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what would you do if you won the lottery

[Sep 9,2010 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
I just want enough to never have to work again.
[Sep 9,2010 10:03am - goatcatabisk  ""]

boxxy said:
goatcatabisk said:I'd fuck every last 8 year old boy in southeast asia

If you have a patent leathurr train conductor's uniform to wear, I'll let you watch.
[Sep 9,2010 10:35am - SkinSandwich ""]

the_reverend said:
SkinSandwich said:Make sure my kids were set for life.
See... this is something that I wouldn't do in that fashion and why I would do the "trust" thing. I'm not saying that I didn't get everything I needed and most things that I wanted... but when a parent tells you "no" or you know that your family just can't afford things or you have to work for things, it makes you a better person. Rich kids are almost 100% of the time some of the shitty kids and even shittier adults.

True, I did not mean it in that fashion that I would turn them into spoiled shit bags, haha. When I typed that I was thiking mainly of my son who has autism. Have him set so nothing could happen to him, or be put somewhere if something happened to me.
[Sep 9,2010 10:49am - ShadowSD ""]
$1000 - Save It

$250,000 - Put It In A Certificate Deposit (About 5% Interest A Year) And Never Touch The Principal, Meaning A Guaranteed Interest Check Of $250+ Every Week

$1,000,000 - Oh good, now I can actually stop being a boring responsible dad and SPEND something. OK, $500,000 of it towards the Certificate Deposit, $100,000 to invest in a tour and album and gear for my band, and $400,000 to build a huge metal venue with a bar and restaurant and an arcade with all the best all-time games where every band that plays including the locals get reasonable pay guarantees and no metalcore/nu-metal is ever allowed.

$12,000,000 - $5 million towards the Certificate Deposit, $1 million invested in my band, $5 million towards building a chain of kick-ass metal venues in different states, $1 million dollars as a investment fund for metal bands starting out that need money for the studio or a tour to get off the ground

$100,000,000+ - $20 million towards the Certificate Deposit, $5 million towards my band, $10 million towards the venues, $5 million for the investment fund for bands, $60 million to start a national network of metal radio stations as well a metal video TV station that all only play good music, banishing the monopoly of shitty music on radio and TV
[Sep 9,2010 11:02am - the_reverend ""]

SkinSandwich said:
the_reverend said:
SkinSandwich said:Make sure my kids were set for life.
See... this is something that I wouldn't do in that fashion and why I would do the "trust" thing. I'm not saying that I didn't get everything I needed and most things that I wanted... but when a parent tells you "no" or you know that your family just can't afford things or you have to work for things, it makes you a better person. Rich kids are almost 100% of the time some of the shitty kids and even shittier adults.

True, I did not mean it in that fashion that I would turn them into spoiled shit bags, haha. When I typed that I was thiking mainly of my son who has autism. Have him set so nothing could happen to him, or be put somewhere if something happened to me.

I thought both your kids were autistic... I also thought that you had 4-5 kids at one point.
[Sep 9,2010 1:36pm - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]
@ Shadow - CDs are only yielding 1% these days and you only get paid when them mature. @ everyone, you gots to pay the guvmn't like half on unearned income tax... ghey
[Sep 9,2010 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
MOTS is spot on and I was going to post that, but I didn't have time to look up CD rates. I have a CD right now with all my savings in it and 1.09%.
[Sep 9,2010 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 9,2010 1:53pm - Slag NLI  ""]
You could take the money and invest in a larger company like Google or UPS or whatever and make bank off the dividend checks (provided you owned enough shares). Could also play with high risk mutual funds.
[Sep 9,2010 1:58pm - the_reverend ""]

ShadowSD said:$250,000 - Put It In A Certificate Deposit (About 5% Interest A Year) And Never Touch The Principal, Meaning A Guaranteed Interest Check Of $250+ Every Week

or if you get the current highest rate of 1.4%, you will get $291/month.
more likely, you will get 1.09% or $227/month

ShadowSD said:
$1,000,000 - Oh good, now I can actually stop being a boring responsible dad and SPEND something. OK, $500,000 of it towards the Certificate Deposit,


I'm not going to keep going cause CD FDIC limit is $250000.
Also, you are forgetting that you lose half of your winnings will be given to taxes.

There are better investments that aren't insured that you can get up to 7% over 10 years from. CDs aint it.
[Sep 9,2010 5:53pm - ShadowSD ""]
I hadn't checked the interest rates in CD's in a long time, didn't realize they'd gone that low.

And I realize the taxes thing, I just treated the figures as what would be the post-tax winnings, because that was less complicated.
[Sep 9,2010 8:24pm - demondave ""]

I'm gonna go build my own RTTP

[Sep 9,2010 8:25pm - demondave ""]

With blackjack and hookers

[Sep 9,2010 8:25pm - demondave ""]

In fact, forget the RTTP

[Sep 9,2010 8:31pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Shitload of CDs and band shirts
Pay off Northeastern for life
See 1,000 but x1000
Live normally
Still live normally, just be able to buy a shitload of stuff and not have to explain because I'm not going to get a mansion. Those are for girly men.
[Sep 9,2010 8:43pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Haha, i have 3 boys man. Yes, 2 autistic. One severly the rest to much of a pain in the ass to explain.
[Sep 9,2010 8:57pm - Mutis ""]
Absolutely nothing. This can't buy anything I want.
Down payment on a house.
A house.
A vegan donut factory.
All the pants in the world. Forever.

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