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I have so many names

[Dec 20,2019 10:39am - grandmotherweb ""]

susurrate said:there's a new king thunderstool around these parts.

call me Grandma Thunderstyle, or Stargate, or Chargate, or Charnobyl. I don't really give a shit.



[Dec 20,2019 1:35pm - nobody cares  ""]
Boring post is boring.
[Dec 20,2019 1:57pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, transphobe
[Dec 20,2019 7:07pm - nobody cares  ""]
Tranny attention seeking weirdo comes to mind.
[Dec 21,2019 9:56am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, transphobe
[Dec 21,2019 2:23pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
That dyke ass bitch grandmotherweb owes me $18!
[Dec 21,2019 2:35pm - nobody cares  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:That dyke ass bitch grandmotherweb owes me $18!

She also owes the state thousands for her fake SSI claim. Get in line bud.
[Dec 21,2019 3:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]
my SSDI claim is real, retard. if you don't like it, kill yourself.
[Dec 21,2019 4:03pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
I'll send Megatron to kill her if she doesn't pay back what she owes!
[Dec 22,2019 7:28am - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:my SSDI claim is real, retard. if you don't like it, kill yourself.

There's that broken record again.
[Dec 22,2019 8:05am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
And I'm sure her vagina smells like dead fish.
[Dec 22,2019 8:39am - nobody cares  ""]

[Dec 22,2019 3:35pm - grandmotherweb ""]
my vagina is named Charnobyl.
my g-spot is named AZ-5.
[Dec 22,2019 5:07pm - nobody cares  ""]
When are you chopping your vagina off?
[Dec 22,2019 5:14pm - grandmotherweb ""]
when are you chopping your penis and testicles off
[Dec 22,2019 5:52pm - Turtle Boy  ""]
You're mine, bitch!
[Dec 23,2019 6:12am - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:when are you chopping your penis and testicles off

Did you just assume my gender?!?!?!?!? So triggered right now.
[Feb 25,2020 1:23am - hard cocks, loose cunts  ""]

grandmotherweb said:when are you chopping your penis and testicles off

I'm sorry you went from a progressively thinking, feminist to a cis, vanilla, out of shape, awkward, unattractive (by any standards) guy.

I'm also fairly certain they don't allow penis and testicle donor surgeries for the mentally challenged or to anyone at all.

Sorry but you're stuck with a gross, smelly and probably dried up / moldy vagina for the rest of your life. Enjoy being FORCED to flush out a dead egg every so often. NASTY....
[Feb 25,2020 8:32am - grandmotherweb ""]
I had a hysterectomy, retard.

grandmotherweb said:I am now officially a post-operative transsexual. I no longer have a cervix, uterus, or fallopian tubes. (ovaries are still there)


blow your fucking brains out about it
[Feb 25,2020 12:15pm - nobody cares  ""]
Your ancestors would be so proud of you.

[Feb 25,2020 12:15pm - nobody cares  ""]
Look at how they are looking at you.
[Feb 25,2020 1:35pm - grandmotherweb ""]
those people are not related to me.

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:you are dtx120 AKA Steven Marchand AKA Jason Andre Marchand from Nowheresville, LA.
your sister is an alcoholic who drives while drunk.

grandmotherweb said:get off this forum, poser

[Feb 25,2020 2:46pm - nobody cares  ""]
You already said that they were your ancestors. Why back peddle now?

[Feb 25,2020 3:33pm - grandmotherweb ""]
no, I didn't. that's why you can't show any evidence that I did.
[Feb 25,2020 3:34pm - #Facts  ""]
So you admit you "assumed the net persona" of that other person, and continue to post about yourself, between TMI blathering or as this other persona - But literally-nameless others post "for attention" to anonymous non-personas. Makes sense. Got it.

While we're at it, you claim to have multiple personalities, and have gone so far as to explicity indicate that you are posting to yourself on this forum, but somehow everyone else is nuts, and you're perfectly stable, so much so that others should die, while you complain that others allegedly want you to die... Got it. Okay.

But wait, there's more! You claim someone else is "plotting to murder me by trolling me on this forum," yet above you explicitly claim, "I killed him, just by trolling him on the internet" - If anyone can explain how trolling is a form of murder, I'd love to hear it.

And you continue to worship your father by trying so very hard to become him, and indirectly defend him by attacking others.

In the meantime, you're just another woman on the internet.

Here comes no actual response to any of the above.
[Feb 25,2020 3:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you also said that I have an Adam's apple. everyone knows how full of shit you are.
[Feb 25,2020 4:02pm - nobody cares  ""]
And posts about her ancestors

[Feb 25,2020 5:46pm - grandmotherweb ""]
those people are not related to me
[Feb 26,2020 11:22am - #Facts  ""]
I never said you have an adam's apple, that's some other person. You'll never have an adam's apple unless you add one surgically, You are a female and always will be, even though you are trying very very hard to become your father. Thank you for proving me right yet again.
[Feb 26,2020 12:22pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you totally said that I have an Adam's apple. everyone knows how full of shit you are.
[Feb 26,2020 7:49pm - nobody cares  ""]
You totally said that these were your ancestors, You're full of shit.

[Feb 26,2020 8:07pm - grandmotherweb ""]
prove it, you can't

because that never happened
[Feb 26,2020 9:23pm - #Facts  ""]

grandmotherweb said:
call me Grandma Thunderstyle, or Stargate, or Chargate, or Charnobyl. I don't really give a shit.

Ok, Charlotte Who Worships Her Father.
[Feb 26,2020 9:28pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i don't talk to my parents anymore. i'm close with my dead grandparents, though. want to see their pictures?
[Feb 26,2020 9:47pm - #Facts  ""]
As a matter of fact, no. It appears we already have.
[Feb 26,2020 9:51pm - grandmotherweb ""]
no, you haven't
[Feb 27,2020 7:31am - nobody cares  ""]
Then who are these people that you said were your ancestors?

[Feb 27,2020 9:01am - grandmotherweb ""]
I have no idea who those people are. I never said they were my ancestors.

you are Steven Marchand AKA Jason Andre Marchand from Nowheresville, LA
[Feb 27,2020 9:45am - nobody cares  ""]
You said they were your ancestors...why all of the hub bub?

[Feb 27,2020 11:43am - grandmotherweb ""]
No, I didn't, dtx
[Feb 27,2020 6:42pm - nobody cares  ""]
Dunno who dtx or whoever that is...but your ancestors may....reach out.

[Feb 27,2020 6:56pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you are dtx AKA Steven Marchand
[Feb 27,2020 9:26pm - #Facts  ""]
You're doxxing him, but furious at him for doxxing you. So you're both guilty of the same thing.
I have seen you dox him, but have seen nothing but your name, Charlotte Who Worships Her Father And Is Trying to Become Him.
[Feb 27,2020 9:27pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:i don't talk to my parents anymore. i'm close with my dead grandparents, though. want to see their pictures?
[Feb 27,2020 9:41pm - #Facts  ""]
You're "close to" your "dead grandparents" - Tell us more about that.
[Feb 27,2020 9:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]
they are with me in spirit. we communicate often.

here are their pictures, since you're so completely obsessed with me:

now, tell us more about my "Adam's apple"
[Feb 27,2020 9:46pm - #Facts  ""]
How do you "communicate?"
You don't have an adam's apple, you're a woman.
[Feb 27,2020 9:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]
then why did you say that i had one

oh, right, you stalked my pictures FROM THIS WEBSITE
[Feb 27,2020 9:49pm - #Facts  ""]
Not me. If someone else said it, they're obviously (successfully) trolling you, which is gay, because it's easily disproven. Unlike everything I HAVE said.
[Feb 27,2020 9:49pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:then why did you say that i had one

oh, right, you stalked my pictures FROM THIS WEBSITE

[Feb 27,2020 9:52pm - #Facts  ""]
[Feb 27,2020 9:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
see my Adam's apple? no, you don't, you just thought that you did.

[Feb 27,2020 9:56pm - #Facts  ""]
I don't, because you're a woman.
[Feb 27,2020 9:58pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you totally believed it. that's why you spread rumors to that effect all over the internet.

[Feb 28,2020 7:34am - nobody cares  ""]
Only her ancestors truly know what sex she is, and they say...female.

[Feb 28,2020 10:27am - grandmotherweb ""]

dtx120 said:Adams Apple
[Feb 29,2020 7:40am - nobody cares  ""]
What the fuck are you on about with the adam's apple thing? NOBODY CARES. Excwept maybe your ancestors.

[Feb 29,2020 9:26am - grandmotherweb ""]
you will never live down the fact that you said I have an Adam's apple

[Mar 1,2020 7:28am - nobody cares  ""]
You can't possibly have one....you're a girl, and I get a kick out of you thinking that I am someone else all the time.

Your ancestors know who I am. Consult them after your done dropping your skid marked underwear into some dude's backpack to show him that you want him.

[Mar 1,2020 12:59pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you will never live down the fact that you said I have an Adam's apple, dtx


[Mar 1,2020 4:07pm - nobody cares  ""]
You only wish that you had an Adam's apple.....but you are ugly as hell. Just look at your ancestors...

[Mar 1,2020 6:56pm - CHARLOTTE IS A BIG FAT BITCH  ""]
[Mar 1,2020 8:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you are dtx AKA Steven Marchand

I'm going to call your mom and tell her all about what you have been doing
[Mar 2,2020 8:14am - nobody cares  ""]
Wrong again...consult your ancestors.

[Jun 14,2020 3:53pm - grandfatherweb  ""]

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