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My favorite RACIST bands

[Mar 29,2006 8:52pm - Troll ""]
I like to listen to some R.A.C. once and awhile...it's all rock n roll.
[Mar 29,2006 9:39pm - Bradness ""]
to the tune of No Woman No Cry
No niggas no crime....
[Mar 30,2006 12:03am - reuben ""]
Skrew Driver is the best fucking band of all time.
[Mar 30,2006 12:21am - mOe nli  ""]
fuck off
[Mar 30,2006 12:45am - anonymous  ""]
haha slayer are neo nazi's haha, jesus ....hahahah youre so retarded, ahah i cant stop laughing as i type this cause i can just see you so straight faced and serious as you typed that because you think you know what you are talking about.....
[Mar 30,2006 1:03am - dwellingsickness ""]
R.A.C. ?
[Mar 30,2006 12:37pm - Troll ""]
dwellingsickness said:R.A.C. ?

Rock Against Communism
[Mar 30,2006 12:46pm - Messerschmitt ""]
me and mah boy good ol'banjo lips- j. reb is great, skrewdriver, razors edge. there's too many to list.
[Mar 30,2006 1:08pm - Iron Mike Sharp  ""]
[Mar 30,2006 1:15pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Johnny Rebel rules. Even if you don't like his views, you have to admit he's a lyrical genius.
[Mar 30,2006 1:17pm - Josh_Martin ""]
An actual conversation:

Tom Araya: We're going to cover Guilty of Being White by Minor Threat

Phil Anselmo: Who's going to sing it?

Tom Araya: I'm gonna sing it. What do you mean??

Phil Anselmo: You're not white.

Tom Araya : (walks away, pissed off)

[Mar 30,2006 2:39pm - Dissector ""]
Josh_Martin said:An actual conversation:

Tom Araya: We're going to cover Guilty of Being White by Minor Threat

Phil Anselmo: Who's going to sing it?

Tom Araya: I'm gonna sing it. What do you mean??

Phil Anselmo: You're not white.

Tom Araya : (walks away, pissed off)

HAhahahaha that's hilarious.
[Mar 30,2006 2:43pm - infoterror ""]
Poor Tom. He's in the middle. He's mostly Caucasian, with a whopping dose of Asian.

I'm not sure Phil should be talking. Italian + unknown NOLA elements, married a Jew. Send him to Africa.

[Mar 30,2006 3:35pm - dwellingsickness ""]
infoterror said:Poor Tom. He's in the middle. He's mostly Caucasian, with a whopping dose of Asian.

haha...Last time I checked Chile was not part of asia. And that is where Tom Araya was born.
[Mar 30,2006 3:36pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Arghoslent is great, and definitely racist, they just coat it with a more historical edge lyrically.

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