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"BLACK CHRISTMAS" hosted by WAAF's Harder Faster's Mike Hsu

[Dec 3,2003 3:44pm - subjugate ""]
Prosthetic Records and The Palladium present: "BLACK CHRISTMAS"
hosted by WAAF's Harder Faster's Mike Hsu and Featuring: Diecast / All that Remains / Cannae / Byzantine
Bane of Existence
**to benefit Mass Veteran's Shelter and the Hope House
The Palladium (upstairs) - Worcester, MA
7:00pm doors / 7:30pm show /All Ages
Tickets $10.00 adv., $12.00 door
Tickets available at all Strawberries
Music & Video stores, by calling
(800) 477-6849 or online at tickets.com
[Dec 4,2003 10:14am - subjugate ""]
I belive B.O.E. is on second not first
[Dec 4,2003 12:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
DIECAST, break up already, you suck

subjugate sounds like jim.
[Dec 4,2003 12:40pm - Joe knows BBQ  ""]
i'd rather benefit my stomach at the ATOMIC BBQ featuring Disengaged and Gut
[Dec 8,2003 4:56pm - subjugate ""]
[Dec 9,2003 1:22am - Terence ""]
I had the unfortunate luck of seeing Diecast once when they played with Vader and Skinless. everything was cool until they went on. a fight broke out and everything had to stop and it was a big deal...blahblahblah GAY. oh yeah Origin was on that bill too. Diecast had no right being on that show.
[Dec 9,2003 1:36am - BornSoVile ""]
Terence said:I had the unfortunate luck of seeing Diecast once when they played with Vader and Skinless. everything was cool until they went on. a fight broke out and everything had to stop and it was a big deal...blahblahblah GAY. oh yeah Origin was on that bill too. Diecast had no right being on that show.

and then the singer for Catastropic wanted to fight everyone in the pallidium cause people kept yelling Obituary songs. That was an awesome show, raise the horns if you were one of the 20 who stayed for Vader. :NEWHORNS:
[Dec 9,2003 9:08am - subjugate ""]
well they have a new singer maybe things will be different now probly not but who knows

Terence said:I had the unfortunate luck of seeing Diecast once when they played with Vader and Skinless. everything was cool until they went on. a fight broke out and everything had to stop and it was a big deal...blahblahblah GAY. oh yeah Origin was on that bill too. Diecast had no right being on that show.

[Dec 9,2003 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
I was there for deeds of flesh, dying fetus, and vader.
20 people were there for vader too.
I think I showed up late there and missed a lot of the show.
[Dec 9,2003 10:18am - BornSoVile ""]
the_reverend said:I was there for deeds of flesh, dying fetus, and vader.
20 people were there for vader too.
I think I showed up late there and missed a lot of the show.

Death Across America III
[Dec 9,2003 6:06pm - subjugate ""]
i think i filmed that show i miss taping at the palladium
[Dec 9,2003 6:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I talked to you for the first time at that show
[Dec 9,2003 6:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Did one of you say "this is the start of something beautiful" that night?
[Dec 9,2003 7:17pm - subjugate ""]
possibly i don't remember anymore it comes with old age i know back then you used to record the shows too if i remember right

the_reverend said:I think I talked to you for the first time at that show

[Dec 9,2003 7:18pm - subjugate ""]
more like EVIL

DeOdiumMortis said:Did one of you say "this is the start of something beautiful" that night?

[Dec 9,2003 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
more like p0rn0
[Dec 9,2003 7:31pm - ninkaszi@work  ""]
Impaled was going to play that show as well. They were on the friggin tour and they didn't get to play because of Diecast. So lame. Half my friends didn't even go in. Vader was good that night though:satancross:
[Dec 9,2003 10:02pm - subjugate ""]
i have taped impaled there i think that was with incantation/skinless

ninkaszi@work said:Impaled was going to play that show as well. They were on the friggin tour and they didn't get to play because of Diecast. So lame. Half my friends didn't even go in. Vader was good that night though:satancross:

[Dec 10,2003 8:17am - subjugate ""]
A brand new BYZANTINE track, titled "Hatfield", can be downloaded in MP3 format at

"Hatfield" comes off the West Virginia-based group's debut album, "The Fundamental Component" (view cover here), due on February 10, 2004 through Prosthetic Records.

The self-produced CD, which features a sound that can be best described as "both technical and melodious," according to an official press release, will contain the following cuts:
01. Hatfield
02. Stick Figure
03. Stoning Judas
04. My New Casket
05. Sin Remover
06. Slipping on Noise
07. Kill Chain
08. The Devil's Arithmetic
09. Brundlefly
10. The Filth of our Underlings
[Dec 10,2003 12:35pm - subjugate ""]
i was just told waaf has a comercial for this show and it has a clip of b.o.e's music in it :NEWHORNS:
[Dec 10,2003 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]
you should record and post it...
[Dec 11,2003 8:03am - subjugate ""]
hmm theres an good idea if i do get it to tape i'll have mikee rip it to mp3
[Dec 11,2003 11:05am - subjugate ""]
grrr dammit i wish icould get radio reception here

i just got a call from a guy upstairs here who actually can get radio reception and he said they were talking up b.o.e. this morning on the hillman show for a while in regaurds to the dec 20th show
[Dec 11,2003 12:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I was forced to listen to hillman and that O guy for 2-3 months in 2000 driving to and form work.
it was one of the worst experiences of my life.
[Dec 11,2003 12:33pm - subjugate ""]
haha yea i hear ya but they were actually saying cool shit about b.o.e. today according to my buddy and if it can open doors to get the mindless zelot music fan who thinks ratm, corn and limp biscut are metal to check out local real metal bands like us and A.T.R on the 20th i'm all for that man
[Dec 11,2003 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
true... I just hate their announcers so much.
[Dec 11,2003 12:39pm - subjugate ""]
yea i actually listen to cd's primaraly in my car and hardly ever turn on the radio ever except wzlx classic rock shit

some sunday you outta check out harderfaster he's played b.o.e. , r.a.o.v. a.t.r. blistered earth and a coupla other local bands
[Dec 11,2003 3:12pm - subjugate ""]
[Dec 12,2003 8:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
bane of existance rules!!

how come WAAF can't spell? is it because they have been playing nu-metal bands so long or is it because the word existence is such a tough word?
[Dec 12,2003 8:27am - subjugate ""]

the flyer was made by mass concerts funny they have it right in the phoenix oh well
[Dec 12,2003 8:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
subjugate said:
the flyer was made by mass concerts funny they have it right in the phoenix oh well

mass concerts must have taken the spelling from your website www.baneofexistance.learnhowtospell.com

HA! Hoooooooooooo!
[Dec 12,2003 9:22am - subjugate ""]
nice we got into blabbermouth.net
[Dec 13,2003 9:54am - subjugate ""]
playlist for Harder Faster #42 for 12/7/03

1. All That Remains- "The Deepest Grey" Demo

2. Children Of Bodom- "Triple Corpse Hammerblow" Hate Crew Deathroll

3. Helloween- "Open Your Life" Rabbit Don't Come Easy

4. Diecast- "In The Shadows" Day Of Reckoning

5. Quitter- "Black Box" Quitter

6. Damage Plan- "New Found Power" 3 song sampler

7. Cannae- "Anna's Love" Horror

8. Bane Of Existence- "Apocalyptic Disenchantment" Humanity's Splintered Salvation

9. Dimmu Borgir- "Allehgens Dod I Helveds Rike" Death Cult Armegeddon

10. Devildriver- "What Does It Take (to be a man)" Devildriver

11. Slayer- "Mandatory Suicide" Soundtrack to The Apocalypse

12. Slayer- "Unguarded Instinct" Soundtrack To The Apocalypse

13. Slayer- "Sex. Murder. Art." Soundtrack To The Apocalypse

[Dec 14,2003 11:12am - subjugate ""]
YO! listen to harder faster tonite(waaf 8pm) hsu will be playing a b.o.e. song.
[Dec 15,2003 10:04am - Lynneaus ""]
i flyered for this at the dimmu show and a lot of people were like "YES i am so gonna be there" (and they werent being sarcastic :P )

hopefully there will be a good turnout....

ill prob be there just cuz i have nothing else to do.
[Dec 15,2003 2:45pm - subjugate ""]
they played all the bands on this show last nite on harder fasterand he plugged the shit out of this show i think it outta do well
[Dec 15,2003 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
unfortunately, metalheads are lazy.
but I hope there are a lot of people there.
[Dec 15,2003 3:23pm - subjugate ""]
i find most people under 25 to be lazy, not all of em but the majority of em are
[Dec 15,2003 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but most over 25 don't go to too.
since they have to take the day after a show off from work.
[Dec 15,2003 4:18pm - Lynneaus ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, but most over 25 don't go to too.
since they have to take the day after a show off from work.

the true lazy dont have to worry about work cuz they dont have a job :doublehorns:
[Dec 15,2003 4:43pm - subjugate ""]
DOH! ZING!!! hahaha

very true for me at least i'm sad to say but that didn't start till 33

the_reverend said:yeah, but most over 25 don't go to too.
since they have to take the day after a show off from work.

[Dec 15,2003 9:14pm - Lynneaus ""]
i never got the day off after a show thing... unless it was reeeeeeeeeeaaaalllly far away (around 4 hours away) and u had to like sleep over or something

maybe its cuz im not old like the rev that i dont think that way ;)
[Dec 15,2003 9:16pm - succubus ""]
lol..i think the rev was talking about subjugate


most of the time when we go to shows we don't get back till REALLY late and usually end up going to bed around 5am
[Dec 15,2003 9:50pm - the_reverend ""]
and I get up for 7am for work..
[Dec 16,2003 7:31am - subjugate ""]
i get up at 5:30 for work
[Dec 16,2003 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
oh yeah! well, I get up at minus infinity for work.
[Dec 16,2003 9:18am - Lynneaus ""]

when i did work i got up at 5:30 too

but ya i havent worked a real job since june sooooooo.....
[Dec 16,2003 9:55am - subjugate ""]
i am actually on the road at 5:30 i get up at 5:13 lave at 5:20 and arrive at work at 6am

the_reverend said:oh yeah! well, I get up at minus infinity for work.

[Dec 17,2003 9:37am - subjugate ""]
Dumb Laws in Massachusetts:

It is illegal for a mourner to eat more than 4 sandwiches at a funeral

In Massachusetts, Tomatos may not be used in clam chowder-- under penalty of law

You may duel to the death on the Boston Common provided the Governor is present

You need a special permit to wear a goatee in Massachusetts

It is illegal in Massachusetts to go to bed without first taking a bath
[Dec 17,2003 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
I'm guilty of a lot of those things.
you think they would go to a concert and make up the budget deficit with goatee fines.
[Dec 17,2003 12:32pm - subjugate ""]
haha me too
[Dec 18,2003 1:32pm - subjugate ""]
[Dec 18,2003 1:42pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I can't afford to pay fines for my goatee. Jerks.
[Dec 18,2003 2:54pm - subjugate ""]
Harder Faster #43 for 12/14/03

d minor...

1. Byzantine- "Stick Figure" The Fundamental Component

2. Byzantine- "Sin Remover" The Fundamental Component

3. Atreyu- "Lip Gloss And Black" Suicide Notes And Butterfly kisses

4. Life Of Agony- "River Runs Red" River Runs Again Live 2003

5. Clutch- "Immortal" Pure Rock Fury

6. Misery Index- "The Great Depression" Retaliate

7. Backstabbers INC.- "I'll Cut My Hair When You Pick Up That Name You Dropped" Bare As Bones

8. All That Remains- "Follow" Behind Silence And Solitude

9. Bane Of Existence- "Subjugate" Humanity's Splintered Salvation

10. Diecast- "Desensitized" Day Of Reckoning

11. Cannae- "Two Feet From The Ground" Horror

12. Ozzy Osbourne- "Suicide Solution" Blizzard Of Oz

The saddest of all keys....
[Dec 19,2003 10:18am - subjugate ""]
Prosthetic Records and The Palladium present: "BLACK CHRISTMAS"hosted by WAAF's Harder Faster's Mike Hsu and Featuring: Diecast / All that Remains / Cannae / Byzantine / Bane of Existence
**to benefit Mass Veteran's Shelter and the Hope House
SATURDAY DECEMBER 20, 2003 The Palladium (upstairs) - Worcester, MA 7:00pm doors / 7:30pm show /All Ages
Tickets $10.00 adv., $12.00 door
Tickets available at all Strawberries
Music & Video stores, by calling
(800) 477-6849 or online at tickets.com

01.10.04 @ Box of Knives in Providence, RI. All ages. 9pm. Tix $5.
w/ Kevorkian's Angels, Conifer, B.o.E and Raising Kubrick

Sunday January 25th at All Asia Cafe (334 Mass Ave, Central Sq, Cambridge, MA) at 1pm. Thoughts Lost, A Cold Reality, Dreaded Silence and Bane of Existence. All Ages $5.

Monday February 23rd at The Middle East upstairs (472 Mass Ave, Central Sq, Cambridge, MA) at 9pm. Bane of Existence, Disengaged, Kevorkian's Angels
and Watchmaker. $8

Request us on
RETURN TO THE PIT - 91.3 WUNH MONDAY NIGHT returntothepit@yahoo.com RETURNTOTHEPIT.com
HARDER FASTER - 107.3 WAAF SUNDAY NIGHT harderfaster@waaf.com
THE GONZO HOURS SAT 12AM TO 2AM 94 WHJY bigjim@whjy.com

[Dec 19,2003 2:41pm - subjugate ""]
[Dec 20,2003 1:18am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
subjugate said:Sunday January 25th at All Asia Cafe (334 Mass Ave, Central Sq, Cambridge, MA) at 1pm. Thoughts Lost, A Cold Reality, Dreaded Silence and Bane of Existence. All Ages $5.

You did it again you fucking son of a bitch. I'd like to hear about shows we're playing personaly instead of on messageboards. I should slap you.
[Dec 20,2003 1:57pm - subjugate ""]
i thought you knew man sorry i did talk about it sunday or was it the wed before that anyway now you know :spineyes:
[Dec 21,2003 10:30am - subjugate ""]
that was some crazy shit last nite :nuke:

byzintine were pretty ok not really my thing tho

all that remains were awsome as usual *

cannae were sick way better than when i saw em in 1999 or was it 2000 regaudles they were sick

diecast were pretty cool new singer was pretty cool man there were a lotta fights

* some kid there tried to steal on of their guitars while they were playing and security nabbed him at the door he said he was with us and on of the security guys brought him over to me and asked if he was part of our band i was like no and the security guy was like is this you guitar i said no it the dudes from atr
the short of the story the kid was arrested! so :NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS: for palladium security

[Dec 21,2003 6:05pm - succubus ""]
i wanted to come but i couldn't =(
[Dec 21,2003 8:36pm - subjugate ""]
it was our best sounding palladium show ever but not our tightest set we have ever done but definantly not the worst either i/we had a blast the croud was sick we had a little pit during our set so i was psycked :satancross:
[Dec 22,2003 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
god damn it!
will people stop telling me "I thought you'd be there"!

that's all I keep hearing.
[Dec 22,2003 7:55am - subjugate ""]
i knew you wouldn't be there

i checked the rttp attendance:yoda:
[Dec 22,2003 6:30pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I had surgery today, Rev I thought you'd be there. I had you on the guest list and everything.
[Dec 22,2003 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
yeha, but you forgot to put down a guestlist.
I was all up in that hizzle and then the doctor kizzled my shizzle.
I'm like fo shizzle!
and i bounced to my flibbity flobbity floop.
[Dec 23,2003 9:04am - Lynneaus ""]
hehehe i won two xmas stockings at the black xmas show... for a total of like 20 cds....

most of which either suck (imo) or i already have pffffft

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