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Quiznos > Subway

[Jan 4,2006 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
the turkey ranch and swiss from Quiznos is untouchable. i got the same thing with the same ingredients from Subway, and it was like the Subway one was made from nothing but crap.
[Jan 4,2006 12:53pm - davefromthegrave ""]
subway is crap, yes.
[Jan 4,2006 12:59pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
even though I enjoy Subway, they cannot hold a candle to Quiznos...mmm I think I'm going to go to the Quiznos on Rt. 9 for lunch today.
[Jan 4,2006 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know..
carina wouldn't let me go there on monday.
[Jan 4,2006 1:14pm - todayistheday ""]
quiznos rule but their prices are out of control
[Jan 4,2006 1:16pm - RichHorror ""]
Quiznos by a fuckin' landslide. It isn't even close.
[Jan 4,2006 1:17pm - Ryan_M ""]
i gotta agree with the price issue, i spend almost 10 bucks on a sub and a soda. i don't mind subway, but chris from shit fuck is right in that no one can beat quiznos

and let's not forget the commercials with those singing rats! that's what made me want to try quiznos in the first place!
[Jan 4,2006 1:30pm - Aegathis ""]
I whole heartedly agree, quiznos is better but it is more expensive.
[Jan 4,2006 1:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:even though I enjoy Subway, they cannot hold a candle to Quiznos...mmm I think I'm going to go to the Quiznos on Rt. 9 for lunch today.

that summed it up right there but i will be having soup and a hot pocket sub for lunch today.
[Jan 4,2006 1:37pm - todayistheday ""]
i am going to go to the one on rt 9 today too
[Jan 4,2006 1:43pm - anonymous  ""]
Yeti said:the turkey ranch and swiss from Quiznos is untouchable. i got the same thing with the same ingredients from Subway, and it was like the Subway one was made from nothing but crap.

THAT is my favorite, favorite, favorite sub EVER.

[Jan 4,2006 1:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to Quiznos now, since it's on the way to the post office.

By the way, you are all racist crackers.
[Jan 4,2006 1:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:THATS IT!
I am going to Quiznos now, since it's on the way to the post office.

By the way, you are all racist crackers.

fuck, im racist now....great i gotta go join another union, the folks at the sexist club arent gonna like this one bit
[Jan 4,2006 1:50pm - pam nli  ""]
That was me up there by the way. FAVORITE SUB EVER.

And I hate you all because I have NO money and 3 quiznos within a mile of my front door. :(
[Jan 4,2006 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Joe/NotCommon said:THATS IT!
I am going to Quiznos now, since it's on the way to the post office.

By the way, you are all racist crackers.

fuck, im racist now....great i gotta go join another union, the folks at the sexist club arent gonna like this one bit

My fist is God's spirit of revenge.
[Jan 4,2006 1:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ooooooooh look out over there
[Jan 4,2006 2:00pm - intricateprocess ""]
fuck, now im hungry. subway=scary,quiznos=teh best. i do agree, quiznos does get pricey which is the downside

chicken mesquite with bacon
[Jan 4,2006 2:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
chicken mesquite with bacon is my one true love
[Jan 4,2006 2:02pm - pam nli  ""]
sooooo hungry!!!!
[Jan 4,2006 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I ate a meat ball sub twice in 7th or 8th grade on a thursday and then spent the day after cycling through sleeping for 20 minutes and then puking my guts out.
[Jan 4,2006 2:07pm - Anthony nli  ""]
the_reverend said:I ate a meat ball sub twice in 7th or 8th grade on a thursday and then spent the day after cycling through sleeping for 20 minutes and then puking my guts out.

meat trauma
[Jan 4,2006 2:09pm - brian_dc ""]
this thread is obvious...but I'm jealous of everyone.

closest quiznos to my mom's house (where I am today and tomorrow) is like 40 miles away...closest one to my house is a 5 minute drive...sigh.
[Jan 4,2006 2:11pm - pam nli  ""]
when they built the two in New Bedford I knew my life was complete.
[Jan 4,2006 2:25pm - SPALDINO  ""]
ok... i love Subway, A LOT. their BREAD is untouchable. if you get chicken from Subway, im sorry... that shit sucks. but their meatball and veggie subs are the fucking greatest. quiznos' meatball subs are tiny and their bread is way too fucking small. i end up losing like half of the meatballs. its good, but subway's meatball and cheese destroys it.

quiznos is also open ass expensive. seriously. 10 bucks for a large meatball and cheese sub with extra cheese meal and a cookie? come on. subway charges under 8 for the same thing, but with better bread, 2 cookies (which are also baked fresh there) and a drink. quiznos has packaged cookies which taste as stale as the crust on hitler's underwear.

im sorry, but 10 bucks for a fucking sub? ill just go to a kick ass italian place and get the juiciest, best tasting chicken parmesan for only a dollar more.
[Jan 4,2006 2:29pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i actually just got back from having a black angus steak and cheese at the quizno's down the street from umass dartmouth. i rule because with a student ID you get 15% off, plus i have a shitload of coupons. so quiznos is cheap and fucking amazing for me, all the time. subway can lick my grundle.
[Jan 4,2006 2:31pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah...I get the 15% too...but without a student ID (because I lost it and don't care about getting it again) the quizno's girl has a crush on me and I abuse her dreams for the discount I'm entitled to anyway.
[Jan 4,2006 2:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mark does drugs and drinks all the time all.....the.........time
[Jan 4,2006 2:31pm - SPALDINO  ""]
thats it Mr Richards... its time to d-d-d-d-dddd-duel!
[Jan 4,2006 2:35pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i traded in my vital organs for grocery bags full of queludes and crystal meth. i decided i didn't like having blood anymore, so i replaced it with grappa.

bring spaldino, your heartburn-giving subway meatball sub is no match for my 15% discount!
[Jan 4,2006 2:35pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
bring it* spaldino. my apologies.
[Jan 4,2006 2:40pm - SPALDINO  ""]
It doesnt give me heartburn... it fuels my passion for subway the more i eat it. ill just slip on my quiznos shit stompin boots and we can meet in the back seat of your purple hyundai... even if you dont have it anymore....
[Jan 4,2006 2:41pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
oh, i've still got the purple monster, don't you worry...although since it's kinda dreary out today, it's slate gray. it's on.
[Jan 4,2006 2:42pm - brian_dc ""]
anyone else shocked that the quiznos thread turned into an argument (though in jest) before the grindcore thread?
[Jan 4,2006 2:45pm - pam nli  ""]
I never thought to abuse the student discount. If my school ever gives me a fucking ID I will.

If you want I can go pick a fight in the grindcore thread? ;)
[Jan 4,2006 2:46pm - SPALDINO  ""]
you dont fuck with a man and his subs.
[Jan 4,2006 2:46pm - brian_dc ""]
that's the surprise, there is no argument in the grindcore thread.

[Jan 4,2006 2:46pm - SPALDINO  ""]
although im sure i can say "you dont fuck with a mexican and his subs" but that would be off topic... ZING!
[Jan 4,2006 2:49pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
pam, it's not abuse, it's our right, dammit!

and spaldino is right...you don't fuck with a man and his subs. i nearly flip my shit if they put mushrooms on after i told em not to. it can get pretty ugly.
[Jan 4,2006 2:50pm - Aegathis ""]
dude that black angus sandwich is the best fuckin thing ive ever eaten.
[Jan 4,2006 2:51pm - pam nli  ""]
mark fucking richards said:pam, it's not abuse, it's our right, dammit!

and spaldino is right...you don't fuck with a man and his subs. i nearly flip my shit if they put mushrooms on after i told em not to. it can get pretty ugly.

dude...I feel the same way about onions. I'll cut a nigga.
[Jan 4,2006 2:52pm - pam nli  ""]
Aegathis said:dude that black angus sandwich is the best fuckin thing ive ever eaten.

even better than all that cack?
[Jan 4,2006 2:54pm - succubus ""]
i prefer quizno's too

but on monday i didn't want a sub/sandwich, i wanted real food...
[Jan 4,2006 2:56pm - pam nli  ""]
^ starving now
[Jan 4,2006 3:01pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
mushrooms, onions, and mayonnaise are the scourges of my sandwich.
[Jan 4,2006 3:02pm - brian_dc ""]
I love mushrooms and onions, with you on the mayonnaise...there's so much more flavor to be added with other condiments.
[Jan 4,2006 3:03pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:06pm - pam nli  ""]
dude, you are totally wrong. like, tragically wrong.
[Jan 4,2006 3:06pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
D'Angelos sucks. C'mon!!! Even Pam knows it
[Jan 4,2006 3:06pm - brian_dc ""]

what do you like, doods?

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