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Zircon MP3's still available for $1.99

[Jan 10,2012 5:48pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Jan 10,2012 6:02pm - scottfromzircon ""]
Don't be so cheap! Support Zircon!
[Jan 10,2012 6:22pm - REAL STORIES OF THE REPOST POLICE  ""]


[Jan 10,2012 7:09pm - yo  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 7:10pm - yo  ""]
Some say she's naive. she's a stupid bitch!
[Jan 10,2012 9:01pm - RealCaztleVania  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 9:17pm - Elizabeth  ""]
I say she is nothing but a Living Monstrosity.
[Jan 10,2012 9:33pm - Samantha Godbout  ""]
you are a peice of shit
[Jan 10,2012 9:41pm - scott666  ""]
wow .... hahahaha
[Jan 10,2012 9:50pm - RealCaztleVania  ""]
Really,letz clearify who u 3 talkin bout.....
[Jan 10,2012 10:00pm - Belphegor  ""]
scott I hope you dont ever become friends with someone this dirty again. she is nothing but fat whore garbage in my mind. I heard about what happened to you bro.
[Jan 10,2012 10:02pm - samanthasucks  ""]
I'm not fat and old. lol
[Jan 10,2012 10:05pm - burnsy ""]
All famesag.
[Jan 10,2012 10:13pm - scott666  ""]
I would never be friends with someone who had me arrested. fuck that! I'll let you guys take it from here.
[Jan 10,2012 10:17pm - shannon8866  ""]
I never had you arrested. I'm into fighting it out because I'm not a coward like your precious samantha is.
[Jan 10,2012 10:20pm - xgodzillax ""]
its 2012, who the fuck still buys mp3s???? get real
[Jan 10,2012 10:27pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Jan 10,2012 10:28pm - DEEP THOUGHTS  ""]
"No. Not tonight," Charlie cried as he buried his tears in his pillow.

"Oh yes, tonight. Tonight, just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and a hundred nights stretching before that ending at the day you came to live with me. Tonight, just like tomorrow." And with that, Willy Wonka removed his pants with a smirk. Usually, Charlie's parents and grandparents had been forced to watch, but Willy had killed them all and used their remains as seasoning for a new type of candy, Scrumdidllyumptious Green Soylet Surprise. Tonight would be Charlie's first night alone.

"Please, Mr. Wonka, please don't!" Charlie gave out one last sob of beligerrence, but the Candyman tore off the young boy's trousers with no senses of regret. "Let's see, what do we have hear today? Is there a treat for me? I most certainly hope there is," said Mr.Wonka as we delved his thumb and two fingers into Charlie's anus. Forcing them in until they were at the knuckle, Willy moved his hand around, as if he was searching for something. Then, his hand stopped, suddenly.

"EUREKA! I found it!" Removing his fingers, Charlie saw that firmly clutched in Mr. Wonka's hand was an everlasting gobstopper that Wonka had placed in there last night. Taking a lick, Mr. Wonka declared "It tastes just as delicious as the day I made it, although I don't know how I got so much corn on the shell formula." Wonka said the last line with a wink at Charlie, as if he expected him to laugh.

"Oh well, time for business." And with that, Willy Wonka dropped the gobstopper to his side and began to slide his PENIS into Charlie's now-loose asshole. Charlie let out a small tear and he began to grunt with every thrust. He must escape this madness. He must kill Willy Wonka.

But there were no knives in his home, in his prison. There were no guns or swords or matches, or anything. Everything that was needed was done for you by an oompa-loompa.

"Charlie, in a few minutes I'm going to place this in your mouth. I think you should like it, it's flavored with an exlusive mix of Charlie Bucket chocolate. Thanks for not wiping, baby."

Charlie had given himself poor anal hygeiene in an attempt to scare Wonka away, but Willy ignored it and fucked him all the same, except now with more facials.

Charlie desperatly wanted out of this hell, and by now he was willing to go through any plan he could in order to escape. And that's when he saw it. Next to Wonka's shaking knees was a gobstopper. Charlie moved his hands back as if to play with Willy, but as soon as he was close enough, he grabbed the gobstopper and swallowed it hole. The taste was revolting, but he had grown used to the taste and smell of his own anal production, so it passed into his throat with no problem. And in his throat is where it lodged.

By the time Willy Wonka had figured out Charlie was dead, he had already came in the young child's asshole, wondering why the child did not let loose a barage of tears telling him to pull out.

Placing his PENIS in Charlie's mouth, he noticed the boy's flesh to be unusually cold and his tongue to be unresponsive. Fucking him orally anyway, Willy Wonka knew exactly what to do with his apprentice.

He called out to the worker oompa-loompas and told them to take care of the body as they pleased, to which the oompa loompas chuckled and exchanged mischevious smiles. At once, he signaled for the Chief Loompa. Making motions, Wonka spoke to him.

"Another one has died."

"So, what should I do, sir?"

"Distribute the memory eraser chocolate, again,"

"And then, boss?"

"Tell the world that my factory is opening it's doors to the public after 15 years of life as a hermit. And make sure only boys find the gold this time."
[Jan 10,2012 10:29pm - scottfromzircon ""]
CD's for sale. I need to raise $300. Spread the word everywhere! ThanX
[Jan 10,2012 10:30pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Jan 10,2012 10:51pm - Nurse Ratched  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 10:57pm - Officer Frontage  ""]
Where was he? In the tool shed? Well that makes sense, because where he's goin he'll be...

*puts on sunglasses*

...surrounded by tools.

[Jan 10,2012 10:58pm - Tony Lazaro  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 11:07pm - Alucard  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 11:08pm - Alucard  ""]
"Zircon is generally the least valuable Jewel found in a Castlevania game."
[Jan 10,2012 11:21pm - shannon8  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 11:32pm - Jen667  ""]
Thats probably shitbag samantha pretending to be Alucard and smashing Zircon down because Scott told me she is no longer a part of Zircons inside group. Because of her treachury he has been looking for a new queen of worcester. might be me now kid. sucks to be Sam. Her loss.
[Jan 10,2012 11:55pm - samefag is samefag  ""]
[Jan 10,2012 11:58pm - Queen of Worcester  ""]
[Jan 11,2012 12:10am - scottfromzircon ""]
[img]This is the most Evil of the three fortresses.. 10x city size exact replica of this fortress awaits in space for it to conect/recharge
[Jan 11,2012 12:32am - Vlad the Emperor  ""]
The pic above is a concept for Zircon's next full length album. The new Queen of Worcester has to be hotter then this. Sorry, no blabbermouths or crackheads needed. Loyal, Honest, Strong, Smart, Beautiful and willing to go with the flow of when her king arrives.. Never listen to other mens advice. A true queen only listens to her king. 1.Answer her phone, 2. Answer her door. Even when lesser lovers are there, and 3. Never give her king up to the enemy!
[Jan 11,2012 1:25am - uh oh!  ""]
He's packing heat like Raynard. Best check yourselves before you wreck yourselves.

[Jan 11,2012 2:26am - Tony Vital  ""]
Red! I'm wondering why you had my singer locked up? What the Hell happened here? What? He said you spend more time in secret with your pussy sound man. He said you leave scotty boy all alone and this guy has moved in on his woman and his place in worcester. Not Cool! Kid better back off scotty boys queen when I say so. blacklisted
[Jan 11,2012 2:31am - Shannon7  ""]
LMAO! King Zircon wants his precious back.. aww.. Drama city!
[Jan 11,2012 3:21am - Dim Wit  ""]
Your so Naive and she.. she's just a stupid bitch! some say to forgive.. scott, never forgive these 2 whores of your past. they exist to suck success out of your life. sluts of NE metal is what they have become. move on. find yourself a good girl.
[Jan 11,2012 3:49am - SAMEFAG DETECTOR  ""]
[Jan 11,2012 5:02am - Same Loser Detector  ""]

[Jan 11,2012 5:04am - Same Nigger Detector  ""]
My shoes cost more then yours yo!
[Jan 11,2012 5:06am - Same Nigger Detector  ""]

Dim%20Wit said:Your so Naive and she.. she's just a stupid bitch! some say to forgive.. scott, never forgive these 2 whores of your past. they exist to suck success out of your life. sluts of NE metal is what they have become. move on. find yourself a good girl.

Poor Scott. All he ever had was fat chicks. Lol!
[Jan 11,2012 5:55am - Nig Patrol  ""]

bennyhillifier This is for Zircon to cure your A.I.D.S.Z.
[Jan 11,2012 6:42am - Zychron  ""]
My plagues shall devour all that breeds within thee. Thou can not kill what breeds with in me! Zircon shall neutralize all the sluts viruses and send them right back to where they came.. Zychron is a cancer that is growing, spreading in your brain!
[Jan 14,2012 2:34am - SSKKKZZ  ""]
I was inside your brain the other day with my black ops nano machines and just thought I'd let you know that there are several cancers growing and they are breeding all sorts of viruses..
[Jan 14,2012 11:19am - scottfromzircon ""]
Wow! Ha Ha! All this is hilarious! I tell a few of my friends whats going on in my love life and they turn it into this. ThanX for sticking up for me but no need to smash people I thought were my true friends and wind up making more trouble. I say just let them be the rats that they are and forget them. Worcester scum, just know that there are 2 sides now over there. Satanic or Christian. If you oppose me obviously you are a christian. So you have joined those who are indeed going to lose for the next 2,000 years. Every bad thought you think about me let it fester in your puny brains and cause you total misery. You better check yourself and realize who I am before it's to late.
[Jan 14,2012 11:29am - Same Nigger Detector  ""]
Fuck you Scott. You dont know shit about Worcester. Your a poser and dont even know what Satanic philosophy was. You were a poser in Zircon and now a poser in your Vital Remains cover band. Your chicks have all been fat whores and your about as dumb as it gets. When you aim the gun at me make sure its pointing the right way. Stay out of My Worcester dude you dont belong here.
[Jan 14,2012 11:36am - erzebet ""]
[Jan 14,2012 11:40am - erzebet ""]
Scott says now you have A.I.D.S! I am right here in Worcester with Scott in our new place and he's asking me if you want cancer too. Scott owns Worcester! You can suffer! Thank you for your hate! It gives me pleasure to stick you with the sting of 10,000 scorpians!
[Jan 14,2012 11:41am - scottfromzircon ""]
My curses do indeed work! I shall warn you, watch what you think, say or do. I'm inside you listening. There is no jail, no person or force that can stop me! You will create your own sufferage.
[Jan 14,2012 11:46am - erzebet ""]
I'm no fat whore! I'm Scott's real girlfriend. You'll meet me soon enough nigger lover. I am here to make certain all men who think their coils are so strong are cursed!
[Jan 14,2012 11:52am - Jesus the Antichrist  ""]
Crush him Scott! They are jealous rats who can't ever escape my matrix ov hell! I believe in tragedy! I believe in desecration!
[Jan 14,2012 12:04pm - Emperor  ""]
betrayer speak not to me at all! You and this world ripped my fucking heart out again! and again! and again!

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