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You know your day is going to suck when:

[Sep 1,2004 11:27am - This Sucks  ""]
You know your day is going to suck when:

You want to punch every person you come into contact with right in the fucken face!
[Sep 1,2004 11:30am - Josh_hates_you ""]
or when your guitar player quits. like today for example.
[Sep 1,2004 11:31am - succubus ""]
This Sucks said:You know your day is going to suck when:

You want to punch every person you come into contact with right in the fucken face!

i yelled at my boss

but he didn't fire me =(
[Sep 1,2004 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
man.. I need to make those t-shirts soon...
[Sep 1,2004 11:36am - succubus ""]
yeah you do..

just not tonight
[Sep 1,2004 11:37am - the_reverend ""]
tonights all abutt the butt sex.
[Sep 1,2004 11:39am - This Sucks  ""]
someones night is not going to suck
[Sep 1,2004 11:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
someones night could sex if aaron was on the recieving end of the butt sex
[Sep 1,2004 11:43am - This Sucks  ""]
but yours wouldn't if you were on the giving end
[Sep 1,2004 11:43am - succubus ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:someones night could sex if aaron was on the recieving end of the butt sex


his night may end in sex

but start with a nice dinner and a movie
[Sep 1,2004 11:45am - Siberia ""]
My day started off pretty shitty, but then I got called on a job interview. If I get the job I'll be working a lot closer to home and making a lot more money! It's next wednesday, which gives me enough time to recover from a long weekend.
[Sep 1,2004 11:51am - This Sucks  ""]
another one

You know your day is going to suck when:

you have to deal with stupid fucken morons
[Sep 1,2004 12:07pm - succubus ""]
This Sucks said:another one

You know your day is going to suck when:

you have to deal with stupid fucken morons

look at it this way..at least it's not every day?
[Sep 1,2004 12:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah today is a bizarre day for me.

I feel "off"

I got a SWEET couch last night, though.

and ate pizza twice.
[Sep 1,2004 12:10pm - This Sucks  ""]
ya it is
[Sep 1,2004 12:24pm - assuck ""]
i know a day is going to suck when i'm already pissed off by the time i get out of bed
[Sep 1,2004 12:25pm - This Sucks  ""]
[Sep 1,2004 12:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
assuck said:i know a day is going to suck when i'm already pissed off by the time i get out of bed

thats every day for me.
[Sep 1,2004 1:08pm - succubus ""]
when the doctor says something might be wrong with you
and they make you go back for more tests..

[Sep 1,2004 1:08pm - Shannon  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:assuck said:i know a day is going to suck when i'm already pissed off by the time i get out of bed

thats every day for me.

Guess the theory of you being a "Ray Of Fucking Sunshine" is out!
[Sep 1,2004 1:10pm - Shannon  ""]
How about when you are treating like a piece of shit because you do not LOOK a certain way!
[Sep 1,2004 1:12pm - Lincoln ""]
Why what do you look like?
[Sep 1,2004 1:13pm - succubus ""]
you didn't get enough photos yesterday?
[Sep 1,2004 1:14pm - Shannon  ""]
Lincoln said:Why what do you look like?

Don't ask

[Sep 1,2004 1:15pm - succubus ""]
shannon:shut up
[Sep 1,2004 1:17pm - Lincoln ""]
Why shouldn't I ask? Is someone having a bad day?
[Sep 1,2004 1:18pm - succubus ""]
hence the reason for this thread
[Sep 1,2004 1:19pm - Lincoln ""]
Hey I'll tell you what my morning sucked ass.......but I'm over it.
[Sep 1,2004 1:19pm - Shannon  ""]
Aren't we all? Isn't that what this thread is about?
[Sep 1,2004 1:20pm - Lincoln ""]
Ehhh...your day will get better. Tell someone to fuck off...that usually makes me feel better.
[Sep 1,2004 1:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My day fucking rules!
[Sep 1,2004 1:22pm - Lincoln ""]
Yes Joe!!! New credit card from what I heard.....let me know how that works out for you....
[Sep 1,2004 1:23pm - Shannon  ""]
OK, here goes....

Hey Joe, Fuck Off

WOW, your right, I do feel better already!

Thanks Man!
[Sep 1,2004 1:24pm - Lincoln ""]
[Sep 1,2004 1:29pm - Lincoln ""]
Well my day sucked because I had a horrible argument with my girlfriend,showed up 2 hours late for work..and when I finally got to work my computer was fucked up for like a half hour....it's been looking up since.
[Sep 1,2004 1:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Shannon's night will suck, when I mutilate her face with knives
[Sep 1,2004 1:43pm - Lincoln ""]
[Sep 1,2004 1:44pm - Shannon  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Shannon's night will suck, when I mutilate her face with knives


Hey Joe.......Bite Me!
[Sep 1,2004 1:45pm - Lincoln ""]
Joe will mutilate you with ham......
[Sep 1,2004 1:46pm - Shannon  ""]
Joe is a ham....
[Sep 1,2004 1:47pm - Lincoln ""]
Yeah....ham it up Joe!
[Sep 1,2004 1:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
When you come out of you mothers vagina.
[Sep 1,2004 2:00pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
mmm ham.... i'm hungry now. thanks!
[Sep 1,2004 2:01pm - Lincoln ""]
Ham comes out of your moms vagina? I'm confused now......
[Sep 1,2004 2:05pm - Shannon  ""]
What the hell are we talking about now, ham-mom's vagina???? Thats some seriously sick shit!
[Sep 1,2004 2:06pm - Lincoln ""]
Hey I didn't start it!!!!!
[Sep 1,2004 2:08pm - assuck ""]
i believe swamplord was stating that you know your day will suck when you come out of your moms vagina
[Sep 1,2004 2:10pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
everday sucks with swamplord's alive and breathing my air
[Sep 1,2004 2:10pm - assuck ""]
[Sep 1,2004 2:11pm - Lincoln ""]
ahhh...yes well he's right. I thought ham was coming out of a moms vagina or something...that IS sick!!

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