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what would you do if you won the lottery

[Sep 8,2010 8:04am - the_reverend ""]
if you won
[Sep 8,2010 8:16am - Pires ""]
First, pay off debts.

Second, spend it in a week and get into more debt.
[Sep 8,2010 8:27am - Yeti ""]
my first act would be to kill the whole lot of you, and burn your town to cinders!
[Sep 8,2010 8:44am - ark  ""]
invest in nuclear bombs
[Sep 8,2010 8:46am - arilliusbm ""]
to buy rttp and delete the site
[Sep 8,2010 8:53am - Pires ""]

arilliusbm said:to buy rttp and delete the site

only returntothepit.com is real
[Sep 8,2010 8:53am - nekronautli  ""]

arilliusbm said:to buy rttp and delete the site

You beat me to it!
[Sep 8,2010 9:05am - reimroc ""]
bud and vacation
bud, vacation, car, instruments
bud, vacation, car, instruments, house maybe an island
definitely an island, bud, vacation, car, instruments
[Sep 8,2010 9:08am - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]
I wouldn't tell a soul
[Sep 8,2010 9:12am - arilliusbm ""]
yea right. you're a woman.
[Sep 8,2010 9:15am - Slag NLI  ""]
Pay off debt and invest the rest.

$1,000,000 +
Buy a house on the Ocean in Maine. Open a Recording studio in Boston.

Invest the rest in high performing mutual funds.
[Sep 8,2010 9:21am - The_Rooster ""]
$1000 - Pay off debt
$250,000 - finish paying off debt, move somewhere that isn't Albany and buy a house, use leftovers to start recording studio build.
$1,000,000 - Custom guitars, amps, recording gear galore, nicer house with land, ducati, cadillac (yes, I love cadillacs)
$12,000,000 - retire.
$100,000,000+ - any fucking thing I want
[Sep 8,2010 9:23am - boxxy ""]
Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs, Drums, Drugs,
[Sep 8,2010 9:23am - boxxy ""]
[Sep 8,2010 9:26am - RichHorror ""]
Aril stole my answer. Also, buy every local bar that allows bands to play and do a Choppin' Block - Mission Bar & Grille conversion ritual.
[Sep 8,2010 9:59am - amorok666 ""]
I would buy a castle made of candy and.pay people to bring me splendid things
[Sep 8,2010 10:05am - DreadKill ""]
i would fart in the reverend's face
[Sep 8,2010 10:11am - the_reverend ""]
Remember, you lose about 1/2 to taxes...

the_reverend said:if you won

put towards buying a camera.. either a mamiya rz67 pro ii or mamiya universal

the_reverend said:$250,000

pay off my mortgage

the_reverend said:$1,000,000

would not quit job. pay off my mortgage and carina's mortgage and long term invest. I would also do some long RTTP shows since work would be less of a focus and I can buy drugs to stay up tuesday a lot easier.

the_reverend said:$12,000,000

would quit job, but not stop working. pay off my mortgage, carina's mortgage, father's mortgage, mother's mortgage, brother's mortgage and then put the rest in an investment trust so I can be guaranteed a monthly salary off it for life. I would also do some VERY long RTTP shows.

the_reverend said:$100,000,000+
learn how to do coke to get this down to $12M since I only planned out $12M.
[Sep 8,2010 10:32am - Alx_Casket ""]
Keeping the ~50% tax in mind...

$1000 - take a shit
$250,000 - fake an illness and take FMLA from work and travel around europe and russia for a few months
$1,000,000 - buy a condo
$12,000,000 - build a mansion outside of boston and have shows/fests there
$100,000,000+ - coke bath
[Sep 8,2010 10:33am - brian_dc ""]
2 chicks at the same time.
[Sep 8,2010 10:34am - boblovesmusic ""]
Go to more shows.
[Sep 8,2010 10:37am - SteveSummoned ""]
$1000 - Put it towards a credit card
$250,000 - Pay off all my bills, get a van and trailer for the band
$1,000,000 - Buy a house
$12,000,000 - Buy a bigger house
$100,000,000+ - Buy an island
[Sep 8,2010 10:49am - the_reverend ""]

brian_dc said:2 chicks at the same time.

Marge : You know, Homey, there's so much more two wives could do for you ...
Homer : I hear digging, but I don't hear chopping!
[Sep 8,2010 10:51am - Pires ""]

brian_dc said:2 chicks at the same time.

[Sep 8,2010 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 8,2010 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:WHY DO I CLICK ON THINGS

[Sep 8,2010 11:23am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I would buy all my friends a puppy and throw a party for puppies. There would be soda and pie.
[Sep 8,2010 11:30am - Pires ""]
Would the friends be invited? Or would it just be the puppies?
[Sep 8,2010 11:31am - boxxy ""]
just us dogs... dog.
[Sep 8,2010 11:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I refuse to dignify that question with an answer.
[Sep 8,2010 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Considering dogs > people, I'd gladly attend.
[Sep 8,2010 11:44am - oscarct ""]

MassOfTwoSlits%20nli said:I wouldn't tell a soul

wouldnt you have to? how would you claim your prize?
[Sep 8,2010 12:37pm - SkinSandwich ""]
If I made this amount of dough:$100,000,000+
Buy a few houses and a few cars, nothing all fancy and shit. The second house would be a modernized log cabin no doubt. Make sure my kids were set for life. Rub my winnings in the faces of the rest of the family for fucking us over. Travel all over Europe. Treat my friends who I have known for a long ass time and never fucked me over to a huge vacation somewhere and get annihilated for 3 weeks straight. Snort oxycontin off off Milla Jovovich ass and tits.

I also would buy RTTP and make it so every thread was a random image thread and nothing else.
[Sep 8,2010 1:07pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
for the $100,000,000, I'd go to tons of metal fests and shows.

I'd also set up a touring band emergency fund, where if a band has trouble along on the road (like van breaking down, bad booking/promoting, theft, etc) they can get back on the road and perform. (I actually want to try and get something like this going, but I still haven't figured out logistics and such)
[Sep 8,2010 1:15pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Pay off student loans, and buy a venue for shows

the show space has been a dream of mine for a while now
[Sep 8,2010 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 8,2010 1:41pm - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:yea right. you're a woman.

A woman with many, many secrets...
[Sep 8,2010 1:42pm - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]

oscarct said:
MassOfTwoSlits%20nli said:I wouldn't tell a soul

wouldnt you have to? how would you claim your prize?

I guess I would tell the lottery souls.
[Sep 8,2010 1:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Sep 8,2010 1:43pm - reimroc ""]
i would also buy the rights to arillius
[Sep 8,2010 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]

SkinSandwich said:Make sure my kids were set for life.
See... this is something that I wouldn't do in that fashion and why I would do the "trust" thing. I'm not saying that I didn't get everything I needed and most things that I wanted... but when a parent tells you "no" or you know that your family just can't afford things or you have to work for things, it makes you a better person. Rich kids are almost 100% of the time some of the shitty kids and even shittier adults.
[Sep 8,2010 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I can only think of 1 example, charles and diana. Their kids are actually doing things like fighting in wars.
[Sep 8,2010 1:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
Just pay for kids education.
[Sep 8,2010 1:53pm - the_reverend ""]
of course aril.

and look at kids like this
Buffett once commented, "I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing"

I heard on the news that his kids are suing over it. SHITTY KIDS.
[Sep 8,2010 2:02pm - Spaldino  ""]
if i got 12,000,000 i would: pay off my nominal debt, buy several houses and rent most out, get a sweet tv to play computer/xbox360 games/surf interwebs, build a bad ass computer, invest, build a bad ass turbo v8 swapped 4wd converted Merkur Xr4ti, get a bad ass Buick Roadmaster wagon, purchase a Barret M107, buy a Musicman Big Al bass, get an Eden'd out bass rig yo, eat so much pizza.
[Sep 8,2010 2:06pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I'd buy an RV to live in as I traveled the country scoping out cool shit.
[Sep 8,2010 2:10pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
I'd fuck every last 8 year old boy in southeast asia
[Sep 8,2010 2:40pm - Bender Bending Rodriguez  ""]
Blow it all on penny whistles and moon pies, and this:
[Sep 8,2010 3:00pm - aaron_michael ""]
$1000 - Pay bills
$250,000 - Pay bills, pay off car
$1,000,000 - Pay bills, give half to parents, purchase home, invest remaining
$12,000,000 - Pay bills, give half to parents, purchase home/new car, invest remaining
$100,000,000+ - Find the people associated with the movie Boogeyman and have them murdered one by one.
[Sep 9,2010 9:43am - boxxy ""]

goatcatabisk said:I'd fuck every last 8 year old boy in southeast asia

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