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Apartment For Rent in WEYMOUTH!

[Feb 7,2009 11:30am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Mess said:yeah, i shrunk thep pics but that made it look smaller heh.
i'm moving to quincy to a bigger place. it's got a jacuzzi yo.

congrats yo
[Feb 7,2009 1:42pm - R....  ""]
hey mess..im interested..i send you an email with my number
[Feb 7,2009 3:33pm - JDDomnli  ""]
gimme a call@781-630-1701. My wife will probably say no but I'd like to at least take a look
[Feb 7,2009 10:25pm - Mess ""]
sorry dude. been moving all day. i'm psyched, free intranets here too.
my friend was going to rent my old place but his girl said no.
let me know if you still want to look at it tomorrow (sunday). we moved a lot of the big shit out today so you'll get to see how much space is in there if you want to check it out.
[Feb 8,2009 12:47am - hypersludgenotloggedin  ""]
who the fuck took those pictures, a blind man? come on now.
[Feb 8,2009 10:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

JDDomnli said:gimme a call@781-630-1701. My wife will probably say no but I'd like to at least take a look

you're married?
[Feb 9,2009 12:08pm - JDDomination ""]
yup with child on the way.
[Feb 9,2009 12:20pm - whoremastery ""]
id like to see this if its still avail.
[Feb 9,2009 1:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:wow, you actually made your place look smaller than it is!
Where are you moving to?
I'm paying 625 for a 3 bedroom house khed, yeah, I said it

I am paying $515 a month for a three bedroom house. Full basement, 3 big bedrooms, huge kitchen, gnarly, huge ass basement with way to much space for me to use. Anyone want to rent the basement for band practice?? It goes cheap son since I pay so little in rent.

I am in Hyannis (Cape cod)
Do it.
[Feb 9,2009 5:47pm - Mess ""]

hypersludgenotloggedin said:who the fuck took those pictures, a blind man? come on now.

yes, i'm retarded, i admit it. i'm a fucking stupid piece of shit and know it.
[Feb 9,2009 5:48pm - Mess ""]

JDDomination said:yup with child on the way.

hey dude. this place is not suitable for a husband, wife, and kid. the landlord won't allow it. this place is for one person only and only has space for 1 car to park.
[Feb 9,2009 6:13pm - Mess ""]

whoremastery said:id like to see this if its still avail.

as far as i know, i'ts available. i left you a message. call me anytime.
[Feb 9,2009 9:46pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

JDDomination said:yup with child on the way.

cool man, good luck. Mess's palce is NO place for a kid, way too small
[Feb 10,2009 8:46am - JDDomination ""]

Mess said:
JDDomination said:yup with child on the way.

hey dude. this place is not suitable for a husband, wife, and kid. the landlord won't allow it. this place is for one person only and only has space for 1 car to park.

yeah I figured that based on the pics that it would be too small. Thanks to brad too for the good wishes
[Feb 13,2009 10:28am - Mess ""]
Congrats JDD

Whoremastery, i should be getting in touch with you soon dude.
[Feb 16,2009 1:30pm - Mess ""]
Woremastery: i gave the landlords wife your contact info. i'll let you know when i hear anything else.

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