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Carcass Reunion.

[Oct 23,2006 4:04pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
how bout something more realistic like.... SEPULTURA REUNION!!!
[Oct 23,2006 4:04pm - paganmegan ""]
they will do a reunion, play only in NYC and LA and charge one hundred dollars per ticket. Lets see if my forecast is true
[Oct 23,2006 4:05pm - KeithMutiny ""]
paganmegan said:they will do a reunion, play only in NYC and LA and charge one hundred dollars per ticket. Lets see if my forecast is true

in that case, who else is going besides me?

[Oct 23,2006 4:30pm - paganmegan ""]
I'd be a sucker and go. I went to Emperor, and I'll be going to Immortal thus having proven I am a sucker for these reunions
[Oct 23,2006 4:35pm - retzam ""]
Damn it rev, I didn't realize it's been almost 2 years since the last time I've bumped this. If I had I would have bumped it again. Oh well, now I'll have to wait another 4 years to trick you again probably.
[Oct 23,2006 4:39pm - retzam ""]
And as a sidenote, this time I got fooled. Way to turn the tables on me.
[Sep 18,2007 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 18,2007 11:52am - wotan mit zits  ""]
[Jul 4,2008 1:20pm - porphyria  ""]
I called it!
[Jul 4,2008 1:48pm - blue ""]
hahahahahahha so true.
[Jul 4,2008 1:49pm - Mess ""]
i'm an idiot... fuck
[Sep 9,2008 10:42am - porphyria  ""]

CARCASS in NYC photos
[Sep 9,2008 10:46am - Yeti ""]
now if only there could be a Godflesh reunion....
[Nov 9,2010 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
bump.. oh wait.
[Nov 9,2010 4:50pm - The_Rooster ""]
Don't fucking tease dick!

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