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yo Samantha...

[Mar 20,2012 5:15pm - Samantha ""]
[Mar 20,2012 5:16pm - Samantha ""]

arilliusbm said:A simple text message would have sufficed.

Like I would give DukeManJunk my phone number.
[Mar 20,2012 5:17pm - DukeManjunk ""]

Samantha said:
arilliusbm said:A simple text message would have sufficed.

Like I would give DukeManJunk my phone number.

like i can afford a fucking cell phone? yearofthedragon gave it to me once...i believe the first time i drunk dialed you from band practice....i didnt save it though
[Mar 20,2012 5:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 20,2012 5:19pm - DukeManjunk ""]
my name is pit, and your ass aint talking its way out of this shit.
[Mar 20,2012 5:21pm - Samantha ""]

arilliusbm said:WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE

Strangely enough, they're all people you know.
[Mar 20,2012 5:23pm - Lamp ""]
I once sent Samantha a Facebook friend request while I was quite drunk and can only assume it was ignored.
[Mar 20,2012 5:25pm - DukeManjunk ""]

Lamp said:I once sent Samantha a Facebook friend request while I was quite drunk and can only assume it was ignored.

seriously facebook should require a breathalyzer to sign in....i cant drunk text so i drunk facebook...and the next morning i'm always doing this 0_o
[Mar 20,2012 5:28pm - Lamp ""]
When I get drunk and go on Facebook I send out lots of friend requests and encourage people who don't play Pokemon to commit suicide.
[Mar 20,2012 5:29pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i once sent an irish girl a message asking her when she was going to let me kiss her blarney stone.
[Mar 20,2012 5:32pm - Samantha ""]
Lamp, I get tons of friend requests from people I don't know. Unless it's obvious who it is, or they send me a message, I ignore them. More often than not, I don't even have time to look at people's profiles to see whether it's someone I know.
[Mar 20,2012 5:32pm - DukeManjunk ""]
ok, fuck this shit, its a 45 minute walk from my house to ralphs....i'm leaving!
[Mar 20,2012 5:33pm - Lamp ""]
Harass me RTTP:
[Mar 20,2012 7:59pm - Mario Jeremy  ""]
[Mar 20,2012 8:00pm - Mario Jeremy  ""]
[Mar 20,2012 8:03pm - Mario Jeremy  ""]

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