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Well written and correct blog about how Megadeth is better than Metallica

[May 24,2010 1:07am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
nice and easy way to seperate the noobs from people who know their shit. Megadeth is for the real people, people who have moved out their parents house and have struggled. Metallica is a snotty brat who runs home when life gets hard.

Just got End Game, man, wish I didn't wait, fucking SICK
[May 24,2010 8:07am - t2daeek ""]

ShadowSD said:
t2daeek said:i'd take st. anger over the world needs a hero.

You may work hard all your life to do so, but you will never live down the stupidity of this sentence. There is something seriously wrong with you. Consult a doctor.

sure it sounds a LITTLE like slipknot

Any justification that begins with this is doomed. Hang your head in shame.

sorry dude, didn't realize i was wrong i take it all back. mustaine is god.
eat one faggot.
i'm talking about audio quality as opposed to actual song writing. the best selling "metal records" of the 90's were done by ross robinson and that was the jib that they were cutting for. you can sound like slipknot and not write like slipknot.
and i would definitely take st. anger over any of the newer megadeth stale bullshit bonanzas. st. anger might not be great but it bores me less.
[May 24,2010 8:21am - t2daeek ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20....%20Or%20NOT! said:And whichever of you just said Hetfield is the best guitarist and plays the best solos is retarded. That's not even something you could debate, man.

sure you can... he just plays with a more melodic style than kirk or mustaine. both of the last two are almost the same really, one faster than the other obviously. one guy uses the wah too much, the other does the same thing each time he starts to rip a lead. who cares. i prefer a different style. maybe i'm the one that doesn't know what i'm talking about because i don't like megadeth and i like motorbreath.
that picture with the armani bag is depressing though. must be nice to have the cash, but if i were having that much cheddar i'd be buying 1956 strats and a toilet made of gold.
[May 24,2010 9:01am - ShadowSD ""]

t2daeek said:
i'm talking about audio quality as opposed to actual song writing. the best selling "metal records" of the 90's were done by ross robinson and that was the jib that they were cutting for.

The best selling metal records of the 90's are NOT nu-metal. Top metal selling records of that decade would include the Black Album, the Use Your Illusion Records, Countdown to Extinction, etc; it's a long time before you get to Ross Robinson records. Heck, even from '93 on, when MTV had virtually passed a law not to play any metal before midnight unless it was GNR or Metallica, metal albums (actual metal albums) STILL did better than nu-metal albums that were subsequently released; in the mid-nineties, Youthanasia hit the charts at #4 and Far Beyond Driven debuted at #1, and considering both were with minimal to no radioplay or MTV, this was really something. To the extent that the nu-metal sound sold at all, it's because it was the only kind of metal allowed airplay in the late 90's, and thus the only kind of metal most of the new kids coming up even had heard about.

The "sound quality" of the recordings you refer to is basically how noisy of a train wreck can we make this. On top of the bad writing in nu-metal, this recording style just compounded to the insult to actual metal, which had often been characterized as noise by ignorant people over the decades; now the production AND writing in nu-metal was validating their misguided points of view.

St. Anger utilizing such a production style was especially insulting because they had more money and time to utilize than perhaps any album ever released by anyone, and instead it sounds like a band playing in a tiny cement room. There IS a way to produce an album super super raw and make it sound incredible - it's called And Justice For All, not recording a cement room with a single radio shack microphone then paying Bob Rock ten million dollars for the privilege. That was an insult to every band that currently works and records. It's ironic that you mentioned spending money on a golden toilet if you had plenty of dough, because that's exactly what St. Anger is, an overpriced shitbowl.
[May 24,2010 9:09am - pam ""]
I think you guys should just take your clothes off and wrestle it out.
[May 24,2010 1:23pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
woooomp, there it is!
[May 24,2010 3:14pm - ArrowHead Logged In .... Or NOT!  ""]

t2daeek said:
ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20....%20Or%20NOT! said:And whichever of you just said Hetfield is the best guitarist and plays the best solos is retarded. That's not even something you could debate, man.

sure you can... he just plays with a more melodic style than kirk or mustaine. both of the last two are almost the same really, one faster than the other obviously. one guy uses the wah too much, the other does the same thing each time he starts to rip a lead.

Really? You should start giving some examples, because you really seem to talk out of your ass a lot.

I'd like you to tell me a few examples in songs where Mustaine repeats himself often, or re-uses ideas. I'd also like to see ANY SINGLE example you can give of similarity between Hammett and Mustaine's style.

You can't just make shit up and think it makes you look like you did your homework. It's so damned evident you don't even know the material you're talking about. Bad taste is one thing, and can be tolerated. Talking out your bum-hole is tougher to justify.

Here's some examples of Mustaine's solo breaks, spanning Megadeth's entire career. Feel free to pick out a few of those examples from here for me, so I can see how similar Dave and Kirk are, and how completely unoriginal and un-melodic Dave's solos are compared to a guy who solod twice on his first 5 albums.


The guy has surrounded himself with top notch talent for 30 years, and killed himself to expand and keep pace with players like Poland, Friedman, Broderick, Young, and Drover when he could easily sit back and riff and let any one of those guys take all the leads. The man went from being the LEAD guitarist in Metallica to getting even better and better over the years, and you're comparing him to the retarded monkey they ordered to mimic the first bar of every one of Mustaines solos in the studio.

I can't stand Mahavishnu Orchestra. Doesn't make Kerry King a better guitarist than John McLaughlin.

You're welcome to prefer either band, but don't be a retard and try to say Mustaine isn't an obviously better technician and player than anyone in Metallica.
[May 24,2010 3:19pm - ArrowHead Logged In .... Or NOT!  ""]



[May 24,2010 3:41pm - metal_church101 ""]
Any guitar player that Megadeth had playing leads (Mustiane included) buried Kirk Hammet.

Any drummer that Megadeth had buried that shit bag Lars that could only do a double kick for a certain amount of time, and that's it. LOL.

Lyric content, hands down, gotta give that one to Megadeth.

Vocals, that on how they are sung, I liked old Hetfield vocals (Metallica's 1st 4 albums better) but since then Hetfield has been sucking too much cock and it shows when he has tried to sing anything since.

Bass playing, have to give that one to Cliff Burton. Sucks that he died.

Right now, I can't be bothered to waste my money on anything Metallica puts out on CD, never mind them live.

[May 24,2010 3:43pm - metal_church101 ""]

ShadowSD said:

If I had to the opportunity to see Megadeth or Metallica live right now, there's no question I'd pick Megadeth, as would anyone else with working eardrums.

[May 24,2010 4:03pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
just read this and laughed my ass off....such a funny writing style. I wish i wasnt on my phone so i could copy paste my fav quotes....dom lawson the author is a panzerbastard fan and reviewed us in metal hammer recently.
[May 24,2010 4:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]



Megaforce demo 1983 (first demo with Cliff):



[May 24,2010 4:27pm - Slag NLIILN  ""]
Ryan, nice job being the master of internet eardrum fuckery.
[May 24,2010 4:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
James sings like a bitch. Also note the original lyrics - Jump in the Fire, particularly. Megadeth's version of Mechanix is a fuckin ripper.
[May 26,2010 11:46pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Heard the local version of WAAF play there "mandatory metallica" today. They played Fight Fire With Fire, Nothing Else Matters and one of the new songs. The progression into shit couldn't be more evident.

Then, I played a shuffle of Megadeth. They won. Anything from the forst to the last album.

gimme foo gimme fie gimme gaba jaba zye oooo yeah
[May 27,2010 9:47am - ShadowSD ""]
They should have changed the name when they changed the logo. That has always been my argument.

They went from being Metallica to being a bad Metallica cover band, the kind that plays a bar and you can't wait for their horrible originals to end so they'll play something decent again. The fact that newer songs occasionally include nuggets of good buried in with all the crap only makes it more frustrating when they still attempt to call themselves Metallica, a standard of which they have long not been worthy.
[May 27,2010 10:02am - ShadowSD ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20....%20Or%20NOT! said:I'd also like to see ANY SINGLE example you can give of similarity between Hammett and Mustaine's style.

While I agree with much of what you say and disagree with the person you're debating with, there were certainly similarities between the two's lead guitarwork - at least at one time.

When you watch a clip of Hammett soloing back in Exodus, he was already doing a lot of the quick runs down the pentatonic scale that made the backbone of the original Mustaine solos in the Kill 'Em All songs; Hammett was able to learn, play, and even add to those solos in an incredibly short time to record the actual album because he was already comfortable playing in that style, and I would argue improved them with extra melodic touches in the right spots while keeping true to what was good in the solos to begin with. I think it could also be argued that not only were their styles somewhat similar at the time, but that Hammett was clearly superior as a lead guitarist back then.

Of course, that was a LONG time ago, and as you've pointed out correctly, Mustaine has been challenging and improving and expanding his playing ability year after year, whereas Hammett has made NO EFFORT in almost twenty years to expand at all. It's just wah wah wah blah blah blah, and it's such a steep fall in my opinion, as old Hammett solos told a story, had a great sense of melody, and were always somewhat different and interesting song to song; then, all of a sudden, they ALL sucked, beginning with Load, which had only two actual Hammett solos for the entire album and they were both painfully predictable wah solos.

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