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absinthe approved once again for sale in the US!

[Nov 17,2007 6:01pm - Strep Cunt  ""]
Should be legal anyway.

My personal experience with absinthe:
Ordered a bottle (anise-free) that supposedly has the highest legal thujone level in Europe, downed 3 shots, felt slightly stoned, slightly drunk, 3 hours later completely hung-over feeling and mounds of vomit. Wasn't worth the 100 bucks, that's for sure.
[Nov 18,2007 1:22pm - demondave ""]
I am the Green Fairy
My robe is the colour of despair
I have nothing in common with the fairies of the past
What I need is blood, red and hot, the palpitating flesh of my victims
Alone, I will kill France, the Present is dead, Vive the future.
But me, I kill the future and in the family I destroy the love of country, courage, honor,
I am the purveyor of hell, penitentiaries, hospitals.
Who am I finally? I am the instigator of crime
I am ruin and sorrow
I am shame
I am dishonour
I am death
I am absinthe.

[Nov 18,2007 3:38pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I drank about 8 or 9 shots of the real deal stuff at the 007 club in Prague
one time on tour with Dropdead...somewhere during our set I apparently
pulled my pants down and hung upside down by my feet on a pipe.
For some reason too, I kept cracking hardcore Abraham Lincoln jokes on
the promoter who had a beard...he stopped thinking it was funny after the
30th time. It could have been partly that I was smoking alot of hash too...or I'm just a douche. probably all of the above.
[Nov 18,2007 5:18pm - Troll ""]
Dropdead= wormwood hXc
[Nov 19,2007 9:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
demondave said:I am the Green Fairy
My robe is the colour of despair
I have nothing in common with the fairies of the past
What I need is blood, red and hot, the palpitating flesh of my victims
Alone, I will kill France, the Present is dead, Vive the future.
But me, I kill the future and in the family I destroy the love of country, courage, honor,
I am the purveyor of hell, penitentiaries, hospitals.
Who am I finally? I am the instigator of crime
I am ruin and sorrow
I am shame
I am dishonour
I am death
I am absinthe.

Funny; sitting here listening to Arcturus' "La Masquerade Infernale," and that fit perfectly. Definitely absinthe music; I think it'll be the soundtrack to my next green fairy experience.

[Nov 19,2007 9:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:I think it'll be the soundtrack to my next green fairy experience.

LOL, green fairy, fag, etc.
[Nov 19,2007 12:36pm - ariavette ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:ariavette said:yeah i heard this the other day. anyone ever drank it? i'm curious as to the effects. how much do you have to drink before it works? i mean is it like one shot and your done for the evening?

I downed a few shots and was pleasantly annihilated. Definitely not like a traditional drunk; it's hard to describe exactly how it's different, but it's a whole different ballgame.

Where'd you get it?
[Nov 19,2007 12:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
A Russian friend of mine was making regular visits to Prague for a while. (She's since moved there, so no more hookup. Boo hoo.)
[Nov 19,2007 1:02pm - ariavette ""]
aww that sux, i figure it'll be a while before it's readily available, if anyone is successful in search please share
[Nov 19,2007 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I haven't looked yet, but just heard on the news. 4 brands and they basically have none of that wormwood nuro-chemical in them.
[Nov 19,2007 3:30pm - ariavette ""]
how can that be, that's what makes it what it is. GAY
[Nov 19,2007 5:16pm - the_reverend ""]
well if by that you mean the real original absinthe recipes that have been made in the same location for over 200 years, then yes, gay. The people there are saying that the reason absinthe was banned in the first place was low quality absinthe that had too much of the wormwood stuff.
[Nov 20,2007 9:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
A little brain damage never killed anyachhqidle,33355ew//
[Nov 26,2007 2:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 26,2007 4:05pm - pam ""]
BOBDEAD said:I drank about 8 or 9 shots of the real deal stuff at the 007 club in Prague
one time on tour with Dropdead...somewhere during our set I apparently
pulled my pants down and hung upside down by my feet on a pipe.
For some reason too, I kept cracking hardcore Abraham Lincoln jokes on
the promoter who had a beard...he stopped thinking it was funny after the
30th time. It could have been partly that I was smoking alot of hash too...or I'm just a douche. probably all of the above.

This story should be printed on the side of the bottle.

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