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HELLBLOCK6 live on return to the pit this monday

Live in the WUNH Studios (Durham, NH) - [hellblock6][randomshots]
[Nov 11,2005 7:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Find out what I have been raving about the last 2 years, then come support them the next night @ the middle east.

[Nov 11,2005 7:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think they go on around 9pm
[Nov 14,2005 7:19pm - the_reverend ""]
nope, they are on at 11:15pm.
I was told that they were here at 3pm.
but went away.
waiting for them to come back
[Nov 14,2005 7:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm also pissed cause I forgot my laptop plug.
[Nov 14,2005 7:54pm - succubus ""]
if it's urgent..i can come bring it to you..let me know asap
[Nov 14,2005 8:39pm - rev amous  ""]
naw. I'm judst not going to tur it on.
sucks, but I'll use it later when I know the battery will last until I get home.
[Nov 14,2005 9:05pm - succubus ""]
well if you are using yer new battery that i swaped for you... =)
[Nov 14,2005 10:46pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, I'm using my new battery,
it's at 80%-ish.
I should be fine for the show.
[Nov 14,2005 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
they are on now and joe too busy selling out.
[Nov 15,2005 2:18am - the_reverend ""]
damn did they sound good...
I very been wicked busy.
trying to get shit done and get to sleep!
[Nov 15,2005 2:39am - the_reverend ""]
pictures and mp3s uploadin
[Nov 15,2005 2:49am - the_reverend ""]
can someone try to dl the mp3s?
I want to know that they work and my lappy wont let me dl them
[Nov 15,2005 8:56am - RustedAngel ""]
it pisses me off when I see a so many women playing bass instead of guitar just because it's easier/less prominent in most bands. My girlfriend is already a better guitarist than me and she's been playing for a 1 1/2 years, me 8 years. If she joins a metal band in a few years we're all fucked :spineyes:
[Nov 15,2005 9:02am - succubus ""]
I want that hair! WOW

ps: that's my lens!
[Nov 15,2005 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
carina, your flash is sitting up on the stereo on my rack too.
[Nov 15,2005 9:19am - succubus ""]
hah! i can see it
[Nov 15,2005 9:20am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah your girlfriend plays fucking sick sweeps tom. I remember that video.
[Nov 15,2005 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
sounds fucking awesome! good job on the pics aaron
[Nov 15,2005 10:03am - diamond_dave ""]
RustedAngel said:it pisses me off when I see a so many women playing bass instead of guitar just because it's easier...

why don't you tell her that to her face.
bass is not easier than guitar, just different to master.
she's a great bass player.
the bass is way out front in this band.
[Nov 15,2005 10:05am - diamond_dave ""]
that dude's got a sweet sticker on his guitar...
[Nov 15,2005 10:09am - RustedAngel ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:yeah your girlfriend plays fucking sick sweeps tom. I remember that video.

yeah man, she's like working backwards it's wierd. I didn't even know what sweeps/arpeggio's were at 1 1/2 years of playing. she worships jason becker and if she keeps up and maybe even puts more time into it she will blow away any female guitarist I've heard, and a whole shitload of dudes. The only decent guitar player I've heard is Carina Alfie (haha someone else has your name sis!) who is sorta like steve vai, but not quite as good. The Great Kat, from what I've heard is just mindless fast noodling and sounds like shit. There really isn't ANY female guitar players that have achieved the same level of support as Male guitar players like Vai/Satriani/ect. It's really sad. I guess you could say the same thing goes for drummers.
[Nov 15,2005 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
girls are good at bass because they got their groove back
[Nov 15,2005 10:19am - RustedAngel ""]
diamond_dave said:RustedAngel said:it pisses me off when I see a so many women playing bass instead of guitar just because it's easier...

why don't you tell her that to her face.
bass is not easier than guitar, just different to master.
she's a great bass player.
the bass is way out front in this band.

it was NOTHING PERSONAL against her. I've never even heard this band before. I was generally speaking...In most cases bass is an easier feat unless you're a soloist bass player 'victor w00ten' and such.

It's a fact that there are no Female guitarists out there that are as good as the Male virtuoso's of the guitar world, or at least are as known. It's really sad actually. Most girls just want to look and feel badass so they pickup guitar, but mostly bass and just suck at it. My girlfriend was completely unaware about this kind of sexism about how guys look at female musicians as sex objects and don't take them seriously. She almost wanted to give up playing guitar because of that but with my support, her teachers support and her dedication to the guitar she is still going.

It comes down to this, I would really like to see some nasty super good female guitarists/drummers in this world.
[Nov 15,2005 10:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah no female guitarists around this area at allhttp://www.hekseri.net/
[Nov 15,2005 10:34am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Nov 15,2005 10:48am - RustedAngel ""]
I guess you both missed my point...

I'm talking accomplished and as known as guitarists like VAI/BECKER/EVH or if you really prefer speaking terms of death metal then there are no female ERIK RUTANS or MUHAMMED/NECROPHAGIST'S. Understand what I'm saying now? It sucks, I wish there were sick female players, and maybe there would be if most picked up guitar / drums instead of flute's and clarinets because guitar is a 'manly' instrument or some gay shit.
[Nov 15,2005 10:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There are plenty of accomplished female guitarists, just maybe not so much in metal.
[Nov 15,2005 10:57am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There are plenty of accomplished female guitarists, just maybe not so much in metal.

who? like Kaki King? from what I've seen she's awesome but I've also heard that she's a bunch of tricks. But still, no metal players..................
[Nov 15,2005 11:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rusty gays up another thread.

How in the fuck does a guitar wanker discussion get started on a fucking Hellblock 6 thread?

[Nov 15,2005 11:23am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_Martin said:Rusty gays up another thread.

How in the fuck does a guitar wanker discussion get started on a fucking Hellblock 6 thread?

because there was tons of discussion going on here in the first place with the rev basically chatting with himself at the top.
[Nov 15,2005 12:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Someone talk about Hellblock6 instead of trying to uncover if some cunt can play guitar well or not.
[Nov 15,2005 12:35pm - succubus ""]
i can play a mean guitar with the rev's penis
[Nov 15,2005 12:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
succubus said:i can play a mean guitar with the rev's penis

haha, why do you not love me anymore carina! i miss you
[Nov 15,2005 12:40pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
for the most part people that are accomplished musicians( have knowledge of notes,chords,scales) are pretentious wankers.
[Nov 15,2005 12:42pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
p.s Just because Rush are good musicians, doesn't meen that they aren't the fucking worst piece of shit ever.
[Nov 15,2005 12:43pm - succubus ""]
i'm gonna go bump a thread...

and joe who says i don't!
[Nov 15,2005 12:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:In most cases bass is an easier feat unless you're a soloist bass player 'victor w00ten' and such.

nope not true. most bassists arent soloists because bass solos aren't used in alot of typical songwriting. since most bassists don't have the opportunity to play solos in the bands they're in, they dont learn soloing skills. doesnt make bass easier, bassists just develop a different set of skills.

ahh guitarists and their egos

[Nov 15,2005 12:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
MarkKevorkian said:for the most part people that are accomplished musicians( have knowledge of notes,chords,scales) are pretentious wankers.

Anthony nli said:ahh guitarists and their egos


[Nov 15,2005 12:50pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:MarkKevorkian said:for the most part people that are accomplished musicians( have knowledge of notes,chords,scales) are pretentious wankers.

Anthony nli said:ahh guitarists and their egos



thank you sir,
[Nov 15,2005 12:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ehy i just hate people putting those type of skills before good song writing
[Nov 15,2005 12:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Catchy songs will always be better then overly-technical songs
[Nov 15,2005 1:06pm - brian_dc ""]
it's all about fun, goddammit
[Nov 15,2005 1:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:ehy i just hate people putting those type of skills before good song writing

and I'm not...IT IS possible to be accomplished with your instrument and write good songs...
[Nov 15,2005 1:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
brian_dc said:it's all about fun, goddammit

yes, it definitely is, but why are there no females in metal who are truly good players having fun?
[Nov 15,2005 1:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
13, Babes in Toyland, L7 umm shit i got more hold on
[Nov 15,2005 1:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
MarkKevorkian said:for the most part people that are accomplished musicians( have knowledge of notes,chords,scales) are pretentious wankers.

yeah okay, I guess devoting yourself to an instrument and learning everything there is possible about it isn't cool to 3 of you. Either way, I'm talking about female musicians here not about wankery.
[Nov 15,2005 1:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:brian_dc said:it's all about fun, goddammit

yes, it definitely is, but why are there no females in metal who are truly good players having fun?

there are, they just arent accomplished enough for you to notice
[Nov 15,2005 1:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Did anyone even listen to hellblock6 or just read tom's embarassing posts?
[Nov 15,2005 1:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
Anthony nli said:RustedAngel said:In most cases bass is an easier feat unless you're a soloist bass player 'victor w00ten' and such.

nope not true. most bassists arent soloists because bass solos aren't used in alot of typical songwriting. since most bassists don't have the opportunity to play solos in the bands they're in, they dont learn soloing skills. doesnt make bass easier, bassists just develop a different set of skills.

ahh guitarists and their egos


I already said that when I stated that "most bassist's are in the background of the music". It makes it a lot easier to join bands as a bass player because it's not prominent in the music so all you need are basics. It's much harder to find a good bass player than it is to find a good guitar player. How is that?
[Nov 15,2005 1:28pm - brian_dc ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Did anyone even listen to hellblock6 or just read tom's embarassing posts?

I was listening last night...had a brutal migraine so I don't actually remember it, pretty sure I was liking it.

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