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Exodus/Goatwhore/Arsis/Warbringer @ Marks

Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [arsis][devils_champion][exodus][goatwhore][never_the_next_day][randomshots][soul_octane_burner][the_accursed][warbringer]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 23,2007 1:43pm - streetteamnh  ""]
New England Concerts Presents
Friday February 8th
[Jul 23,2007 1:46pm - Anthony ""]
Great not gonna see this tour
[Jul 23,2007 1:53pm - archaeon ""]
hopefully there's a mass date, doubt it.
[Jul 23,2007 1:56pm - xmikex ""]
i'd like to see Exodus.

....Goatwhore huh?
....New Hampshire huh?
[Jul 23,2007 4:25pm - J.Mortiz ""]
Could this show be moved to Southbridge??
[Jul 23,2007 4:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
J.Mortiz said:Could this show be moved to Southbridge??

Consider it done.
[Oct 12,2007 8:14pm - ovkill  ""]
I saw Exodus before cant wait for this one.
[Oct 12,2007 8:22pm - I_am_not_me ""]
That place in Southbridge...I really don't like. Those poles are stupid, the parking is fucking obnoxious...I'd gladly deal with no moshing (Actually kinda like it) to be able to get an actual parking spot and not get boxed in.
[Oct 12,2007 8:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cue the eventual bitching about Mark's...
[Jan 10,2008 4:20pm - theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
The Accursed just got added to this! we got a month to sell tickets anyone want any?
[Jan 10,2008 4:22pm - theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
I'm pretty sure the date on this is Feb 8th
[Jan 10,2008 4:29pm - thuringwethil ""]
how many times do I have to fucking see Goatwhore?

they're like Zelig.

I mean, I wouldn't wanna go home to New Orleans either but Jesus Christ. Whatever.
[Jan 10,2008 4:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
same show is happening the day after the Rotting Christ show at the Webster in Hartford. yes, it's the ghetto. yes, it's negrotastic. NO - it's not mark's.

... go see this show at the Webster

i'm not even fucking playing it and i'm plugging it

[Jan 10,2008 4:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]

[Jan 10,2008 5:04pm - Troll ""]
Marks boycott still in affect.
[Jan 10,2008 5:08pm - narkybark ""]
[Jan 10,2008 5:52pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 15,2008 8:32am - theaccursedvokillist ""]
[Jan 15,2008 10:34am - aril  ""]
hey theaccursedvokillist, i may be able to hook you guys up. my gf is good friends with George and I sold like 7 of his tickets to the enslaved show. ask him about it, i may be able to help you out.
[Jan 15,2008 11:22am - quintessence  ""]
Yup, Exodus is awesome, but I refuse to go. You should know why.
[Jan 15,2008 12:13pm - pam nli  ""]
aril said:hey theaccursedvokillist, i may be able to hook you guys up. my gf is good friends with George and I sold like 7 of his tickets to the enslaved show. ask him about it, i may be able to help you out.

Drop him an email: theaccursedbooking [at] gmail dot com
I'm sure he'd really appreciate the help seeing as the second you say "Marks Showplace" potential ticket sales run away.

I really wish Mark would open his fucking eyes, he'd be sitting on a goldmine of a club if not for those dickfuck security guards. It's a pretty cool club otherwise and they get all the good tours that The Palladium doesn't bother with.

There's rumor going that Mark is actually considering getting other security...hopefully it's true.
[Feb 1,2008 12:34pm - theaccursed nli  ""]
for anyone actually going we still have some tickets available
[Feb 1,2008 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]
shooting it.
[Feb 2,2008 10:57am - theaccursed nli  ""]
go pats
[Feb 2,2008 3:08pm - pam ""]
I'm going to die at this show. No place to sit = I'm done for. It'll be worth the back pain though!

Except for Goatwhore. Seriously...say no to just ONE tour.
[Feb 2,2008 3:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
Is that 11 bands? WTF?
[Feb 2,2008 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]
that is a hell of a lot of bands.

soul octane burner
never the next day
the accursed
devils champion
imprisoned souls
seize today

some terrible names too.
[Feb 2,2008 4:21pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
pam said:I'm going to die at this show. No place to sit = I'm done for. It'll be worth the back pain though!

Except for Goatwhore. Seriously...say no to just ONE tour.

seriously yea at this point I dont see how the constant touring is getting them any bigger, I lost interest in them a long time ago.
[Feb 2,2008 4:27pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:that is a hell of a lot of bands.

soul octane burner
never the next day
the accursed
devils champion
imprisoned souls
seize today

some terrible names too.

Are you fucking kidding? Dude I CAN'T sit through 11 bands. NO ONE is going to sit through 11 bands. I hate this fucking club.
[Feb 2,2008 4:30pm - dyingmuse ""]
pam said:the_reverend said:that is a hell of a lot of bands.

soul octane burner
never the next day
the accursed
devils champion
imprisoned souls
seize today

some terrible names too.

Are you fucking kidding? Dude I CAN'T sit through 11 bands. NO ONE is going to sit through 11 bands. I hate this fucking club.

That's what I am saying

After we did Katatonia at that club, I heard that the touring bands were pissed about the amount of locals on the show.

That is just wrong.
[Feb 2,2008 4:38pm - pam ""]
Because it's ridiculous. There is nowhere to sit in that shit hole, you can't leave to eat or whatever, the water is 3 bucks...

If I wasn't taking my cousin to this, I'd be staying home. I might stay home anyway. If my only ride is with The Accursed, I'll have to be there for load-in and I think I'd rather miss Exodus.
[Feb 2,2008 9:40pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i dont really know a lot of these locals but the last time i saw Arsis at marks with enslaved, and the accursed. they were so friekin good. brutal as fuck. i need to buy 5 tickets for this show someone email me please. ouchdrummer@gmail.com
i hope the accursed plays heartwork.
[Feb 3,2008 4:40pm - war101  ""]
Ive seen shows with 2 stages before and I dont mind the bands playing on the second stage in between sets... either way friday should be good.
[Feb 5,2008 1:32pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
if I didn't have to work I'd hit this up for Exodus, The Accursed, and also for fucking Warbringer. They're fucking sick if you haven't heard them, their new album is fucking thrash-tastic.
[Feb 8,2008 9:47am - bam  ""]
TONIGHT-Looking forward to seeing Arsis
[Feb 8,2008 9:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
11 bands? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm so glad I don't play or go to shows there anymore.
[Feb 8,2008 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
im there
[Feb 8,2008 12:21pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:i hope the accursed plays heartwork.

[Feb 8,2008 3:25pm - Aegathis ""]
I guess Exodus got into some trouble the other night, the singer was giving beer to kids in the audience or some shit during their set.
[Feb 8,2008 6:36pm - the_reverend ""]
495 is a fucking nightmare. 1+ hr to go one exit.
[Feb 8,2008 6:37pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
would be there if it was in MA
[Feb 8,2008 8:10pm - the_reverend ""]
im here now. missed 2 bands
[Feb 8,2008 8:13pm - Blue ""]
you could miss 5 bands and it wouldnt matter.
[Feb 8,2008 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
soul octane burner: they had a lot of drunken friends there to see them, but I ran in only for their last song.

warbringer: they had a long and mostly akward pause before going on. The show as running late and the bass wasn't working. When they finally got everything set up, they killed. Awesome thrash played by young kids. It was awesome. And if that weren't enough, it was awesome. People head banged the crap out of the front row.

never the next day: not really a fan, metal core with a lot of off key singing. Like wicked off key. They had some fans that moshed around with reprisal from security.
[Feb 8,2008 9:03pm - RichHorror ""]
11 bands? lolz
[Feb 8,2008 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
the accursed is on now.
[Feb 8,2008 9:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Is Warbringer a local band?
[Feb 8,2008 10:07pm - Blue ""]
[Feb 8,2008 11:02pm - christopher  ""]
Fuck Marks
[Feb 9,2008 2:23am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 9,2008 3:54am - theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
what a great fucking show!!! The security weren't being dicks, and there was moshing allowed! good times!
[Feb 9,2008 7:32am - My_dying_bride ""]
[Feb 9,2008 10:04am - the_reverend ""]
arsis: I barely recognized darren from his playboy mansion haircut as he set up the biggest drumset this side of rush on stage. Then the sound check was a couple minutes per piece. His set is ridiculous. Seriously, it is really cool that he is in a band this good cause he is one of the finest drummer around.they played some new songs. You can tell which ones those are cause darren got to do more drumming tomfoolery.

accursed, the: non-stop moshing and circle pits for them. No one got kicked out either. It was pretty awesome. Even peole who obviously didn't know them got into it. I can see how they clamed their last set here was the best set the played. They also didn't stop at all in between songs. That's crucial when you only have 30 minutes and your set contains 8 songs and an intro. Lokitotally redeemed himself. During one ofb the songs it sounded like he messed up twice. Then for the heartwork cover, he nailed the riffs to the wall.
[Feb 9,2008 10:53am - christopher  ""]
still not going to marks
[Feb 9,2008 2:50pm - SW  ""]
i actually had fun at this show.it was unusual that the security let us have a pit, very cool.still don't like the 11 bands thing though.
[Feb 9,2008 3:44pm - pam ""]

christopher said:still not going to marks

Surely the place will close down in your absence.

I actually had a great time too! It's so much better now. I saw Mark waddling around in a goofy suit bitching about something during Exodus so it'll be interesting to see if the new leniency sticks, but hopefully it will.

Exodus coming out into the circle pit during "toxic waltz" was fucking awesome. I was kinda bored before that since the new stuff is way too long, but they were still pretty great. They were picking fights with meathead sports fans which was pretty funny.

Arsis was fucking awesome too. The Accursed had a great crowd and apparently Arsis dug them, so that made the long ass drive well worth it.

I missed the midget stripper.

Good time though! Thanks for calling me fat, Aaron.
[Feb 9,2008 3:46pm - pam ""]

SW said:still don't like the 11 bands thing though.

Showing up late fixes that situation pretty effectively. ;)
[Feb 9,2008 10:09pm - Dar ""]
Are Warbringer touring with Exodus??? Haha...they were one of the young thrash bands that would come up from LA every couple weeks to play around the bay area last year. That's awesome if Exodus took them out witht hem, fucking nice guys!
[Feb 10,2008 9:39am - archaeon ""]

spot the MFR logo
[Feb 10,2008 10:00am - Thrash is back  ""]
warbringer is awesome, youngsters playin good ol thrash. i love it. i saw them the other night and they put on a great show. some fool shouted "Killswitch Forever!" he got his ass pushed right out! idiot!!!!! but i didn't like Exodus. just not the same...
[Feb 11,2008 10:55am - PISSED ROTTING  ""]
BLASPHEMY, and shows that pussy metal has pervaded this 'metal site'
....return to the pit, MY ASS...
[Feb 11,2008 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
you are retarded.
[Feb 11,2008 12:56pm - pam ""]
Which one of you fucking assholes was sick? I've been in bed for two days and I hope you step in dog shit today.
[Feb 12,2008 1:18am - MaNoWaR  ""]
After the huge problems I had the last time at Marks with TNT security plus the price gouging (listing at $20 then jack it up at the door to $25) this time there weren't the problems. The price was were it was suppose to be and Marks must've told TNT security to shape up or get the F#$ out. I'm glad they got the message because it made for a more enjoyable show as opposed to last October with 'OverKill'.
[Feb 12,2008 1:34am - the_reverend ""]

BLASPHEMY, and shows that pussy metal has pervaded this 'metal site'
....return to the pit, MY ASS...

1) wrong thread
2) I was too busy being with my gf in northern ME
[Feb 12,2008 1:48am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

BLASPHEMY, and shows that pussy metal has pervaded this 'metal site'
....return to the pit, MY ASS...

well if you don't like it, you can fuck off.

here's a thumbnail of some pics i took at the rotting christ show in poughkeepsie. I'm not gonna show you the full size images though, because you're a cunt. Take your attitude and go die in a hole, shithead.


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