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Vikes cut Moss!

[Nov 1,2010 3:08pm - AdamSchefter  ""]
If the Pats want him they can have him for free now.
[Nov 1,2010 3:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sad but truuuuuue
[Nov 1,2010 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 1,2010 3:18pm - Pires ""]
He won't be back in a pats uniform. I can see him ending up in Washington or Tenn. though.
[Nov 1,2010 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
fined 25k for not cooperating with the media?
[Nov 1,2010 3:22pm - AdamSchefter  ""]
My sources say Indy
[Nov 1,2010 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya thats pretty fucked up.
[Nov 1,2010 3:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Pires said:He won't be back in a pats uniform. I can see him ending up in Washington or Tenn. though.

id say washington or maybe phili. would be cool to see him and vick play together.
[Nov 1,2010 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was spam about drugs
[Nov 1,2010 3:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
although i do think its possible we could get him back. he'd make a good back up down the stretch in and the playoffs. robert kraft looked ready to give him a mulligan.
[Nov 1,2010 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
Vikes might have helped this Moss.
[Nov 1,2010 3:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
get him back or gtfo
[Nov 1,2010 3:47pm - sacreligion ""]
Bringing him back would be retarded. They got rid of him for the same shitty attitude that the vikings realized in 3 weeks.
[Nov 1,2010 3:48pm - sinistas ""]

[Nov 1,2010 3:52pm - DreadKill ""]

AdamSchefter said:My sources say Indy
i know they have some injuries, but i doubt peyton manning wants to put up with randy. he has wayne, garcon, and gonzalez mostly healthy, with collie coming back in a couple weeks. no need for randy.
[Nov 1,2010 3:53pm - DreadKill ""]
i hope randy goes someplace where he can finish the season on a good note and make the playoffs.
[Nov 1,2010 3:57pm - sacreligion ""]
Moss@ Buffalo would be lulzy
[Nov 1,2010 4:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
I bet he winds up in Miami
[Nov 1,2010 4:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
browns will snag him lol
[Nov 1,2010 4:08pm - DreadKill ""]
the browns could use him
[Nov 1,2010 4:09pm - sacreligion ""]
Or the bengals. A trifecta of epic fail.
[Nov 1,2010 4:15pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

that trade doesn't look so bad now
[Nov 1,2010 4:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can assure you moss wouldn't play with TO.
[Nov 1,2010 4:59pm - rotivore ""]
If Brad Childress was a W.A.S.P. album....it would be called "The Headless Childress"...
[Nov 1,2010 6:50pm - RustyPS ""]

Glazer is also speculating that Childress is doing this to make it look like he gave the Vikings an ultimatum "either Moss goes or I go" because he knows they're about to fire him, so he looks good in the public because he stood up for something

what a douche
[Nov 1,2010 7:15pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

rotivore said:If Brad Childress was a W.A.S.P. album....it would be called "The Headless Childress"...

[Nov 1,2010 7:17pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Childress is a pussy coach but I still love Randy. Kinda funny two teams have released him in the same season.
[Nov 1,2010 7:17pm - BRAD CHILDRESS  ""]



[Nov 1,2010 7:49pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Moss signs with Panthers, Brett favre vagina weeps. As well as his chin.
[Nov 1,2010 8:40pm - sethrich ""]
Let's see, almost every team in the NFL has been mentioned so far so I'm gonna say he goes to.... the Jets.
[Nov 1,2010 10:09pm - dreadkill ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Childress is a pussy coach but I still love Randy. Kinda funny two teams have released him in the same season.
the pats didn't release him, they traded him
[Nov 1,2010 10:14pm - LPCustom  ""]
I heard the Bruins will sign him.
[Nov 1,2010 10:22pm - mattkings ""]
I really he somehow ends up on the Patriots again this year but I doubt it. My money is he lands on the Rams.
[Nov 2,2010 10:18am - MillenialKingdom ""]
The Patriots are last on the list of teams that can claim waivers.
[Nov 2,2010 10:24am - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 2,2010 11:13am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
He'd be dangerous on the Bills. Fitzpatrick's a pretty good QB, could use another real deep threat.

Chargers have been mentioned 'cause of Norv Turner (and 'cause they're pretty shitty right now) but with all the bullshit they've put up with from Vincent Jackson, I doubt they'd go for Moss.

It'd be cool to see him on the 49ers but I doubt Mike Singletary could handle him.

I bet he goes to the Cowboys. 1-6 and a desperate Jerry Jones.

Or the Redskins. McNabb to Moss would be fun to watch.

Or the Rams. Or back to the Raiders.

I can't imagine enough teams would pass on him for anyone with a winning record to pick him up.

Cowboys it is, I'm TELLIN' YA.
[Nov 2,2010 11:19am - xmikex ""]
Well consider this RTTP...

Every single team in the NFL will be considering Moss, and almost every team could really use him. But consider there are 2 factors to consider.

1. Moss still has a decent sized contract. Most teams are pretty well set on their budget post-trade deadline. Unless a team viewed him as the missing piece towards a playoff run they would be really reluctant to shell out big bucks for him.


2. Moss was happy to goto the Vikings under the misconception that he was the missing piece on a team that could run the table. You could see his enthusiasm visibly fade each week as he realized the mortality of Brett Favre and the fact that the Vikings offense was done for. I was at the game last week watching Percy Harvin yell at Randy Moss while Moss barely jogged back to the line of scrimmage during their 2 minute drill. It was a waste of an effort, and Moss knew it. If you put Randy Moss on a team that will waste his efforts, he won't bother. Say what you want to say about his character, but that's the way it is.
[Nov 2,2010 11:30am - blue ""]
[Nov 2,2010 11:35am - burnsy ""]


[Nov 2,2010 11:43am - xmikex ""]
Of the top teams that the Moss speculation is circling around:

Seahawks - No quarterback. No running back. No offensive line. Moss is absolutely useless to this team. But Pete Carrol is stupid enough to bite on him.

Rams - Bradford is turning things around in St. Louis, and the NFC west is up for grabs. But anyone reasonable knows that they don't have the defense, the depth, or the O-line to sustain a deep playoff run. After a 3 game losing streak Moss would tune out as usual.

Miami - The only reason Miami would go after Moss would be to keep him away from the Patriots. Believe it or not, Miami has a decent group of receivers. If they want an ego clash between Brandon Marshall and Randy Moss then good fucking luck.

Jets - I know it's the Jets. We hate them. They hate us. But Cromartie has had Moss' number all season, and they're the one team that genuinely isn't afraid of him.

Redskins - Deep threat receiver going to a team that just brought in Jamarcus Russell. Again, good luck. I think Shanahan has his hands full with Albert Haynesworth as is.
[Nov 2,2010 11:47am - ouchdrummer ""]
Cowboys would be my guess.
[Nov 2,2010 12:22pm - xmikex ""]

ouchdrummer said:Cowboys would be my guess.

Miles Austin, Dez Bryant, Roy Williams... Jon Kitna. I believe my point is made.

[Nov 2,2010 12:28pm - xmikex ""]
The Titans are also a dark horse candidate for Moss. Jeff Fischer has already said a bunch of guys have come knocking on his door asking him to go after Moss. Kenny Britt is out for an extended period of time too.

This thing is, Fischer is Belichick's Wario in a lot of ways. They both subscribe to the idea of the system before the individual, and need their players to subscribe to their ethos in order to win. The fact that Justin Gage was their #1 receiver for several years leads me to believe that the Titans are content to be a conservative passing team that's content to go bare-cupboard at the WR position. Can you picture Moss showing up to Titans camp, Cortland Finnegan handing him a home made shank wrapped in athletic tape saying LETS DO THIS THANG and Moss turning into a true Titan? I don't.
[Nov 2,2010 1:50pm - mattkings ""]
Moss could decline whoever grabs him off the waiver wire as well. He wouldn't get paid the rest of his contract but would be free to sign a new one anywhere else. Only way Pats possibly get him back, making the Vikings the new Raiders!!

So I kinda hope the Seahawks grab him because there is no way he accepts that haha
[Nov 2,2010 2:26pm - xmikex ""]
Brian Urlacher is campaigning for the Bears to pick him up. Lovie Smith is a bigger bonehead than Childress though. They were a trade away from finally having a worthwhile offensive line with Logan Mankins and wanted nothing to do with it. Apparently it has to be a bat shit crazy deal (Jay Cutler) for it to appeal to the Bears.
[Nov 2,2010 2:35pm - mattkings ""]
Jay Cutler = Diabeto.

On another note, how awesome is this past years draft looking. McCourty, Spikes and Cunningham!!!!
[Nov 2,2010 4:11pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Deep throat reciever.
[Nov 2,2010 4:25pm - xmikex ""]
Kansas City could be a threat to snag Moss. In fact, KC is maybe the only team I realistically see him going with besides the Pats.
[Nov 2,2010 4:47pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Moss hates Dallas, there's no way he'd go there. He'd rather no-show.
[Nov 2,2010 4:51pm - W3 nli  ""]

DomesticTerror said:Moss hates Dallas, there's no way he'd go there. He'd rather no-show.

yup hated them the moment they didnt draft him.
[Nov 2,2010 4:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
what's Ellis doing these days?
[Nov 2,2010 5:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
farting on the jets dline, wait theyre the same dood right lol
[Nov 2,2010 5:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ellis Burks retired khed
[Nov 2,2010 5:34pm - W3 nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:Ellis Burks retired khed

not in my heart
[Nov 2,2010 5:37pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

mattkings said:Jay Cutler = Diabeto.

On another note, how awesome is this past years draft looking. McCourty, Spikes and Cunningham!!!!

don't forget the TEs and Deaderick too
[Nov 2,2010 8:38pm - RANDY MOSS  ""]
[Nov 2,2010 9:07pm - RustyPS ""]
[Nov 2,2010 9:16pm - xmikex ""]
too long
[Nov 2,2010 10:22pm - fingers ""]
i'd like to see moss go to indy
[Nov 3,2010 11:58am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
hahaha that letter was way too long but it made it worth it when the line "imagine me going deep" came up on the last page. That far into the letter it just sounded wrong.
[Nov 3,2010 2:58pm - sacreligion ""]
Meet the new moss. Same as the old moss.
[Nov 3,2010 3:32pm - xmikex ""]
30 minutes till things get interesting. I've heard that the Browns, Seahawks, Jets, Ravens, Cowboys (obviously).

Bills supposedly put in a claim for Merriman. So that may or may not take them out of the running for Moss.
[Nov 3,2010 4:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Titans got him
[Nov 3,2010 4:48pm - boxxy ""]
wow, the Titans are the ONLY team that put waiver claims on him. hahahah
[Nov 3,2010 8:02pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Moss went to the Titans, Shawn Merriman to the Bills.

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