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Now Find a show to go to!

Jan 14 (Sat) - The Departed, HBBSI, ATNFAC, Dour Cursiva $2 - the Departed's bandspace- suite 50 Bissell St., Cranston, RI +[view flyer]


[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Dec 31,2005 12:22pm - thedeparted ""]

The Departed Band Space
Suite 50 - Bissell Street
Cranston, RI

The Departed
Dour Cursiva
Dead Girls Diary
A Terrible Night For A Curse

All Ages!!!

[Dec 31,2005 12:54pm - cav  ""]
[Dec 31,2005 1:11pm - thedeparted ""]
cav are you guys coming to our buddy GJ's tonight?
[Dec 31,2005 1:41pm - anonymous  ""]
is there gonna be beer? cos if not, count me out.
[Dec 31,2005 2:20pm - thedeparted ""]
oh shit, i forgot to put that on the flyer
yeah there is beer

so count you in, youre a valuable asset for supporting local music
[Dec 31,2005 3:36pm - thedeparted ""]
happy new years everyone, im out
[Dec 31,2005 4:01pm - cav  ""]
fuck the free beer, its all about the bands...right? cmon guys. eh who am i kidding...FREE BEER WHOOO!!!
[Jan 1,2006 1:34am - thedeparted ""]
first bump of the year!
[Jan 1,2006 2:57pm - cav  ""]
whoo partay
[Jan 1,2006 8:53pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 3,2006 1:14pm - thedeparted ""]
free beer, and HBBSI is on this, i really have to update this flyer...sorry
[Jan 3,2006 2:41pm - Craig nli  ""]
bump in the name of love
[Jan 3,2006 2:43pm - cav  ""]
u2 represent
[Jan 3,2006 2:49pm - Craig nli  ""]
actually i was more thinking of the oldies song, stop in the name of love. because U2 bites nuts.
[Jan 3,2006 4:55pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 3,2006 7:23pm - brian_dc ""]
cav, you actually thought of U2 right off the bat there...hmm.
[Jan 3,2006 10:59pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, he made 2 posts about U2...the first was the actual song lyrics...then the 2nd was to let us all know it was in fact U2 we were reading.

Cav has gone off the deep end.
[Jan 4,2006 2:38am - cav  ""]
i like to listen to u2 when im waxin your moms ass.
[Jan 4,2006 7:41am - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:56pm - thedeparted ""]
maybe this one will be a mustache party as well....

[Jan 4,2006 3:57pm - brian_dc ""]
ha! yes, I love this picture.
[Jan 4,2006 3:58pm - thedeparted ""]
hahaa we need it to be a requirement that you wear a stache to get in
[Jan 4,2006 3:58pm - thedeparted ""]
aka...proper attire
[Jan 5,2006 9:37am - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 7,2006 12:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i actually wanted to go out to this one but for some weird reason i dont think id be too welcome
[Jan 7,2006 12:57am - thedeparted ""]
because of hbbsi? you guys should just squash it
[Jan 7,2006 12:58am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thedeparted said:because of hbbsi? you guys should just squash it

tried that, some people cant let something go.
[Jan 7,2006 12:59am - thedeparted ""]
that stinks
[Jan 7,2006 1:01am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yup, one day ill get down to your space.
[Jan 7,2006 3:25am - brian_dc ""]
I think that if you came out it everything would be alright. That's just my opinion.
[Jan 7,2006 11:13am - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 9,2006 12:51pm - cav  ""]
a much needed bump
[Jan 9,2006 12:53pm - thedeparted ""]
heck yes, anyone who wants to come is invited
[Jan 10,2006 11:05pm - brian_dc ""]
In "HOW I SPENT MY STRUMMER VACATION", what reality show was Homer on without being aware of it?

A. "Medical Intern"
B. "Taxicab Conversationalists"
C. "Cannibal Island"
D. "The Sap"
[Jan 10,2006 11:23pm - thedeparted ""]
Bands need to be there for 730 pm, no later, we need to get the first band on by 830 at the latest

ill be sending an email out to the bands, there are a lot of bands this time, and we need to be orderly about it, so we dont get kicked out
[Jan 10,2006 11:24pm - cav  ""]
ya dude, if the first band shows up late again im gonna throwdown
[Jan 10,2006 11:25pm - cav  ""]
im sick of the beer running out before the departed even plays, fuck that!
[Jan 10,2006 11:25pm - thedeparted ""]
haha, nah kill tomorrow isnt playing

thursday should be cool....did they ask you guys to headline too?
[Jan 10,2006 11:39pm - brian_dc ""]
yes...they've been all over our balls about it
[Jan 11,2006 12:10am - thedeparted ""]
hah yeah us too, i told them no like 2 weeks ago
then he called me the other day and said we had to...
i laughed and said no way
[Jan 11,2006 12:46am - brian_dc ""]
just talked to him...I guess the original plan is what we're going with
[Jan 12,2006 10:26am - thedeparted ""]
ok, so they are headlining right?
[Jan 13,2006 5:13pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jan 14,2006 3:03am - cav  ""]
[Jan 14,2006 2:26pm - Craig with his shirt back on  ""]
TONIGHT! Sean, fuck the feud and come down. we'll smoke some "tobacco" and youll forget all about how monika wooped your ass. hahahaha. kidding dude, come down! see you all at 730 SHARP!
[Jan 14,2006 2:29pm - brian_dc ""]
the shirtless set....so....horrifying.
[Jan 14,2006 2:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thedeparted said:maybe this one will be a mustache party as well....


dammit, is that a fassw hoodies i see?, you'll get voted off the island.
[Jan 14,2006 2:57pm - thedeparted ""]
come one come all
[Jan 14,2006 3:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
theres a party in cranston tonight as well.
[Jan 14,2006 3:02pm - thedeparted ""]
well, come by after or before or during it, only $2
cant go wrong.
[Jan 14,2006 3:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, ill be iin boston all night, but ill take down the adress for shits and giggles, maybe i can swing out, just to torment kris.
[Jan 14,2006 3:14pm - thedeparted ""]
its suite 50 at the hathaway center, on bissell street off of elmwood ave.
[Jan 14,2006 3:15pm - brian_dc ""]
sorry keith, that is a fassw hoodie...I liked them before I knew it wasn't cool to like them...crap.
[Jan 14,2006 4:59pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, brian, i was with you when you bought it online at hottopic.com
look at that stash...its the stash of a liar!
[Jan 14,2006 5:00pm - thedeparted ""]
haha nothing compares to bill's fuckin chimaira hoodie....
[Jan 14,2006 5:05pm - brian_dc ""]
rossi, you rat-faced liar
[Jan 14,2006 5:23pm - brian_dc ""]
leaving for our space now
[Jan 14,2006 7:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Craig with his shirt back on said:TONIGHT! Sean, fuck the feud and come down. we'll smoke some "tobacco" and youll forget all about how monika wooped your ass. hahahaha. kidding dude, come down! see you all at 730 SHARP!

no feud and there was no hitting, just a lot of screaming and hot air. but i will be doing my drugs into in woonsocket thank you too much driving around and lack of sleep lately.

[Jan 15,2006 1:37am - brian_dc ""]
thank you to Sarah Miles and Maggot's girlfriend (I'm so sorry, I forgot your name) for running around and finding tape to fix my glasses...the fake mustache worked for the night until I got home...I'm now using the pieces of duct tape you got...

good night aside from the frames of my glasses cracking.
[Jan 15,2006 2:12am - brian_dc ""]
also...here is a picture of Kris playing with A Terrible Night for a Curse

and this is just fun
Double Dragon (Craig/Sly)
[Jan 15,2006 9:37am - Craig of ATNFAC  ""]
[Jan 15,2006 11:29am - thedeparted ""]
haha you bloody bitch!
[Jan 15,2006 3:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
a terrible night for a Kris.
[Jan 16,2006 8:58pm - thedeparted ""]
sorry about the terrible night for a beer...genesee ha
[Jan 17,2006 12:02am - cav  ""]
craigs arm is way more hairy than slys.
[Jan 17,2006 12:05am - thedeparted ""]
i wonder how craigs head is...i only have a small pic on my phone, didnt williams take one with his cam?
[Jan 17,2006 12:12am - brian_dc ""]
no, I forgot to take a wound picture

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