford. The financial sector was largely responsible for this before the crash, since institutions were lending money that they did not have (based on derivatives, loans against loans, and other related horseshit) to people who never should have qualified for anything close to what they were approved for. The boil finally burst and now many of us are covered in pus.

but i work at Dunkin Donuts and want a 650K house, an Escalade with rims, 2 boats, a jet-ski, snowmobile, an iPOD, iPAD, and a 70 inch LCD tv with all inclusive cable to show how my balls are the size of grapefruits and as smooth as eggs. oh and little Johnny needs a 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and every new game so he'll stop screaming and fit in. i can't cook at home either, i need to eat at Olive Garden every night. i also need to smoke 2 packs a day, drink 17 Starbucks coffees, and only eat organic.

Sadly there's so many like this.

Also, if I ever see an Escalade at a boat launch, I fish a different lake.
[Jul 29,2011 9:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Sigh. I wish I had the time to add to these kinds of threads. No computer at this job :-/
[Jul 29,2011 10:31am - ark  ""]
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" — Isaac Asimov
[Jul 29,2011 10:46am - Yeti ""]
[Jul 29,2011 10:47am - ark  ""]
[Jul 30,2011 7:14pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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