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Worst physical pain you ever felt?

[Sep 9,2005 10:23am - RustedAngel ""]
Some people have had it really bad, a lot of you will probably have a lot of drunken story's.

1. The absolute worst pain imaginable, kill me.
2. Hurt like a bitch.
3. Ow!

I can't really rate anything that's happend to me on a scale. I think I've gotten off pretty easy, I don't drink and I'm generally careful about things.

I once had 12 teeth pulled in one day, 8 baby teeth, 4 adult teeth. They had to cut my gums to pull out the adult teeth. I've also had electrosurgery which required them to burn sections of my gums with a laser and I could smell my flesh burning.

I don't remember much of this, but I had Meningitis when I was very young which required me to get a spinal tap, my mom had to leave the hospital and she could hear me screaming outside. They had to keep my feet strapped to the bed, both straps were too tight around my feet, my grandmother warned the doctor and he said I'd be fine. Well I got released finally and was back in the hospital 2 days later with gang green due to having the circulation cut off in my right foot. They had to amputate a small section of my heel and luckily not both legs!

I've broken my wrist, and my thumb before. It hurt a lot when the doctor had to move the broken bone in my thumb so it would heal. Fuck, that killed. Had cuts on my head from misc accidents, the worst being when I had a .5" diameter bolt get smashed into my leg near my knee while screwing around on a bike. I remember seeing the white fatty flesh, it was disgusting. My mom then thought it would be a good idea to throw me in the bathtub!

Migrane, I experienced my first migrane a couple years ago and it really felt like my head was being split in half.

Blister, I had a 2" diameter blister on the bottom in the arch of my foot from skating for an entire day. I ignored it and covered it up with a bunch of band aids and went out for another entire day. I got home and the skin had ripped off and it was raw, red flesh that was really slimy. It was layers of skin deep and I was uncapable of walking for days. I had to miss a vacation because of it.
[Sep 9,2005 10:33am - babyshaker ""]
one of the worst times was i was side kicked into a full wall mirror by like a 3 degree black belt the force was so hard i couldnt see for like 10 seconds then the fact that the breath had been knocked out of me and my head was bleeding kicked in and it hurt more.....then my other story is i used to roof..and my boss set up the ladder onto the roof ontop of a tarp on an incline not knowing the ladder was unstable i lifted a bundle of shingles onto my shoulder and went to step off the roof to put it back in the truck the second i got both my feet on the ladder it gave my legs fell into the rungs i fell back wards and fell off a 1 story roof onto my back...i know 1 story doesnt seem high but it is when your falling on your back the next day i was in so much pain and my entire back was bruisedi couldnt move right for like a week other than that nothign that messed up has happend to me
[Sep 9,2005 10:44am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've been drowned and electrocuted. Now I just need to be shot and stabbed.
[Sep 9,2005 10:45am - RichHorror ""]
Done and done.
[Sep 9,2005 10:49am - Christraper ""]
i get these crazy headaches sometimes where i need to go to the emergency room. its pretty rare but it happens. thats probably the worst pain ive ever felt. either that or the time i cut my nutsack open with the scissors.
[Sep 9,2005 10:49am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i passed a kidney stone last year. it felt like a spiked bowling ball was passing through the center of my body. it was one of those pains that for the 7 hours i sat in the hospital waiting room, its all black to me until they pumped me full of morphine. it took 9 days to finally come out, and it was jagged and razor sharp. i dont suggest anyone ever get a kidney stone.
[Sep 9,2005 10:58am - babyshaker ""]
lol ill try not to
[Sep 9,2005 11:07am - Lamp ""]
Some pain I've felt in my life:

-I used to get chronic migraines, thankfully not anymore
-Stepping on glass in the water at a beach, resulting in nine stitches
-Having a good portion of my face swell up and having to get a root canal in order to make it go away
-Another incident resulting in three stitches where I had a hole punched my lip playing capture the flag
[Sep 9,2005 11:21am - dwellingsickness ""]
i would be here all day listing this shit...you have no idea some of the shit I been thru,And still go thru these days.One of the most painful though is constant Migraines which are at least 2-3 times a day,Maybe that explains why certain bands(can't mention any names...WA..) Think I have a bad attitude
[Sep 9,2005 11:30am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
When I was five my neighbors were moving out and just threw a ton of shit out in front of their apartment, including an aluminium picinic table set. My friend Ryan and I thought it would be really cool to fold up the legs of the benches and placing them on two milk crates, use them as catapaults. So Ryan is all set to jump off of a lawn chair and launch some dollhouse the neighbors were throwing out into space and I'm trying to keep the dollhouse balanced on my end of the catapault. Ryan decided to be an impatient bastard and jumped onto the catapault before I had the chance to back away from my end. The serrated edge of the bench springs up, hitting me in the mouth crushing a tooth before slicing up my gums and through my lip and palate. I passed out from blood loss before being rushed to MGH where I had my face stitched back together under shitty anesthesia which did nothing to dull the pain.

Another time when I was around the same age I was stung by a swarm of bees at the local pool and fell right on my face as I tried to swat at the bees and run away on the slippery deck. No long term injuries but it fucking hurt.
[Sep 9,2005 11:34am - Mess  ""]
[Sep 9,2005 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
1) migraines
2) food poisoning

I also broke my arm when I was 10. it made me look like I had 2 elbows.
[Sep 9,2005 11:45am - babyshaker ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:When I was five my neighbors were moving out and just threw a ton of shit out in front of their apartment, including an aluminium picinic table set. My friend Ryan and I thought it would be really cool to fold up the legs of the benches and placing them on two milk crates, use them as catapaults. So Ryan is all set to jump off of a lawn chair and launch some dollhouse the neighbors were throwing out into space and I'm trying to keep the dollhouse balanced on my end of the catapault. Ryan decided to be an impatient bastard and jumped onto the catapault before I had the chance to back away from my end. The serrated edge of the bench springs up, hitting me in the mouth crushing a tooth before slicing up my gums and through my lip and palate. I passed out from blood loss before being rushed to MGH where I had my face stitched back together under shitty anesthesia which did nothing to dull the pain.Another time when I was around the same age I was stung by a swarm of bees at the local pool and fell right on my face as I tried to swat at the bees and run away on the slippery deck. No long term injuries but it fucking hurt.

i think your winning as of right now

[Sep 9,2005 11:49am - Lamp ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:Another time when I was around the same age I was stung by a swarm of bees at the local pool and fell right on my face as I tried to swat at the bees and run away on the slippery deck. No long term injuries but it fucking hurt.

You actually just reminded me of another time when I was in the woods out behind my school at the time(in third grade) me and a couple other kids were making stick forts and we must have irritated a bee's nest. I ended up getting stung five times, including once in the head. That felt weird.
[Sep 9,2005 11:59am - Josh_Martin ""]
When I was 17 I crashed my tiny Honda Civic head-on into a van. Long story, had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.
I dislocated my hip. Remember that scene in Lethal Weapon when Mel Gibson escapes from a straitjacket by disclocating his shoulder? Someone says "doesn't that really hurt?" and Mel says "Yes, but not nearly as much as when I pop it back into place".
Well, that's totally true. Except it was my hip, not my shoulder, so it hurt 1000x more. Before the doctors popped my hip back into place they shot me up with morphine. My friend said he could still hear me screaming from the next room.
I had to spend two weeks in traction and most of that Summer on crutches.

[Sep 9,2005 12:08pm - succubus ""]
i don't know what my worst is but this morning i was having sharp pains in my left boob, like a tumor is growing
[Sep 9,2005 12:12pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Appendicitis - worst pain imaginable, 3 days in the hospital, emergency surgery... Missed playing a show because I couldn't lift my guitar for like 2 weeks

I had a tooth crack and abcess, had a lump the size of a golf ball on my jaw, fucking agonizing

had a lump on my tongue removed, 7 stitches, couldn't eat for weeks, was a week before I could talk again, the healing process was awful with that.

and that's just the past 2 years...
[Sep 9,2005 12:15pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
one time i got raped by satan
[Sep 9,2005 12:17pm - Christraper ""]
naw dude that was me.
[Sep 9,2005 12:17pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
damn you and your pitchfork!
[Sep 9,2005 12:18pm - Christraper ""]
wrong again. that was my caaaaak.
[Sep 9,2005 12:49pm - powerkok ""]
Hmm...well...One time I got stabbed by my brother thru the meat of my thumb.
That hurt.

Ever get jabbed by a catfish?
That hurts.

For the past 8 years, Ive had an abcessed tooth...should prolly get it taken care of now, since its been bleeding for about a year now.

But, for REAL pain, have a full grown man, pick you up by the throat when youre about 9 or 10....and have him punch you in the face!!!
That is GREAT pain, especially when you get hit between the nose and the upper lip.
Like dwellingsickness...I could literally go all day, doing this.

Like one time I was fighting my buddy, and he turned my foot 180degrees the wrong way, it made a big crunchy POP and dangled.
I walked home on it about 8 blocks, and went to bed. In the am, I went to the er, and cursed modern science for lack of teleportation, and pain relief.
[Sep 9,2005 1:03pm - babyshaker ""]
lol i met this kid who had 2 broken legs and i was liek how did that happen i guess he got piss drunk fell down some stairsand broke his legs he then tried to walk home with both legs broken supporting himself on trees and carsd and what not he made it half way home before the cops picked him up he had been walkign for like 2 and a half hours
[Sep 9,2005 1:04pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:i don't know what my worst is but this morning i was having sharp pains in my left boob, like a tumor is growing

Dr. Grave does breast exams, lol

seriously though, I hope it's not a tumor.

At the first new england metalfest, I started crowdsurfing and all of a sudden, found that there was nobody underneath the middle portion of my body, just people holding up my head and feet. I fell from head height directly onto my ass. I was literally paralyzed from the pain for a moment, so people gathered around me to help me up, but when they did that, they steeped on my hair, which had sort of fanned out around my head when I landed. then they pulled me up. Rrrriiiiiiipp. to make all of this worse, I had landed in a puddle of some unidentifiable goo.
[Sep 9,2005 1:09pm - Notorious D.U.G.  ""]
awesome thread. My turn.

When I was about 7 I pissed off my best friend's 4 year old sister so she decided to bite me on my stomach and not release. I was hulk smashing her in the head with my fists and she wouldn't relent. She had such a big chunk that she couldn't breka the skin but I had teeth mark bruises for about 3 months.

I got the meat of my palm caught in one of those aluminum folding beach chairs, the part where it has that spoked mechanism that clicks when you fold it. Good times.

I lost 1/4 of the tip of my left index finger in a band saw. I was cutting half a plastic globe for a project at work and was too lazy to change the big alligator toothed blade that was on there. The blade sucked the plastic part in and the quickness brought my finger along with it. So much blood. My boss was almost crying which made it all the more funny. I still don't have a complete fingerprint where the flesh grew back.

About once a year now I am sent to the ER for undiagnosed stomach pains that feel like contractions might. It's like someone is intermittently grinding the round end of a broom handle into my guts. The nurse said he had never given anyone that much morphine, but I still felt everything. High as fuck but still in pain. At least I got a rectum check by a doctor wearing big purple gloves.

And I have a herniated disc in my back which makes me wish I was dead when it starts up. Imagine getting up from a couch and then having your legs, pelvis and spine lock up from the pain but being stuck half way up and then supporting yourself with just your arms for almost 10 minutes until the pain shifts. I highly recommend it.
[Sep 9,2005 1:14pm - the rooster  ""]
dislocating my shoulder (the second time).... worst pain i've ever fealt...EVER.

vomited it hurt so bad. then the dr's made me sit there for like 5 or 6 hours with it dislocated so that they could put me under anesthesia to get it back in (apparently even emptying your stomach contents into a bucket, you still can't get knocked out 8 hours after you eat something).

they gave me a morphine shot, but that did absolutely nothing for the pain...just made me completely wasted. everytime i was about to pass out from the morphine, the pain woke me up.... worst fucking night of my life.

the funny thing is that it was exactly one week before clitorture's first ever show, so i played the show with aboot an inch of athletic tape wrapped around it to hold it in place, but i couldn't move my arm at all above the elbow, so you can imagine how awkward it was to hold a guitar and play fucking grind at that point.....

haven't moshed since.
[Sep 9,2005 1:17pm - the rooster  ""]
Josh_Martin said:When I was 17 I crashed my tiny Honda Civic head-on into a van. Long story, had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.
I dislocated my hip. Remember that scene in Lethal Weapon when Mel Gibson escapes from a straitjacket by disclocating his shoulder? Someone says "doesn't that really hurt?" and Mel says "Yes, but not nearly as much as when I pop it back into place".
Well, that's totally true. Except it was my hip, not my shoulder, so it hurt 1000x more. Before the doctors popped my hip back into place they shot me up with morphine. My friend said he could still hear me screaming from the next room.
I had to spend two weeks in traction and most of that Summer on crutches.

the first time i dislocated my shoulder, the same this thappened... i was like 'wow this ain't so bad', then i popped it back in myself and wanted to die. so painful. i can imagine a hip sucking pretty bad.

both times it happened to my shoulder, the doc said that a shoulder dislocation is in the top 3 most painful things that can happen to someone. hip's probably #2.
[Sep 9,2005 1:32pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
When i was about 15 or 16 i was taking out an automatic transmission with my shop teacher and this other kid, and we when were carrying it, they decided to drop it onto tthe table without letting me know. Somehow it caught just my ring finger on my right hand, and the knee-jerk reaction was to yank my hand away, thus peeling the skin back from about my middle knuckle to about the tip of the finger.

When i was 13 i was skateboarding down this steep hill and got "speed wobbles", tried to jump off and tripped on my pants, and proceeded to fall and slide on my face for about 12 feet. I actually don't remember it happening, and i don't remember the cat scan or MRI that i got, i just remember waking up in my living room the next day. But from watching the video i imagine it was really painful.
[Sep 9,2005 1:34pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the rooster said:Josh_Martin said:When I was 17 I crashed my tiny Honda Civic head-on into a van. Long story, had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.
I dislocated my hip. Remember that scene in Lethal Weapon when Mel Gibson escapes from a straitjacket by disclocating his shoulder? Someone says "doesn't that really hurt?" and Mel says "Yes, but not nearly as much as when I pop it back into place".
Well, that's totally true. Except it was my hip, not my shoulder, so it hurt 1000x more. Before the doctors popped my hip back into place they shot me up with morphine. My friend said he could still hear me screaming from the next room.
I had to spend two weeks in traction and most of that Summer on crutches.

the first time i dislocated my shoulder, the same this thappened... i was like 'wow this ain't so bad', then i popped it back in myself and wanted to die. so painful. i can imagine a hip sucking pretty bad.

both times it happened to my shoulder, the doc said that a shoulder dislocation is in the top 3 most painful things that can happen to someone. hip's probably #2.

so what's number 1?
[Sep 9,2005 1:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Age 10, family road trip to Virginia. My sister stabbed me in my right eye with a pen. For a month after that a sharp pain would shoot from my eye to the base of my skull every time that eye tried to focus. I couldn't even move the eye laterally without the same pain for a few months.
[Sep 9,2005 1:57pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
when i was like 8 i was riding my bike reeeeaaaallllly fast down a long straight hill; there's a sharp corner at the end, full of trees that hang into the road. my cousin was speeding down the street that is on the other side of that corner on his bicycle, same side as i was riding on...the collision hurt like a bitch, the flight through the air was terrifying, and the up-close and personal hit/scrape for 10 feet on the ground was even worse. i was scraped on my arms, legs, face, neck, head and chest. it stung for at least 2 weeks, and i felt like i had been beaten with a concrete block for 3 weeks.

i've dislocated my right knee 3 times, all of which have resulted in my kneecap popping to the 3 o clock position, so a quarter of the way around my leg. the first time it happened was the worst; it was out for 4 and a half hours, then when the doctor popped it back in i bent the stretcher bars to a 45 degree angle.

for some reason this past winter i kept getting cankers on my the top, side and bottom of my tongue, as well as in the deep spaces in front of my front teeth, top and bottom. and a few on the insides of my cheeks, not all at once persay, but a few times it felt like i was eating razor blades.

when i was 10, we had a halloween parade at my school. i was a ghost. the kid behind me kept stepping on the back of my shoes telling me to go faster, even though i was just going with the pace of everyone else. we were going around a corner, out of the gym, and he stepped on my shoe just the right way for me to fall forward with all of my weight, smashing the corner of my right eyebrow into the corner of a concrete wall. that fucking ruled
[Sep 9,2005 2:01pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
DreamingInExile said:Appendicitis - worst pain imaginable, 3 days in the hospital, emergency surgery... Missed playing a show because I couldn't lift my guitar for like 2 weeks

yep...i had it, the worst was the day before i went to the hospital because it was just the most painful stomach pains i've ever had and i kept throwing up all day. the next day, there was only a little pain in my appendix area so i got taken to the hospital and had emergency surgery. except i was in the hospital for like 4 or 5 days cuz i kept spiking a fever. Oh, and this was all down the Cape when i was on vacation. LAME
[Sep 9,2005 2:15pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
When my father goes to the dentist he opts to forego any use of Novocain. Why you'd want a tooth pulled or have a route canal with no anesthesia is beyond me.
[Sep 9,2005 2:21pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
mark fucking richards said:when i was like 8 i was riding my bike reeeeaaaallllly fast down a long straight hill; there's a sharp corner at the end, full of trees that hang into the road. my cousin was speeding down the street that is on the other side of that corner on his bicycle, same side as i was riding on...the collision hurt like a bitch, the flight through the air was terrifying, and the up-close and personal hit/scrape for 10 feet on the ground was even worse. i was scraped on my arms, legs, face, neck, head and chest. it stung for at least 2 weeks, and i felt like i had been beaten with a concrete block for 3 weeks.

i've dislocated my right knee 3 times, all of which have resulted in my kneecap popping to the 3 o clock position, so a quarter of the way around my leg. the first time it happened was the worst; it was out for 4 and a half hours, then when the doctor popped it back in i bent the stretcher bars to a 45 degree angle.

for some reason this past winter i kept getting cankers on my the top, side and bottom of my tongue, as well as in the deep spaces in front of my front teeth, top and bottom. and a few on the insides of my cheeks, not all at once persay, but a few times it felt like i was eating razor blades.

when i was 10, we had a halloween parade at my school. i was a ghost. the kid behind me kept stepping on the back of my shoes telling me to go faster, even though i was just going with the pace of everyone else. we were going around a corner, out of the gym, and he stepped on my shoe just the right way for me to fall forward with all of my weight, smashing the corner of my right eyebrow into the corner of a concrete wall. that fucking ruled

[Sep 9,2005 2:22pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
my dad had an ambulance drop from a lift at his old job on his hand; it wasn't a hard fall, but it was still enough to hurt. some dude made a joke about it so my dad lifted the ambulance enough to get his hand out and went after the dude to beat the shit out of him, haha

my dad has terrible reactions to poison ivy; one time his entire right arm was coooooovered in poison ivy, so it got all bubbly and gross. it's indescribable. it was like that for almost a month, always stinging, sore and itchy, but my dad couldn't do anything but put ointment on it which made it even more irritable.

he also got 4 or 5 small pieces of metal stuck behind and on the side of his eyeball. he got sick of waiting at the emergency room so he picked the metal out of his own eyeball with some tweezers. toughest man alive.
[Sep 9,2005 2:24pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
dan_bloodblister said:mark fucking richards said:when i was like 8 i was riding my bike reeeeaaaallllly fast down a long straight hill; there's a sharp corner at the end, full of trees that hang into the road. my cousin was speeding down the street that is on the other side of that corner on his bicycle, same side as i was riding on...the collision hurt like a bitch, the flight through the air was terrifying, and the up-close and personal hit/scrape for 10 feet on the ground was even worse. i was scraped on my arms, legs, face, neck, head and chest. it stung for at least 2 weeks, and i felt like i had been beaten with a concrete block for 3 weeks.

i've dislocated my right knee 3 times, all of which have resulted in my kneecap popping to the 3 o clock position, so a quarter of the way around my leg. the first time it happened was the worst; it was out for 4 and a half hours, then when the doctor popped it back in i bent the stretcher bars to a 45 degree angle.

for some reason this past winter i kept getting cankers on my the top, side and bottom of my tongue, as well as in the deep spaces in front of my front teeth, top and bottom. and a few on the insides of my cheeks, not all at once persay, but a few times it felt like i was eating razor blades.

when i was 10, we had a halloween parade at my school. i was a ghost. the kid behind me kept stepping on the back of my shoes telling me to go faster, even though i was just going with the pace of everyone else. we were going around a corner, out of the gym, and he stepped on my shoe just the right way for me to fall forward with all of my weight, smashing the corner of my right eyebrow into the corner of a concrete wall. that fucking ruled


that reminds me...when i was 10 i also had a very heavy, dense, and hard rubber bart simpson doll thrown full force at my head by the same douchebag that tripped me. so i threw a chair at him, punched him in the kidney and hit him in the face with my hardcover math book....two weeks later he peed his pants so i told the entire school. it was awesome.
[Sep 9,2005 3:04pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Breaking three bones in my left foot at age 14 was probably the worst.

Getting my wisdom teeth pulled, well, two were pulled. The other two were hacked at and chipped away until I had two craters in my mouth oozing black blood down my throat, which made me gag. I wasn't out either. I was very much awake with novocaine not really doing it's job. My entire body was electric and stiff and after a while tears were rolling over my temples down to my ears. My painkillers did nothing but make me itch. I'm gritting my teeth just thinking about it all.
[Sep 9,2005 3:11pm - Josh_Martin ""]
When I was 9 I got hit by a car while on my bicycle. It happened right in front of my house. My mother called an ambulance and they took me to the hospital and x-rayed my head like 50,000 times. Everything seemed fine so they released me. They never once thought to check the rest of my body.
Two weeks later, my parents are on vacation in Europe so they stick me and my little brother with the grandparents. One day, while I was taking a shit, my knee popped out of place. It hurt like a motherfucker. Easily the worst pain I'd ever experienced up to that time.
So, I'm on the toilet, pants around my ankles, toilet full of shit, and in extreme agony. I'm too embarrased to yell for help though. Somehow, I manage to wipe my ass, pull my pants up, flush, and crawl out of the bathroom.
My grandfather was a first generation immigrant and not too wise in the ways of american doctors. He took me to this complete idiot who said "just put a heating pad on it". It seemed to work though. until my knee popped out again a week later.
By now my parents are back and they took me to a real doctor who immediately put me on crutches. Long story short, the impact of the accident ripped the cartilidge (spelling?) in my knee and it was just floating around all over the place. It required major surgery to fix. The doctor who performed the surgery is now the team doctor for the NY Giants.

[Sep 9,2005 3:14pm - Hooker nli  ""]
AC's new song "Your faggot knee popped out of joint while you were taking a shit, faggot."
[Sep 9,2005 3:23pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i got hit by a car when i was on a bike. this was when i was a hardass around 12. i threw my bike at the car and the lady just took it cuz she didnt wanna get sued. but then i went home to my mom and cried and went to the hospital and got bandaged up. it hurt like 8 bitches on a bitch boat plus it was scary as fuck. my heart is still beating like crazy from seeing a car coming at me.

also one time when i was younger and a dumb fuck kid, i ate a bunch of drugs and was standing with my teeth against the corner where 2 walls met. and i was just leaning there on my face and my best friend came up behind me and punched me in the back of my head. my teeth are still chipped. it probably would have hurt more if i was sober. but it did hurt for like 4 months. tooth pain sucks
[Sep 9,2005 4:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Tonight I might make a trip to the apartment complex I lived in until I was 10 so I can get a picture of the huge external staircase a kid fell off of while we were climbing on the railings.
[Sep 9,2005 5:10pm - malettey ""]
Hooker nli said:Getting my wisdom teeth pulled, well, two were pulled. The other two were hacked at and chipped away until I had two craters in my mouth oozing black blood down my throat, which made me gag. I wasn't out either. I was very much awake with novocaine not really doing it's job. My entire body was electric and stiff and after a while tears were rolling over my temples down to my ears. My painkillers did nothing but make me itch. I'm gritting my teeth just thinking about it all.

oh yay! i'm seeing a doctor next friday about possibly getting some wisdom teeth pulled! sounds like i'm in for a treat!:thescream:
[Sep 9,2005 6:10pm - davefromthegrave ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:When my father goes to the dentist he opts to forego any use of Novocain. Why you'd want a tooth pulled or have a route canal with no anesthesia is beyond me.


noun {U}
1 the obtaining of especially sexual pleasure from being hurt or controlled by another person

Compare sadism.


the enjoyment of an activity or situation that most people would find very unpleasant:

- I reckon you need to be into masochism to run marathons.
[Sep 9,2005 6:23pm - wakeoftears ""]
When I was 4, apparently I flew out of my little plastic swing on our deck and bashed my face. My top front teeth went through my bottom lip, but for some reason my sis who was the only one home didnt take me to the hospital. I dont remember this because I was so young, but I can still see and feel the scar on my bottom lip.

Another time when I was like 7 or 8, I was doing flips off the arm of my couch onto this chair... kinda hard to describe... but the point is I fucked up and twisted myself in the air and ended up completely slamming my achilles tendon on this end table. I screamed like a fucking bitch, and my family came running. They saw I only hit my heel and told me to shuttup and went on their way. No real damage done, but I still remember how much that shit hurt. I've never broken any bones or anything though so I cant really compare it to other injuries.
[Sep 9,2005 6:40pm - xxSFCxx ""]
I took a swing at this kid in highschool and he moved out of my way and I ran my hand into the tail light of a parked car. Hurt like a bitch but I still wont the fight. goes to show you its not how many (fingers you lose) its if your winning at the end of the fight or losen
[Sep 9,2005 8:14pm - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
between dirtbiking when i was younger and skateboarding, i cant even count the # of times ive been in excruciating pain, nevermind which one was the worst. i think it was the shoulder vs. tree on a dirtbike though
[Sep 9,2005 8:16pm - xxSFCxx ""]
never did the dirbiking thing but I did my fair shair of skateboards, and that shit killed but I never broke a bone.
[Sep 9,2005 8:17pm - succubus ""]
On our way to skatefest the rev told me that he was surprised I didn't go into details about my pains...as some of you know....I've had ovarian cysts rupture inside me..anyhow....sucks, oww and all that...in and out of the hospital....first time in a long time I'm cyst free
[Sep 9,2005 8:19pm - xxSFCxx ""]
GIRL ON THE BOARDS _ YAY .. not just a fest of meat heads.
[Sep 9,2005 11:52pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I broke my elbow when I was little, and cried for like 2 days straight. Trying to bend it after getting the cast off sucked a bit, too.

I broke my hand. At the hospital, they showed me the x-ray and the bone behind my right pinkie looked like a horseshoe. I almost puked when i saw it. Then my doc(former doc for the Texas Rangers and a real hardass) leaves, comes back in with his hands behind his back and asks "Are you 18 or older?"
me- "Yes."
Doc-"OK. Now say yes again."
me- "Yes"
then he grabs my broken hand with one hand, twists my elbow up, whips out a huge needle of novacaine, and stabs me in the funnybone with it. Then some in the hand, and then bends the bone back into shape. I still hate him.

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