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The Legion Presents: Hearts of Darkness (2/9/13)

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Feb 5,2013 10:33am - Thunderstool  ""]
I like to do the cha cha like a sissy girl!
[Feb 5,2013 10:35am - disinfo agent  ""]
what does that prove? Log in? You have a name to troll, is that it?
ITT: Aril wants YOU to log in so he can troll you.
ITT: Aril is being passive aggressive, and would like you to agree with him, or log in about it.
[Feb 5,2013 10:42am - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: someone who is afraid to admit who they are out of fear of being trolled.

funny thing is, I don't give a flying fuck about what you think, as evidenced in responses. As I said, we all formulate and spew opinions on a message board. I have the nads to do it logged in, while you hide out of some sort of fear. No big deal, though. Rttp isn't real life.
[Feb 5,2013 10:57am - disinfo agent  ""]
struck another nerve
[Feb 5,2013 11:08am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm so angry right now. Help.

Oh wait, not really.
[Feb 7,2013 12:32pm - Alx_Casket ""]
bump for aril the snowman
[Feb 7,2013 12:59pm - showgoer  ""]
Great thread, guys, quality bands, mature discussion, unhurt butts, I'll totally be attending this show with bands at it.
[Feb 7,2013 1:04pm - Burnsy ""]

disinfo%20agent said:self induced beliefs

lolwut? Yeah, all my beliefs come from somewhere other than myself.
[Feb 7,2013 3:30pm - Yeti ""]

showgoer said:Great thread, guys, quality bands, mature discussion, unhurt butts, I'll totally be attending this show with bands at it.

hahahaha holy shit that made me laugh way too hard.
[Feb 7,2013 4:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Good to see someone still has a sense of humor around here. Apologies to any anonymous poster in this thread that I may or may not have made butthurt by defriending on facebook (serious business of course).
[Feb 7,2013 4:25pm - worst show of the year right here  ""]
worst show of the year right here
[Feb 7,2013 4:38pm - Ricky Butts  ""]
Can Lydia Gayer get on this?
[Feb 9,2013 12:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
Show postponed due to snow. My jeep is depressed, it was looking forward to the drive.
[Feb 9,2013 9:35am - obvious joke man  ""]
ITT: winter came
[Feb 9,2013 10:14am - robotpie ""]

obvious%20joke%20man said:ITT: winter came

[Feb 9,2013 11:27am - at least one good thing  ""]
about this stupid storm is that barren oak is playing one less show

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