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Lykaion Cult Productions presents: Thursday, April 4th- Evil Army, Birth A.D., Living Void, Ancient Power @ O'briens

O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) - [ancient_power][birth_ad][insult][living_void][randomshots]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 5,2013 1:31am - HookedonMetal ""]
Great show.

Ancient Power = Best I've ever seen them for sure. Can't wait to play with them at Dragon's Den in a few weeks.
Living Void = Not really my style, but they're great at what they do and I can definitely appreciate that.
Insult = Again, not really my style, but very high energy. Great set.
Birth A.D. = Early DRI style crossover. Very entertaining.

And King Thunderstool definitely did not break my head open. In fact, I'm about 99.9% certain he wasn't even there.
[Apr 5,2013 1:46am - the_reverend ""]
Everyone ruled. Insult always pulls out a mega win though. They started playing some other bands songs too. One was an AC song I think. The other I'm not sure. I kept thinking it sounded like they were going to play a minor threat song.

I also got to meet anthony's beautiful wife. No wonder he left the road.
[Apr 5,2013 8:25am - HAHAHAHAHA  ""]

HookedonMetal said:
And King Thunderstool definitely did not break my head open. In fact, I'm about 99.9% certain he was at the Middle East.

[Apr 5,2013 11:13am - King Thunderstool  ""]
[Apr 5,2013 11:27am - robotpie ""]
Good show was good. Glad they ended up having the EP, will be spinning that over the next few days. I forgot about their cover of Fearless Iranians From Hell, which rules.
[Apr 6,2013 3:28am - thatperson  ""]
the singer in Birth A.D. has his head so far up his ass he still thinks it's 1986, that guy liked hearing himself talk far too much
[Apr 6,2013 3:55am - Lamp ""]
Yeah, the stage banter was part of the turnoff for that band for me. I've got nothing against stage banter as long as it's good.
[Apr 6,2013 10:37am - Transcend the throneroom  ""]

thatperson said:the singer in Birth A.D. has his head so far up his ass he still thinks it's 1986, that guy liked hearing himself talk far too much

Yes! What a jerk. I feel like no bands really want to push metal further and branch out! 80s music is boring. (Except fugazi) I hope those homophobes choke on a cow butt.
[Apr 6,2013 11:25am - King Thunderstool  ""]

Transcend%20the%20throneroom said:
thatperson said:the singer in Birth A.D. has his head so far up his ass he still thinks it's 1986, that guy liked hearing himself talk far too much

Yes! What a jerk. I feel like no bands really want to push metal further and branch out! 80s music is boring. (Except fugazi) I hope those homophobes choke on a cow butt.


[Apr 6,2013 12:24pm - permafrost ""]
Bleh all around.
[Apr 6,2013 2:27pm - nekronaut ""]
Missed Ancient Power due to work.

Living Void and Insult were great.

Homphobes are gay.
[Apr 6,2013 6:20pm - blue ""]


[Apr 6,2013 7:47pm - death-metal ""]

thatperson said:the singer in Birth A.D. has his head so far up his ass he still thinks it's 1986, that guy liked hearing himself talk far too much

People are just mad that Birth A.D. are better than 90% of the bands in metal. The good death metal bands get the same push-back.

Hey, they're better than my band, and I can admit it. Now I'm free to admit that number of CDs sold doesn't determine whether I'm a good person or not.

[Apr 7,2013 5:11pm - the_reverend ""]
He called us faggets which is the non- homophobic version.
[Apr 7,2013 5:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

the_reverend said:He called us faggets which is the non- homophobic version.

Important distinction.
[Apr 7,2013 5:25pm - nekronaut ""]

the_reverend said:He called us faggets which is the non- homophobic version.


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