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brad from weymouth

[Feb 26,2008 11:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
aaron dont you worry im just making sure my flem is worthy of your mother's vagflap before i let loose.
[Feb 26,2008 11:01pm - yummy ""]
Please capitalize my name before you do anything.
[Feb 26,2008 11:02pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]

Karma-Enema said:

retrace all your posts and tell me any bands as such dont exist..........

(tapping foot waiting)

I'm not accounting for any bands in any post here I may or may not have trashed. I'm speaking of this band you represent.
[Feb 26,2008 11:03pm - fleshfries ""]

W3%20nli said:im still waiting for you to respond to Brad calling you out.

I think Brad got him on that one....
[Feb 26,2008 11:04pm - brad weymouth  ""]
well, that was fun for today. i'm gonna go get laid, don't worry SMC, we're using protection...i don't really hate this kid, it's just lame. Kevorkians Angels got some pretty bad reviews, but no one went out of there way to make threads and point it out. I'm still curious what Karma's motivation is.
this whole arguing on the internet thing is lame,,,,,but damn is it fun!
[Feb 26,2008 11:05pm - W3 nli  ""]
never, i capitalize randomly and youll eat it up with spoon
[Feb 26,2008 11:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
you get a chance to give tom my number i wanna see what they got going on and why arent you gonna involved you know at least until you leave for good this time ha.
[Feb 26,2008 11:13pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Tom got metal in his eye, so he's all perc'd up right now. He's also moving into a new place this weekend, so expect a call next week. It'll be Cwafesque, all new songs and a different name. He wants you to play guitar, Gillis knows a dude for bass, says he's like Nick Kevorkian but with a better memory. I'm not involved cuz i got too much goin on in da family wayz yo.
[Feb 26,2008 11:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
intense, itll be weird tom's got a style a lot like mine ive never actually been in a band when someone else writes.

STOKED, i think its time for a whiskey drink.
[Feb 26,2008 11:18pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

PeteovDom said:the fact that you come to a metal forum to initiate your warped sense of karma is very confusing and unnecessary. you ARE judging metal, and you are representing someone without the balls to "defend" themselves against the Dominatus hooligans, Brad, and all the other people that hate you on this board.

i gave everyone a REASON to hate me on this bored (oh, did i spell that wrong?)
others are not so fortunate...they are just aimlessly attacked by all of you.

i am not judging metal.....i am judging INDIVIDUAL BANDS . and the local (lacking ) scene .

this "someone" is a friend who told me about the displeasure he had with the dominanus hooligans (great choice of words BTW) and if he had that great of concern over what their obtuse points of view were then.............lets just say they DONT want him "defending" himself

i was simply calling those snotty little shits out . i represent me .

its funny , this started for the sake of ONE individual and as i ask more people in more bands , i always hear the same thing.....how this board sucks now because of the dinks its filled with .

heard it again today from another local act.......

how does that make YOU feel rev ?

[Feb 26,2008 11:24pm - yummy ""]
Yeah Reverend whoever. You're board is loaded with dicks.
[Feb 26,2008 11:29pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

brad%20weymouth said:well, that was fun for today. i'm gonna go get laid, don't worry SMC, we're using protection...i don't really hate this kid, it's just lame. Kevorkians Angels got some pretty bad reviews, but no one went out of there way to make threads and point it out. I'm still curious what Karma's motivation is.
this whole arguing on the internet thing is lame,,,,,but damn is it fun!

friendship is my motivation............

i must admit brad i have loads more respect for you.......dominanus could learn a thing or two .

this thread was aimed at you for defending them........again , the company we keep
[Feb 26,2008 11:32pm - brad weymouth  ""]

Karma-Enema said:
brad%20weymouth said:well, that was fun for today. i'm gonna go get laid, don't worry SMC, we're using protection...i don't really hate this kid, it's just lame. Kevorkians Angels got some pretty bad reviews, but no one went out of there way to make threads and point it out. I'm still curious what Karma's motivation is.
this whole arguing on the internet thing is lame,,,,,but damn is it fun!

friendship is my motivation............

i must admit brad i have loads more respect for you.......dominanus could learn a thing or two .

this thread was aimed at you for defending them........again , the company we keep

haha, you have loads for me
i never had a problem with those guys, so of course i would defend them. good night sweety
[Feb 26,2008 11:32pm - Murph nli  ""]

Karma-Enema said:
PeteovDom said:the fact that you come to a metal forum to initiate your warped sense of karma is very confusing and unnecessary. you ARE judging metal, and you are representing someone without the balls to "defend" themselves against the Dominatus hooligans, Brad, and all the other people that hate you on this board.

how this board sucks now because of the dinks its filled with .

Dinks. Really? Interesting.

And for all these bands and/or individuals so MISTAKENLY believing this board to be elitist and/or preoccupied with whether bands are good or not, need a reality check. This is not a music forum, it is a dick-measuring contest.

Check ya pants son.

[Feb 26,2008 11:33pm - yummy ""]
Well, I'm glad you got that off your chest.

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