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I have so many names

[Feb 27,2020 9:52pm - #Facts  ""]
[Feb 27,2020 9:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
see my Adam's apple? no, you don't, you just thought that you did.

[Feb 27,2020 9:56pm - #Facts  ""]
I don't, because you're a woman.
[Feb 27,2020 9:58pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you totally believed it. that's why you spread rumors to that effect all over the internet.

[Feb 28,2020 7:34am - nobody cares  ""]
Only her ancestors truly know what sex she is, and they say...female.

[Feb 28,2020 10:27am - grandmotherweb ""]

dtx120 said:Adams Apple
[Feb 29,2020 7:40am - nobody cares  ""]
What the fuck are you on about with the adam's apple thing? NOBODY CARES. Excwept maybe your ancestors.

[Feb 29,2020 9:26am - grandmotherweb ""]
you will never live down the fact that you said I have an Adam's apple

[Mar 1,2020 7:28am - nobody cares  ""]
You can't possibly have one....you're a girl, and I get a kick out of you thinking that I am someone else all the time.

Your ancestors know who I am. Consult them after your done dropping your skid marked underwear into some dude's backpack to show him that you want him.

[Mar 1,2020 12:59pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you will never live down the fact that you said I have an Adam's apple, dtx


[Mar 1,2020 4:07pm - nobody cares  ""]
You only wish that you had an Adam's apple.....but you are ugly as hell. Just look at your ancestors...

[Mar 1,2020 6:56pm - CHARLOTTE IS A BIG FAT BITCH  ""]
[Mar 1,2020 8:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you are dtx AKA Steven Marchand

I'm going to call your mom and tell her all about what you have been doing
[Mar 2,2020 8:14am - nobody cares  ""]
Wrong again...consult your ancestors.

[Jun 14,2020 3:53pm - grandfatherweb  ""]

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