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GOOD power metal??

[Dec 28,2012 8:50pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Dec 28,2012 11:35pm - Avalonwinds ""]


From their best (and first) album.

[Dec 28,2012 11:58pm - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Mithotyn is so much better than Falconer.

Without a doubt.
[Dec 29,2012 3:51am - Snowden NLI  ""]
Meh, it's ALMOST like they play two totally different styles of music!
[Dec 31,2012 11:03am - GregD-NLI(Forgotpassword)  ""]
Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction
Omen - Battlecry


Awesome song.
[Dec 31,2012 11:04am - GregD-NLI(Forgotpassword)  ""]
I mean..........


[Dec 31,2012 11:07am - GregD-NLI(Forgotpassword)  ""]
Remember when candlemass released that almost power metal album?

[Dec 31,2012 12:34pm - robotpie ""]
This thread fucking rules. That is all.
[Dec 31,2012 12:52pm - JEREMY CHAVEZ  ""]

[Dec 31,2012 12:53pm - JEREMY CHAVEZ  ""]
[Aug 10,2016 3:42pm - susurrate ""]
non-kiske helloween is still good depending on the tune.


don't listen to power metal often, but there are times where i find it complimentary. seems to be a lull in power metal lately, quality or otherwise, no?

[Aug 10,2016 3:43pm - susurrate ""]

Mark_R said:^ You picked probably the best representation of Avantasia there. I shared a lot of people's feeling the second album didn't really "end", it just kinda tapered off. The Tower is the kind of song that should've capped off the whole thing. Instead the two albums are more like a bell curve with the first one ending on a great song and the second one opening with a great song.

Fairyland is ex Dark Moor, right? Is that song from their first album?

can't hate on avantasia at all. not a huge fan of tobias vocals, but the guests are usually on point. Jorn to be specific. has pipes.
[Aug 10,2016 4:02pm - Mark_R ""]
Jorn is generally great but I gotta say his first Avantasia appearance was his low point to my ears. I think he got better on the next few (as the overall album quality continued to decline), but something went wrong with his voice or the recording of his part on The Scarecrow.

My fave singer that I was introduced to via Avantasia is Bob Catley.
[Aug 10,2016 4:09pm - susurrate ""]

Mark_R said:Jorn is generally great but I gotta say his first Avantasia appearance was his low point to my ears. I think he got better on the next few (as the overall album quality continued to decline), but something went wrong with his voice or the recording of his part on The Scarecrow.

My fave singer that I was introduced to via Avantasia is Bob Catley.

i don't disagree regarding the scarecrow. i thought the high point was his appearance on the wicked symphony. i also thought his stuff with masterplan was good at times, though the lyrics were facepalming in nature. specifically on the song 'spirit never die' though i've looked past the verse lyrics because the chorus is pretty powerful in that cheesy way that many including myself enjoy.
[Aug 10,2016 4:16pm - Mark_R ""]

susurrate said:specifically on the song 'spirit never die' though i've looked past the verse lyrics because the chorus is pretty powerful in that cheesy way that many including myself enjoy.

Yeah that song in particular is one of the standouts of the past ~15 years in power metal.
[Aug 10,2016 4:25pm - susurrate ""]
couldn't agree more. have done much cardio-bicycling to that tune in commuting to work over the years. gave my cousin that tune on a power metal playlist for her iPod when she did her first marathon and she slayed it, citing that song as her favorite for energy.

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