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New Slayer DVD: Still Reigning to be released on November 2nd & tour info

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [jager_freaks][killswitch_engage][mastodon][q][randomshots][slayer]
[Nov 14,2004 1:05pm - succubus ""]
you should look at my pics because i also got crowd shots..you may be in those.

[Nov 14,2004 1:06pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:Josh_hates_you said:adam ran around stage like a queer running away from a bee.

that is the funniest thing I think I've read yet. how long have you been saving that one?

Josh_hates_you said:30 t shirts are ass. should have been lots of free jager.

$30 for an RTTP hoodie... and there was plenty of free jager if you were in the VIP bar.

i already said that!
post by succubus at Nov 14,2004 10:28am

free jager was there but you got it in the VIP room

but i guess yer still buzzed from all the free booze we got in the VIP bar
[Nov 14,2004 1:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i been too way better slayer shows... too be honest i wasnt impressed... i was too busy staring at the girl that i brought...
[Nov 14,2004 9:03pm - Jonah  ""]
why did you guys get vip?!

[Nov 14,2004 9:04pm - succubus ""]
not vip passes, only photo passes, but we had access to the VIP bar..i was kidding about getting drunk though

[Nov 14,2004 9:19pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
It's cool to see some of the DEATH ORGY clan on the new SLAYER video... How does that make some of you feel?
[Nov 14,2004 9:19pm - amy buttertits  ""]
shut up woman beater
[Nov 14,2004 9:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Thirty fucking dollars for a T-Shirt that costs about $6.00 to make?!?!?!?!!
[Nov 15,2004 1:38am - Jonah  ""]
most shirts cost less then 3 bucks to make in that kind of bulk
[Nov 15,2004 7:56am - lynneaus ""]
it was a great night...

i was excited all day... ive seen slayer before and all but its slayer...

so i made slayer cupcakes... about 45 of them for the staff... they were gone in like a half hour... apparently they were "the best cupcakes ever"

yes the raining blood was more like a drizzle and that sucked... i learned my camera sucks without a flash and i learned that sorting thru 290 pics to narrow down to 6 sucks.

i have a slight concussion from someone landing on my head during Raining Blood and that sucks... a constant headache for 2 days sucks.

but it was fucking slayer so all will be ok!
[Nov 15,2004 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
did anyone notice during chemical warfare when tommy said "for me to poop on!" during a chorus?
[Nov 16,2004 6:41am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
There was no "blood" at the Providence show, it wasn't needed, the show ruled!

[Nov 17,2004 11:18pm - Ryan (Mojo Music Studio)  ""]
Wow... that show fucking ruled.... I thought Q was going to ruin my night though. My first Slayer show and I was amazed... i could see the raining blood from the balcony.
[Nov 21,2004 10:57am - anonymous  ""]
Q SUCKED ASS!!!! Maston was AWESOME!! FUCKING KSE KICKED ASS!! Slayer was pretty good i guess..
[Nov 21,2004 12:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Um, it's MASTODON.

And KSE sucks.

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