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Take Courage (Listen to us)

[May 6,2005 5:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xMattx said:haha none of them are about the band

awesome !
[May 6,2005 5:23pm - horror_tang ""]
Joke to some. Gospel to others. Two man freestyle scrotal contusioncore started sometime in the mid 90's. Most commonly referred to as bludgeoncore.

Take 5 Whitey
[May 6,2005 5:23pm - xMattx ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:haha none of them are about the band

awesome !

yeah i forgot all of you were metal kids, oh well its filling up time.
[May 6,2005 5:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xMattx said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:haha none of them are about the band

awesome !

yeah i forgot all of you were metal kids, oh well its filling up time.

i'm hardly a metal person, i enjoy music !

this is bad music, case closed. learn to play Minor Threat songs correctly !
[May 6,2005 5:25pm - Hooker ""]
autumn offering. whoo.

[May 6,2005 5:26pm - xMattx ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:haha none of them are about the band

awesome !

yeah i forgot all of you were metal kids, oh well its filling up time.

i'm hardly a metal person, i enjoy music !

this is bad music, case closed. learn to play Minor Threat songs correctly !

we didnt do any minor threat songs...
[May 6,2005 5:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xMattx said:we didnt do any minor threat songs...

then you're not the one listening to hardcore or punk for that matter, cause you clearly ripped them.

horrible horrible !
[May 6,2005 5:28pm - xMattx ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:we didnt do any minor threat songs...

then you're not the one listening to hardcore or punk for that matter, cause you clearly ripped them.

horrible horrible !

all hardcore sounds the same, the end.
[May 6,2005 5:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
on a side note, burnt by the sun and dave witte is amazing !
[May 6,2005 5:29pm - xMattx ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:we didnt do any minor threat songs...

then you're not the one listening to hardcore or punk for that matter, cause you clearly ripped them.

horrible horrible !

oh yeah which song did we rip off?

[May 6,2005 5:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xMattx said:oh yeah which song did we rip off?

has nothing to do with one song, otherwise i would have stated that track already but as a whole your progressions and style is straight ripped from them.

i mean what's next Fugazi
[May 6,2005 5:34pm - xMattx ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xMattx said:oh yeah which song did we rip off?

has nothing to do with one song, otherwise i would have stated that track already but as a whole your progressions and style is straight ripped from them.

i mean what's next Fugazi

we sound almost nothing like minor threat, did you listen to the song pedestals it has a tougher sound than any minor threat ive heard.
[May 6,2005 5:37pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
In all honesty, those songs aren't too bad, though the vocals are pretty crappy (and what I can make out of the lyrics even crappier). At least it's pretty much just straight up Hardcore though.
[May 6,2005 5:39pm - xMattx ""]
BestialOnslaught said:In all honesty, those songs aren't too bad, though the vocals are pretty crappy (and what I can make out of the lyrics even crappier). At least it's pretty much just straight up Hardcore though.

yeah the vocals arent too good sounding on the recording, we have only had like 5 or so practices though, so i think hes doing well for being a first time singer in a band.
[May 6,2005 7:20pm - mike........  ""]
music is decent, vocals are lame, vocal patterns are lamer.

"tough" breakdowns in youth crew style hardcore are lamest.
[May 6,2005 7:31pm - Boots ""]
Meet Balls eh
[May 6,2005 9:55pm - xMattx ""]
mike........ said:music is decent, vocals are lame, vocal patterns are lamer.

"tough" breakdowns in youth crew style hardcore are lamest.

a breakdown is a breakdown if we had clash notes in between them then i could see it being out of place.

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