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Feel free to harrass this fucking douchebag

[Jun 7,2006 7:36pm - Christraper ""]
anonymous said:maybe if you didn't beat the shit out of your girlfriend she wouldn't fuck other dudes. I saw her at Damian's apartment with a bruise on her face that she said YOU gave her. Faggot.

Who is this? You clearly dont know what youre talking about so either shut your stupid fuckin thayer rat mouth or come out and say who you are. Pretty big talk for an anonymous toolbag, fucko. This thread was directed towards my friends which is why I posted it. These people know me and would appreciate my hatred for a bitch scenster like that retard you hang out with so piss off. Im obviously not the only one that hates him anyways and youre totally off on the reasons for it so again, either come out and say who you are so we can discuss this further in person or shut the fuck up and go back to thayer st where you wont get stabbed for being a stupid fucking trendy psuedo-hippy. Fuck you fuckwad.
[Jun 7,2006 7:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Christraper said:stupid fucking trendy pseudo-hippy.

I'd like to add that this bit was classic.
[Jun 7,2006 7:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
how do i go about applying to be a "stupid fucking trendy pseudo hippy"

id like to branch out a bit.

im lying.
[Jun 7,2006 9:23pm - pam nli  ""]
Jay...a woman beater? I don't believe that, either.
[Jun 7,2006 9:26pm - hungtableed  ""]
I would bet $100 that he has sucked at least one dick.
[Jun 7,2006 10:25pm - CTborderpatrol  ""]
hungtableed said:I would bet $100 that he has sucked at least one dick.

ill up that ante. 300
[Jun 12,2006 7:29pm - anonymous  ""]
bet your too much of a pussy to do anyting about it
[Jun 12,2006 8:14pm - thedeparted ""]
this is great:

[Jun 12,2006 10:30pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
anonymous said:bet your too much of a pussy to do anyting about it

HAHA! textbook example of irony right there... hahaha
[Dec 23,2007 10:19pm - anonymous  ""]
funny thing is that the guy in the photo later gave his gf (another girl) a black eye
[Dec 24,2007 8:57am - Pires ""]
He is "levitated"...

Wonder if Christraper ever found this kid...

I played with his shitty Side Project band at The Station and all I remember was "I am levitated" and a bunch of synths and horrible music...
[Dec 24,2007 9:13am - brad weymouth  ""]
Christraper said:what a fucking stupid fucking piano playing fucking asshole fuckhole fucking FUUUUCK IFUCKING HATE HIM SO MUCH!!!!

repressed gay rage?
[Dec 24,2007 11:42am - RichHorror ""]
Whenever I have a beef with someone, my first thought it to post about it on a message board. Confronting someone like a man and beating the shit out of him if all other options have extinguished themselves are for pussies.
[Dec 24,2007 11:56am - brian_dc ""]
I think he tried to find him. Jay isn't exactly the kind of guy to not try to beat somebody's ass.
[Dec 24,2007 12:01pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 24,2007 12:02pm - brian_dc ""]
Jay and I went to catholic school man...they teach you to turn the other cheek and to hate your penis
[Dec 24,2007 12:05pm - RichHorror ""]
My penis deserves all the hate it gets.

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