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Neil Peart dead at age 67

[Jan 10,2020 7:55pm - susurrate ""]
[Jan 11,2020 1:55pm - susurrate ""]
arguably one of the best to ever pick up the sticks and who likely inspired a lot of kids to start playing as well.
[Jan 11,2020 6:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]
why are you talking about music? i thought you were perfectly content to let bible-thumping pedophiles infiltrate this forum just to spout Nazi-era propaganda against gay and transgender people
[Jan 11,2020 8:11pm - susurrate ""]
[Jan 11,2020 8:18pm - grandmotherweb ""]
bible-thumping pedophiles belong in institutions. when did you sell out to the bible-thumpers, dude?
[Jan 12,2020 8:07am - Guess what?  ""]
Another thread hijacked by Charlotte the Idiot. Can't even have a memorial thread for arguably the greatest drummer of all time with this fucking dike mentioning "trans" or "bible". I'm beginning to think that she's not crazy, she's just an asshole.
[Jan 12,2020 11:01am - grandmotherweb ""]
Kill yourself, pedo. Nobody cares about your bible-thumping.
[Jan 12,2020 11:08am - grandmotherweb ""]
gee, another thread hijacked by bible-thumpers who don't know the first thing about metal: http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=93721
[Jan 12,2020 2:48pm - Guess what?  ""]
I was listening to metal when you were still a sperm floating around in your daddy's balls. Wanna go tit for tat on metal? I would smoke your pignosed little flat ass.
[Jan 12,2020 3:36pm - grandmotherweb ""]
we can't even have a "merry Christmas" thread around here anymore without bible-thumping pedophiles hijacking it just to threaten my life for being transgender.

that's all bible-thumpers are good for
[Jan 12,2020 3:58pm - susurrate ""]
The only 'bible thumper' around here flip-flops on his opinions year-to-year and is now a NH State Representative who likely hasn't posted on this forum in years.
[Jan 12,2020 4:44pm - grandmotherweb ""]
maybe he is the one trolling this thread anonymously
[Jan 12,2020 5:47pm - Guess what?  ""]
Who's threatening your life?
[Jan 12,2020 5:51pm - grandmotherweb ""]

kill yourself, pedo
[Jan 12,2020 10:00pm - susurrate ""]
he was a great lyricist as well. that often goes unmentioned.
[Jan 13,2020 8:15am - Guess what?  ""]

grandmotherweb said:you

Could you please direct me to the thread where I did this? I can think of a certain weirdo with gender dysphoria that continually tells people to kill themselves, but have never seen a single threat to her life anywhere on this forum...
[Jan 13,2020 10:03am - grandmotherweb ""]
you threaten my life every day on this forum. that's literally all you're good for.

Kill yourself, pedo.
[Jan 13,2020 10:04am - grandmotherweb ""]

susurrate said:The only 'bible thumper' around here flip-flops on his opinions year-to-year and is now a NH State Representative who likely hasn't posted on this forum in years.

hey, bootlicker, tell these bible-thumping pedo Nazi friends of yours to get the fuck off this forum and stay out
[Jan 13,2020 10:36am - not guess what  ""]
Why are you going after susurrate? he's cool and posts music stuff. I'm pretty sure he has nothing to do with the transphobic/homophoic posts here.

(the transphobic stuff does bother me too, but I think susurrate is unrelated to that)
[Jan 13,2020 10:47am - grandmotherweb ""]
he has expressed support for the group responsible for these harassing posts in the past.
they come here solely to stalk my posts and spout Nazi hate speech against transgender people.
this is conspiracy to commit murder, and I will call the police of it continues.
[Jan 13,2020 10:48am - not guess what  ""]
Link to the thread where he said that. Kinda want to see it.
[Jan 13,2020 10:53am - grandmotherweb ""]
this thread is now evidence of conspiracy to commit murder
[Jan 13,2020 11:01am - not guess what  ""]
ah well then... hmm...
[Jan 13,2020 12:05pm - Guess what?  ""]
Ummmm....I wasn't even talking on any of your threads in 2017. I didn't start calling out your bullshit until 2019. On a side note, thought you hate cops. Now your gonna go cry to them about having your feelings hurt on a public forum?
[Jan 13,2020 12:11pm - Guess what?  ""]
And I never threatened you once, or anyone for that matter. Maybe someone else, but sure as shit ain't me.

I can just hear the cops at the station when they see you walk into the lobby. Officer #1: "Oh shit, here comes the nutbag again". Officer2: I'm outta here, you deal with this. Have fun!" Followed by laughter from all of the other Officers not dealing with your nonsense..
[Jan 13,2020 12:15pm - Guess what?  ""]
Gmomweb: "Officer, they're reading my posts on a public forum and trolling me!!!" (followed by copious tears). "I called them all bible thumping pedos and suggested that they commit suicide but they just won't do it!!!" (more tears)

Officer: "Get out of here with that nonsense, we have real shit to deal with". (escorts you out of the lobby)
[Jan 13,2020 1:42pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hey, Rev, can I get an IP address for this noxious stalker? I need a restraining order against him
[Jan 13,2020 2:34pm - Guess what?  ""]
It's a public forum psycho.
[Jan 13,2020 2:47pm - Guess what?  ""]
and you need to look up the definition of "stalking". Because answering posts on the internet ain't it.
[Jan 13,2020 4:20pm - grandmotherweb ""]
nobody asked you a goddamn thing
[Jan 13,2020 5:51pm - Guess what?  ""]
Keep your opinions in you mom's basement, because we didn't ask you either.
[Jan 13,2020 5:52pm - Guess what?  ""]
and we would never tell anyone to kill themselves. That's how we metalheads do business. Nazi.
[Jan 13,2020 7:49pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I have reported this harassment to law enforcement
[Jan 14,2020 12:54pm - Guess what?  ""]
What Department?
[Jan 14,2020 12:55pm - Guess what?  ""]
I'm sure it will go to their highest ranking Detectives and that they'll get right on this important case.
[Jan 14,2020 12:57pm - Guess what?  ""]

[Jan 14,2020 1:46pm - grandmotherweb ""]
your name is Steven Marchand from Kenner, LA. you have stalked me for over a year now, posted my address and maps to my house, along with animated gifs of my house blowing up.

your ass is grass.
[Jan 15,2020 7:46am - Guess what?  ""]
Um.....no it's not. At least last time I checked I was not Steve Kenner, whoever the fuck that is. I also don't live in LA. Looking out my window, there's snow on the ground.
[Jan 15,2020 8:36am - grandmotherweb ""]
[Jan 15,2020 1:59pm - CYBERPOLICE  ""]

grandmotherweb said:I have reported this harassment to law enforcement

[Jan 15,2020 2:01pm - Guess what?  ""]
What in the fuck is disquis? I have no idea what you're talking about. Methinks you be paranoid.
[Jan 15,2020 2:12pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you are DTX. the police are coming after you.
[Jan 15,2020 7:01pm - Guess what?  ""]
Ummmm....ok. If my name or handle is DTX, then you're name and handle are "wrong". Try again.
[Jan 15,2020 7:02pm - Guess what?  ""]
[Jan 15,2020 8:08pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:you are DTX. the police are coming after you.

[Jan 15,2020 10:32pm - Guess what?  ""]
Well, good luck to whoever DTX is....he's apparently a better troll than me.
[Jan 15,2020 10:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:you are DTX. the police are coming after you.

[Jan 16,2020 7:53am - Guess what?  ""]
Should I get ready to go on the lam? I'll bet they have 4 detectives working in shifts on this. And no, I'm still not DPX or whatever the gayrod's name is.
[Jan 16,2020 10:44am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:https://grandmotherweb.tumblr.com/post/190283321513/httpsjesusthevampireblogspotcom202001the-va
[Jan 16,2020 2:20pm - Guess what?  ""]
I have no idea what that means. I do however, know that you repeat yourself a LOT. Are you on the spectrum?
[Jan 16,2020 3:30pm - grandmotherweb ""]
enjoy jail
[Jan 16,2020 4:37pm - I repeat  ""]
I'm not who you think I am....and there is no jailable offense here except you being jailed for telling people to kill themselves. Your hate speech is not to be tolerated, so you get called out and whine like a small child.
[Jan 16,2020 4:51pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you get called out for stalking me and threatening my life for being transgender, so you deny everything and cry like a little bitch, as always

get the fuck off this forum and stay out, you pathetic poser n00b
[Jan 16,2020 5:54pm - I repeat  ""]
None of that was me...I just think that you're an annoying troll.
[Jan 16,2020 6:02pm - grandmotherweb ""]
there's that broken record again...
[Jan 16,2020 7:12pm - Evil King Thùnderstøöl  ""]

[Jan 18,2020 8:54am - THUNDERBUTT  ""]
Careful, she'll report your anonymous name to the police and have you thrown in jail for trolling her anonymously on a public forum. She's very sensitive. I heard that the police have 4 detectives working in shifts to locate Guess what, Nobody Cares, and #Facts. This highly dangerous trio have been making fun of her for ages She is legally backed by lawyers for The Society of Manufacturing Horse Shit. Anonymous posters days are numbered here.
[Jan 20,2020 3:06pm - grandmotherweb ""]

THUNDERBUTT said:I heard that the police have 4 detectives working in shifts to locate Guess what, Nobody Cares, and #Facts.

good job letting the police know precisely which transphobic trolls to investigate on this forum
[Jan 20,2020 3:32pm - Poopface  ""]
No problem. I'm sure that your case is of huge importance. I wonder how they will like you telling people to commit suicide. I'm sure that aside from the homicides, missing people, traffic accidents, civil complaints, thefts, and domestics....that they will definitely get at least 4 detectives on your trolling case. I can't imagine your horrors and internal pain. These danged public forums are insanely important to the police. Like I said, I'm sure detectives are getting paid overtime to solve this for you.
[Jan 20,2020 3:35pm - grandmotherweb ""]
Disqus ratted you out for nothing
[Jan 20,2020 3:36pm - D00k  ""]
Police: "oh shit, it's this dumbass again"

Police supervisor: "Dude, just dunk it...she's a nutjob", "we are not investigating this silly crap".

Police: "Yeah I looked her up, she's got more stupid reports entered for nonsense than anyone in the area"

Police supervisor: "Yeah, just ignore her".
[Jan 20,2020 3:36pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://grandmotherweb.tumblr.com/post/190283321513/httpsjesusthevampireblogspotcom202001the-va

[Jan 20,2020 5:20pm - D00k  ""]
Who is this Wilfred Brimley looking guy?
[Jan 20,2020 5:44pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Jan 21,2020 7:16am - D00k  ""]
Good one....ya really got me there. Dumb joke is dumb.

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