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Jan 14 (Sat) - The Departed, HBBSI, ATNFAC, Dour Cursiva $2 - the Departed's bandspace- suite 50 Bissell St., Cranston, RI +[view flyer]


[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jan 14,2006 3:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, ill be iin boston all night, but ill take down the adress for shits and giggles, maybe i can swing out, just to torment kris.
[Jan 14,2006 3:14pm - thedeparted ""]
its suite 50 at the hathaway center, on bissell street off of elmwood ave.
[Jan 14,2006 3:15pm - brian_dc ""]
sorry keith, that is a fassw hoodie...I liked them before I knew it wasn't cool to like them...crap.
[Jan 14,2006 4:59pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, brian, i was with you when you bought it online at hottopic.com
look at that stash...its the stash of a liar!
[Jan 14,2006 5:00pm - thedeparted ""]
haha nothing compares to bill's fuckin chimaira hoodie....
[Jan 14,2006 5:05pm - brian_dc ""]
rossi, you rat-faced liar
[Jan 14,2006 5:23pm - brian_dc ""]
leaving for our space now
[Jan 14,2006 7:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Craig with his shirt back on said:TONIGHT! Sean, fuck the feud and come down. we'll smoke some "tobacco" and youll forget all about how monika wooped your ass. hahahaha. kidding dude, come down! see you all at 730 SHARP!

no feud and there was no hitting, just a lot of screaming and hot air. but i will be doing my drugs into in woonsocket thank you too much driving around and lack of sleep lately.

[Jan 15,2006 1:37am - brian_dc ""]
thank you to Sarah Miles and Maggot's girlfriend (I'm so sorry, I forgot your name) for running around and finding tape to fix my glasses...the fake mustache worked for the night until I got home...I'm now using the pieces of duct tape you got...

good night aside from the frames of my glasses cracking.
[Jan 15,2006 2:12am - brian_dc ""]
also...here is a picture of Kris playing with A Terrible Night for a Curse

and this is just fun
Double Dragon (Craig/Sly)
[Jan 15,2006 9:37am - Craig of ATNFAC  ""]
[Jan 15,2006 11:29am - thedeparted ""]
haha you bloody bitch!
[Jan 15,2006 3:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
a terrible night for a Kris.
[Jan 16,2006 8:58pm - thedeparted ""]
sorry about the terrible night for a beer...genesee ha
[Jan 17,2006 12:02am - cav  ""]
craigs arm is way more hairy than slys.
[Jan 17,2006 12:05am - thedeparted ""]
i wonder how craigs head is...i only have a small pic on my phone, didnt williams take one with his cam?
[Jan 17,2006 12:12am - brian_dc ""]
no, I forgot to take a wound picture

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