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How long without anal sex?

[Sep 16,2009 12:29pm - arktouros ""]
4 years. You gotta be a keeper for me to enter the Brown Gate.
[Sep 16,2009 12:30pm - boblovesmusic ""]
24 years
[Sep 16,2009 12:30pm - sacreligion ""]
Giving or taking?

I MEAN....
[Sep 16,2009 12:30pm - Lamp ""]

boblovesmusic said:22 years
[Sep 16,2009 12:40pm - RichHorror ""]
A little over 2 years.
[Sep 16,2009 1:22pm - xgodzillax ""]
in december it will be 2 years. she was a 7th grade math teacher
[Sep 16,2009 1:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Consensual: 14 months
[Sep 16,2009 1:24pm - dontlivefastjustdienli  ""]
7 years. had a gf in high school that loved that shit
[Sep 16,2009 1:26pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I've seen movies like that
[Sep 16,2009 1:31pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
it was awesome...she ended up being lame as fuck though
[Sep 16,2009 1:36pm - Eli hhcb  ""]
way less awesome in reality than imagined.
[Sep 16,2009 1:39pm - pam ""]
27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.
[Sep 16,2009 1:41pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]

pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

haha...my wife's response exactly
[Sep 16,2009 2:01pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Eli%20hhcb said:way less awesome in reality than imagined.
[Sep 16,2009 2:02pm - pam ""]

dontlivefastjustdie said:
pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

haha...my wife's response exactly

Fair is fair.
[Sep 16,2009 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
probably 2 long years.
[Sep 16,2009 2:05pm - Doomkid ""]
6 days 16 hours.
[Sep 16,2009 2:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

is that a date?

[Sep 16,2009 2:12pm - Doomkid ""]

pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

Who wants to be the first RTTPer to get pegged by pam?
[Sep 16,2009 2:15pm - quintessence ""]
about 7 months now..
[Sep 16,2009 2:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Probably a month or so. I dig it. A2V is pretty cool, too. (A gentleman slaps on a new rubber, though - just common courtesy, really.)
[Sep 16,2009 2:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 16,2009 2:27pm - pam ""]

Doomkid said:
pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

Who wants to be the first RTTPer to get pegged by pam?

I will even paint DICK IS BRO on the strap on.
[Sep 16,2009 2:28pm - RichHorror ""]
haha, I haven't worn a condom since my teens.

ITT: I learn I am not a gentleman.
[Sep 16,2009 2:28pm - pam ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

is that a date?


Only if you grow out your hair again so I can use it for leverage.
[Sep 16,2009 2:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
can you wear a Zack Codso mask too?
[Sep 16,2009 2:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:
FuckIsMySignature said:
pam said:27 years and counting. I'll let someone fuck me in the ass when they let me fuck them in the ass first.

is that a date?


Only if you grow out your hair again so I can use it for leverage.

i have long hair...butt its not on my head
[Sep 16,2009 2:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 16,2009 3:02pm - starmummy ""]
I'd let my wife fuck me in the ass if she asked.
[Sep 16,2009 3:12pm - starmummy ""]

starmummy said:I'd let my wife fuck me in the ass if she asked.

I forgot to mention that I would do it even if she wouldn't let me do it back...though that would be really rude if she didn't.
[Sep 16,2009 3:17pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]
[Sep 16,2009 5:49pm - xgodzillax ""]
i dated this girl in 2006 who begged me for ass to mouth, so i was taking a shower at her apartment and gave her her wish, she finished me off and i told her to move, she didnt listen, so i pissed in her face.
[Sep 16,2009 8:05pm - Demon Slices  ""]
A buncha years. Like 6 or so.
[Sep 16,2009 8:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hung out with Ledney a few weeks ago. That's gotta count for somethin'
[Sep 16,2009 9:23pm - Hoser ""]

xgodzillax said:in december it will be 2 years. she was a 7th grade math teacher

And weighed 9000 lbs.
[Sep 16,2009 9:23pm - Hoser ""]

xgodzillax said:i dated this girl in 2006 who begged me for ass to mouth, so i was taking a shower at her apartment and gave her her wish, she finished me off and i told her to move, she didnt listen, so i pissed in her face.

She was also 9000 lbs.
[Sep 16,2009 9:41pm - pam ""]
or not actually real.
[Sep 16,2009 10:22pm - xgodzillax ""]
oh you people have no idea about me.. keep making assumptions you cunt.
[Sep 16,2009 10:31pm - pam ""]
This is what google image search gave me for "BITCH, YOU DON'T KNOW ME". Enjoy.

[Sep 17,2009 12:01pm - xgodzillax ""]

im sure that has been you a number of times, since you never shut up and give your opinion when it isnt wanted
[Sep 17,2009 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
speaking of never shutting up and giving opinions that arent wanted...
[Sep 17,2009 12:24pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I hung out with Ledney a few weeks ago.

Ledney is a misunderstood genius.
[Sep 17,2009 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]

Doomkid said:6 days 16 hours.
ttos reunion?
[Oct 26,2012 1:17pm - Tony Eveready  ""]
Spread them asscheeks, bitch! Spread them motherfuckers!
[Oct 26,2012 1:23pm - AndrewBastard ""]
a long time...

i've only really dated 1 girl that legitimately enjoyed it and wanted it...most girls just refuse to, I've found.

I can take it or leave it...
[Oct 26,2012 1:26pm - posbleak ""]

pam said:


[Oct 26,2012 1:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
Most non-raunchy girls dont want to try it. Same thing with taking it on the face.
[Oct 26,2012 1:43pm - yummy ""]
It's one of the things that I never request but when it's offered I'm all for it. Then I tell her alright enough with that strap on. Ha, drunk by 1:30!
[Oct 26,2012 1:46pm - SkinSandwich ""]
About 2 weeks ago. banged this chick in the shitter who i have not seen in about 10 years. She found me and asked if I wanted to hang out. A few bowls later She asked for it in the rump and I obliged.
[Oct 26,2012 2:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Frost the donut.

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