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Saturday June 10 - INVOCATION OF NEHEK'S LAST SHOW EVER w/ Porphyria, Shroud of Turin & More

Sons of Italy (Torrington, CT) - [invocation_of_nehek][necrosis][porphyria][randomshots][shroud_of_turin][wrench_in_the_works]
[show listing]  _____________________________
[Jun 3,2006 2:47pm - Blue ""]
[Jun 3,2006 7:26pm - Black Cobra Rocks  ""]
go to this show http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=30169

listen to black cobra http://www.myspace.com/blackcobra
[Jun 3,2006 7:55pm - Black Cobra Rocks  ""]
Just kidding this shows going to suck
[Jun 3,2006 8:10pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 4,2006 10:41am - blue ""]
[Jun 4,2006 1:19pm - Blue ""]
[Jun 4,2006 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
june 10th, also known as the day of 1 million shows.
[Jun 4,2006 10:35pm - blue ""]
yup, its one of those.
[Jun 5,2006 10:46pm - blue ""]
good to see so many people are coming!
[Jun 5,2006 10:53pm - mOe ""]
got a show...sorry
[Jun 6,2006 1:21am - brian_dc ""]
mOe said:got a show...sorry

[Jun 6,2006 8:41am - anonymous  ""]
there will be a gazillion people at this show, just not people from this board. :shocked:
[Jun 6,2006 9:52am - mOe ""]
eeeexactly, but hey its worth a shot
[Jun 6,2006 10:17am - anonymous  ""]
at the last show we will be having both OLD AND NEW LINE UP'S. Specifically:

Rob Carpenter will be singing all the old stuff. and we'll be playing songs off the record we NEVER play out live, in adittion to the songs you've seen us play.

Tom O'hare will be playing drums on all the old stuff.

Lou and Eliot will be playing all the new stuff.

You will also see our original bass player Tim, sing and play bass on one of the old songs. **hint hint on which song**

and Brendan Duff will be playing bass on one of the songs.

our very first singer Matt will be sharing vocal duties with rob on one of first songs ever we ever wrote.

you will see ION in all it's forms June 10th. fucking be there.
[Jun 6,2006 6:03pm - Blue ""]
[Jun 6,2006 7:16pm - brian_dc ""]
anonymous said:at the last show we will be having both OLD AND NEW LINE UP'S. Specifically:

Rob Carpenter will be singing all the old stuff. and we'll be playing songs off the record we NEVER play out live, in adittion to the songs you've seen us play.

Tom O'hare will be playing drums on all the old stuff.

Lou and Eliot will be playing all the new stuff.

You will also see our original bass player Tim, sing and play bass on one of the old songs. **hint hint on which song**

and Brendan Duff will be playing bass on one of the songs.

our very first singer Matt will be sharing vocal duties with rob on one of first songs ever we ever wrote.

you will see ION in all it's forms June 10th. fucking be there.

awww...this makes me wish I could be there.

and at Drifter's to see WOOS

and in Brockton to see Shai Hulud.

ah, the stuff I'm missing.

[Jun 6,2006 7:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
but you'll be in bellingham seeing throwing shrapnel, its ok.
[Jun 7,2006 2:14pm - bump  ""]
[Jun 7,2006 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I would be at the shai hulud show... but I've seen all the people listen above and all the incarnation of ION so I will be there. how far from NH is this place? Maybe I can carpool with porphyria, bluphyria, brophyria, or blubrick.
[Jun 7,2006 6:50pm - blue ""]
its 3 hours for you, 2 and a half for me.
[Jun 7,2006 11:16pm - brian_dc ""]
KeithMutiny said:but you'll be in bellingham seeing throwing shrapnel, its ok.


I'll be in Maine.

bump for this show though.
[Jun 8,2006 12:18pm - blue ""]
[Jun 8,2006 10:39pm - blue ""]
[Jun 10,2006 3:32am - the_reverend ""]
so in other words, the rev drives alone.
got it.
[Jun 10,2006 12:27pm - anonymous  ""]
if you met up with blue in woburn (off exit 35 on 95) or tom & kailyn in grafton (off exit 11 on 90) there is room in either cars since we don't have to bring cabs. The only thing is we're probably hanging out afterwards and there's no telling how long, ect, ect.
[Jun 10,2006 12:28pm - anonymous  ""]
obviously you'd be welcome to hang out with everyone, but from experience, you usually gotta do whatever the person carting your ass around does. haha.
[Jun 10,2006 2:31pm - Blue ""]
aaron, were leaving pretty soon, if you want a ride, let me know.
[Jun 10,2006 3:19pm - the_reverend ""]
sorry, I didn't see this until now.
I'm leaving now.
I guess I'll drive alone.
ho hum
[Jun 10,2006 7:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got here. missed the first band (they played 3 songs), but caught the second.
[Jun 10,2006 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
15+? WTF!
[Jun 10,2006 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]
necrosis: they were pretty good. Sort of deathcore stuff. Plenty of breakdowns and a couple melodic parts. The beginning of the last song had a jazzy intro. I think the singer set this up.

wrench in the works: I didn't even know these guys were playing. Ex-groundzero. Right at the start of their set, a little fight type thing broke out, but one mad dude was like 6'4" 220lbs+ and the other kid was 5'6" 120lbs so it stopped with just some minor pushing. they reminded me a lot of ed gein. Not quite as noisey, but still really good. At the end, their super fan jumped on the other mic.
[Jun 11,2006 12:07am - the_reverend ""]
I'm almost home... like 2 more hours and then pictures
[Jun 11,2006 2:02am - the_reverend ""]
home and working on photos
[Jun 11,2006 2:11am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be uploading in a second.
[Jun 11,2006 3:05am - the_reverend ""]
up to this point, I haven't taken too many pictures. I think I will make up for that during ION's set.

Porphyria: they had a few people moshing for them. They played a new song that they have never played before. I think it was called "pigfucker cockvomit" (are you guys on deepsend now?). People danced a lot for them even though there was not "breakdown" sign.

shroud of turin: I haven't seen these guys for like 2 years. The music has definitly changed a lot. Some of their stuff was still hardcore, but it was all really heavey. A lot heavier that the other time I saw them. They have made themselves a lot more fans (go figure) and they even sold out of their CD.
[Jun 11,2006 3:24am - the_reverend ""]
invocation of nehek: so.. all good things must at some point come to an end. for ION, the canery sang and this is it. the last huge show to end all shows. they did it in major style too, inviting everyone that has had anything to do with the band back to participate in the show. when they started off, it was the new line up. Playing a couple songs new songs (from the 2006 demo). but after that, all hell broke loose lineup wise. by the end, 2 drummers (Tom/Eliot), 3 bassists (Tim/Brendan/Evan), 3 singers (Matt/Rob/Lou) all switched up while Steve and Robb Cyr stayed put on guitars. they played through the biggest set list they have every played live and the fans, some of whom have grown up on ION, sang along, piling up on each other. As their gift to everyone there, to finish it all off, they ended with My Gift to Liars, in the middle of which, all 200 people in that building yelled in unison something about being true. and there, it ended. as you looked around, it was like the last episode in any great sitcomm (I was picturing growing pains), hugs hugs hugs, and there were many many wet-eyes and runny mascara (1/2 of which was probably on the dudes). Since I am one of the people with a very interesting perspective on this band, I will miss seeing them. I know as they ended, that for most of the members, this will probably be one of the last times I get the chance to see them... er.. that is until the reunion show in 2011 in skips basement. just watch out for the kitty poop while you pull your hover car in.
[Jun 11,2006 12:12pm - beesky beesk nli  ""]
good times, i had a blast playin with these doods again, and im glad it was a good turn out. also awesome to see the rabbi aaron again, you're the shit man. someday ill pop out another flip for ya!
[Jun 11,2006 3:12pm - sage  ""]
great show great pictures great dudes. you caught me getting emotional at the end rubbing my eyes; damn you!
[Jun 11,2006 3:24pm - evil; brendan  ""]
I make the gayest faces ever
[Jun 11,2006 5:24pm - BigJon ""]
6'7 280 actually
[Jun 12,2006 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
hey dudes
whatever that means.
[Jun 12,2006 1:24am - RichHorror ""]
Rapist tattoos.
[Jun 12,2006 9:47pm - BigJon ""]
sage said:great show great pictures great dudes. you caught me getting emotional at the end rubbing my eyes; damn you!

[Jun 12,2006 10:14pm - poopsmcgee ""]
Big Jon loves the cock
[Jun 13,2006 5:13pm - anonymous  ""]

no, she hasn't reached slut yet. she has to fly across the country first.
[Jun 13,2006 10:53pm - sage  ""]
shut up jon
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