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May 22nd Converge, Trap Them, Burning Love and Drop Dead @ the Middle East

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [all_pigs_must_die][burning_love][converge][dropdead][trap_them]
[show listing]  __________________________________
[Mar 18,2011 11:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
May 22nd

Converge, Trap Them, Burning Love and Drop Dead @ the Middle East

[Mar 19,2011 12:13am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 19,2011 1:03am - RustyPS ""]
[Mar 19,2011 1:08am - Lamp ""]
*scratches head*

This is unexpected, but I'll go to this show and listen to this upcoming record. Sounds like it could be simply FANTASTIC.
[Mar 19,2011 1:14am - W3 nli  ""]


[Mar 19,2011 2:10am - Randy_Marsh ""]
ill bro
[Mar 19,2011 2:15am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 19,2011 3:29am - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 19,2011 8:01am - markworkingrichards  ""]
[Mar 19,2011 10:17am - aaron_michael ""]
Fark. Won't be in town for this :(
[Mar 19,2011 10:35am - Pires ""]

aaron_michael said:Fark. Won't be in town for this :( or the defeated sanity show
[Mar 19,2011 10:38am - boblovesmusic ""]
the Defeated Sanity show is the day before
[Mar 19,2011 10:39am - Pires ""]

boblovesmusic said:the Defeated Sanity show is the day before

And the one time i decide to go away on a vacation, awesome stuff starts happening.
[Mar 19,2011 11:34am - aaron_michael ""]

Pires said:
boblovesmusic said:the Defeated Sanity show is the day before

And the one time i decide to go away on tour, awesome stuff starts happening.

[Mar 20,2011 12:58pm - tylor69  ""]

Pires said:
boblovesmusic said:the Defeated Sanity show is the day before

And the one time i decide to go away on a vacation, awesome stuff starts happening.

happened to me last month
[Mar 20,2011 2:38pm - Dankill  ""]

W3%20nli said:[img]
[Mar 21,2011 12:36am - substitutecreature ""]
This weekend is gonna rule
[Mar 21,2011 6:36pm - peligrino  ""]
by the plentiful milk sacks of homers titties!!! this will be sick!
[Mar 27,2011 9:31pm - CQPresents  ""]
[Apr 19,2011 3:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]
looks like All Pigs Must Die is also playing
[Apr 19,2011 6:41pm - kevnli  ""]
going like a muthafukka!
[May 18,2011 2:29pm - DistortThrash ""]
[May 18,2011 4:52pm - timma ""]
WHAT. I'm not...NOT missing Trap Them again. No sireee.
[May 18,2011 5:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Tim, let's Bushwhacker mosh during Trap Them.
[May 18,2011 7:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
hard nips are hard.
[May 18,2011 8:11pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hope anyone who wanted tickets got em. There were 12 left as of 6 pm today.
[May 19,2011 7:05am - joey parker  ""]
[May 19,2011 7:14am - AMOROK666 ""]
Wait. So this show sold out?
[May 19,2011 8:26am - oscarct ""]
if those 12 were sold
[May 19,2011 9:12am - timma ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Tim, let's Bushwhacker mosh during Trap Them.

Goddamn right. Just don't smash your hand again, bucko.
[May 19,2011 9:50am - substitutecreature ""]
Shit. Does anyone know if armageddon shop in haravard sq. has any? Or anywhere else?
[May 19,2011 9:54am - timma ""]

AMOROK666 said:Wait. So this show sold out?

It most certainly is now, according to Ticket Web.
[May 19,2011 12:33pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

timma said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:Tim, let's Bushwhacker mosh during Trap Them.

Goddamn right. Just don't smash your hand again, bucko.

I make no promises.
[May 20,2011 12:25pm - substitutecreature ""]
Does anyone have any extra tix to this?
[May 22,2011 1:22pm - vladimir  ""]
yup...SOLD OUT. :(
[May 22,2011 2:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Is anyone surprised that this sold out?
[May 22,2011 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm hoping to get an email back saying I'm all set for this.
[May 22,2011 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: cause I didn't email out about it until way too late.
[May 22,2011 2:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Way to be that guy, Rev.
[May 22,2011 3:11pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

the_reverend said:ps: cause I didn't email out about it until way too late.

lol same here
[May 22,2011 3:12pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Is anyone surprised that this sold out?

I'm not surprised, but somehow I wasn't entirely expecting it. Kinda bummed I'll be missing this. Trap Them is one of my fav bands out right now.
[May 22,2011 5:44pm - The_reverend ""]
Ok, all set. Heading down!
[May 22,2011 6:35pm - The_reverend ""]
Here now.
[May 22,2011 6:36pm - The_reverend ""]
All pigs must die: 630
Burning love: 7:15
Trap them: 8
Dropdead: 845
Converge: 945
[May 22,2011 7:06pm - The_reverend ""]
All pigs must die was excellent. Even though the crowd didn't seem too into it for te first 1/2 of their set. Kevin motioned everyone forward and then it got real. Mostly just singing along. I'm guessing that was one of te songs on the EP I haven't heard. They also had a part that sounded very much like something from slayer.
[May 22,2011 7:57pm - The_reverend ""]
Ok, burning love was the most aptly named band ever? Rock n roll infused metalcoreish music. Great set and th singer even though sick, ran crazy through the audience a bunch. I also missed a shot of him kissing a dude on the lips. Did I mention he was sick? Spread the infection, burning love.
[May 22,2011 8:50pm - The_reverend ""]
Wow, trap them's set shows it's toll mostly on ryan's face. He always looks like he just got beat up, but it's their sets that do the beating on him. By 1/2 way through their set, he was evn more cute up and bleeding. For those of you that say them with trc, this was a much different setlist.
[May 22,2011 8:53pm - The_reverend ""]
Idk how dropdead is going to do, this crowd doesn't seem smelly enough to be into them.
[May 22,2011 9:40pm - The_reverend ""]
Jeepers, they were awesome. I forget how epic a lot of their songs are in that sort of napalm death scum way or in that old school brutal truth way. Just something that screams not of punk but of better times in metal. This was also maybe the only time I have ever seen them play on a good sound system. Right off the bat, the singer of burning love stage dove.
[May 23,2011 12:19am - ouchdrummer ""]
post the converge setlist or you're a pussy!!

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