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[Jan 2,2007 9:53pm - the_reverend ""]
add us!
[Jan 2,2007 9:57pm - hungtableed  ""]
I don't have WiFi in my house, so I can't use the internet features yet. I'm getting it soon - it's about time anyways, I've used my psp internet capabilities only like 3 times in the past year and a half. I thought there was going to be an ethernet hook up also, what's up with that?
[Jan 2,2007 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
join the rest of the world
[Jan 8,2007 1:28am - boine ""]
this kid i work with dislocated his knee playing Wii sports and now needs surgery on his knee
[Jan 8,2007 6:43am - powerkok ""]
My buddy has one and we played the other night.
What a great fucking system!
I want one bad now, but Im pretty sure everyone around here is out of stock.
I will not pay more than retail, so it looks like Im waiting for this one.
[Jan 8,2007 9:06am - carina @ work  ""]
don't pay more than retail! look hard enough and you'll find one
[Jan 8,2007 9:13am - powerkok ""]
I dont suppose you looked/had any luck in the Concord area?
[Jan 8,2007 9:48am - hungtableed  ""]
powerkok said:My buddy has one and we played the other night.
What a great fucking system!
I want one bad now, but Im pretty sure everyone around here is out of stock.
I will not pay more than retail, so it looks like Im waiting for this one.

I ordered a budled package that came with a bunch of games because I thought that they'd be impossible to find for a while. Two days after I got mine, Gamestop had them in stock. Even though the website says they're sold out, I'd check EBgames and Gamestop.
[Jan 8,2007 10:31am - carina @ work  ""]
target got a bunch of wii's yesterday. call the target near you ASAP they might have some left.
you might also want to call Circuit City and Best Buy too and ask when they will be getting more in. Sometimes it helps if you're there in person.

OTher stores to call are: ToysRus, gamostop, ebgames and walmart
[Jan 8,2007 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they should make Wii drinking games. that way i could just attach a beerbottle to the controller and get points for being a drunk.
[Jan 8,2007 11:45am - powerkok ""]
[Jan 9,2007 7:20pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jan 9,2007 7:50pm - hungtableed  ""]
I love my Wii, I am really not sure if I'd even consider trading it for anything else out there.
[Jan 9,2007 11:07pm - retzam ""]
Aaron and/or Carina: How is Super Monkey Ball Blitz?? I've played the Monkey Ball for Gamecube and it's sick I think.
[Feb 3,2007 1:46pm - powerkok ""]
retzam said:Aaron and/or Carina: How is Super Monkey Ball Blitz?? I've played the Monkey Ball for Gamecube and it's sick I think.

Awesome....50 games one 1 disc.....at least 30 of them ae awesome.

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